Dept of InJustice going after man who debunked the fake Trump Dossier

Good day all. In the realm of “No good deed goes unpunished,” the official who showed that the fake dossier used by the Democratic CommuNazis to “Get Trump!” is now under investigation. For what you are asking? He is being accused of leaking classified information.

The person the Deep State is out to get for proving that the Dossier was a fraud is Kash Patel, a former Republican congressional aide. It was he who debunked the Dossier that the corrupt officials in the DoJ and FBI were using to overthrow President Trump. Now they are going after him to get their revenge. Here are some of the details from the Daily Wire:

Kash Patel, the former GOP congressional aide who uncovered the FBI’s surveillance abuse against the Trump campaign, is the target of a federal leak investigation, according to a report from The Washington Post.

David Ignatius, a columnist for the Post, reported Friday that two sources familiar with the probe said that Patel is being investigated for unauthorized disclosures of classified information.

And how did this load of manure get started? I’ll give you three guesses, but you will only need one.

The investigation was sparked by a complaint made by an intelligence agency, according to Ignatius.

We’ve known for a while that the “Intelligence community” has had it in for President Trump since he won the 2016 election. They were pushing the Fake Dossier early on, and if this had been anyone else but Donald Trump, that person would probably have resigned. President Trump, not being the usual GOPe loser, fought back and it was people like Mr. Patel that burrowed in and found the truth.

By his own admission, Patel has ruffled feathers in the intelligence community, FBI and Justice Department due to his aggressive efforts to unlock details of the counterintelligence investigation against the 2016 Trump campaign.

While working on Capitol Hill, Patel played a central role in the investigation that uncovered details about the infamous Steele dossier, as well as the FBI’s use of Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants against former Trump campaign aide Carter Page.

And the attempt by the Deep State Secret Police, (Hmm, a new acronym?), formally known as the FBI, to frame and railroad anyone associated with President Trump is well known now, in spite of the cover ups and fake new by the Democratic CommuNazi Propaganda Corps.

At ODNI, Patel helped push through the declassification of a trove of documents related to the dossier and the FISA warrants which have proved embarrassing for the FBI.

And there is the motive to go after Mr. Patel. He had the temerity to stand up to the DSSP and now he must be punished.

Patel did not respond to a request for comment about the Post report. But one of Patel’s former colleagues speculated that if he is under investigation, it is likely because of his role debunking the narrative that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia.

Gee, I wonder why Mr. Patel had no interest in talking with the Washington Compost? Could it be that he has no confidence in their actually reporting the news instead of manufacturing it?

Kash embarrassed intelligence officials by getting documents declassified showing the Russia collusion investigation was a fraud,” the former Patel colleague told The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Now they’re getting payback and making an example out of him.”

Patel’s former colleague spoke on the condition of anonymity because of a possible ongoing investigation.

No surprise there of course. The DoJ and FBI have not been covering themselves in glory for a while now and since the Great Election Theft of 2020, have gotten even worse. Recently, they have been going after people regarding the January 6th incident who weren’t even in Washington that day, (And can prove it), and basically had nothing to do with what happened. They just happened to say something the DSSP didn’t approve of.

With the installation of Merrick Garland as Attorney General, we can expect a return to the bad old days of the Holder and Lynch regimes. It may even get worse since we have a senile, corrupt idiot in the White House, and his handlers along with the full Democratic CommuNazi party are going full on totalitarian and are actively going after anyone who supports President Trump. This is not how a republican form of democracy is supposed to work.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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