Game over Newsom, Game OVER!

Good day all. Well, it looks like Govno Gavin Gruesome Newsom’s political career is circling the drain. The Kalifornistan Secretary of State has verified that enough valid signatures have been gathered to hold a recall election.

Gruesome Newsom’s minions originally downplayed the possibility that anyone would be able to collect enough signatures to force a recall, especially since Newsom has done everything he could to block people form actually gathering signatures. However, the Recall Newsom groups were able to pull it off, especially after they were permitted to extend the period to gather signatures. Now a recall election is going to happen. Here are the details from KESQ News Channel 3:

The California Secretary of State confirmed it has verified enough signatures to initiate the recall of Governor Gavin Newsom There were approximately 2,162,774 signatures for a recall election sent to the SOS. As of April 19, 1,626,042, or 80% of signatures, have been deemed valid.

The recall effort needed 1,495,709 verified signatures to trigger a recall election. That number makes up 12% of the 12,464,235 votes cast in the last election for Governor, according to the Secretary of State’s website.

The article goes on to detail all the little fiddly bits that have to happen in order for the Recall election to take place, however, it looks like sometime in the next few months, Kalifornistan will be removing their current disgrace and replacing him with a new….disgrace.

The recall election would take place later this year. The Lieutenant Governor is required to call a recall election to be held no less than 60 days nor more than 80 days from the date of certification of sufficient signatures.

According to the article, recall elections are handled a bit differently then normal elections. Theoretically, even if Gruesome Newsom gets more votes then the challengers, he could still be booted out of office.

In recall elections, voters are first asked whether they would like to get rid of the incumbent. The next part is selecting a replacement from the list of challengers. Newsom, the incumbent, would not be on the list.

If the “yes” vote gets more than 50% of votes, whichever challenger comes in first on the replacement list is immediately hired as the state’s new governor. The challenger doesn’t need to get more than 50% of the vote, they just need to come in first from the list of replacements.

There is precedent on this. In 2003, Govno Gray Davis was booted out in a recall election, (The first successful one held in Kaifornsitan’s history), and Arnold Schwarzenegger, who had 49% of the vote, was elected to replace him. As to who will replace Numbnuts Newsom, that is up in the air.

The GOP has only 24% of registered California voters, but organizers said they are attracting Democrats and independents.

I think one reason the GOP might do well this time is the disaster that the Democrats have made of Kalifornistan. The census figures are being processed and it looks like Kalifornistan is going to lose at least one house seat, possibly 2. This has never happened before since Kalifornistan became a state. (Of course that was back when it was known as California and it wasn’t being run by morons, moonbats, progressives and communists)

Critics said Newsom has been too restrictive during the health crisis, shuttering businesses and limiting people’s activities far longer than necessary. They also say he has not followed his own directives, notably when he attended a lobbyist’s birthday party at the fancy French Laundry restaurant last fall as he was telling Californians to stay home.

I believe it was that dumb move that really kicked the recall movement into high gear. Numbnuts Newsom wasn’t just hypocritical, he was also arrogant at a level not seen since Marie Antoinette. And now the recall Guillotine is coming for Newsom. Of course, there are some who think Newsom, other then a few “Minor” issues, was just great as Der Fuehrer.

“There are a lot of Democrats who are frustrated,” Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon conceded after Newsom’s State of the State speech in March. But Rendon, a Democrat who sometimes is at odds with Newsom, said the governor deserves credit, not condemnation, for a smart and measured response to the pandemic.

Measured response? Try flat out unconstitutional and tyrannical, but then the Speaker is a member of the Democratic CommuNazi party that has turned the State of California into the Turd World failed state known as the People’s Demokratic Repulik of Kalifornistan, where businesses are saying “That’s all Folks!” and are moving out and taking their money with them.

Getting rid of Newsom will be a good first step, depending on who replaces him. However, until the nitwits in Kalifornistan flush out the entire state Legislature, not to mention most of the incompetent morons at the county and city levels, the state will not recover. Considering just how dumb most of the voters are, I don’t expect things to improve. Still, seeing Gruesome Gavin Newsom utterly humiliated is a good first step.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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