Flaming Cuomo spent months hiding his Covid body count

Good day all. Govno Andrew “Flaming” Cuomo is once again in a photo finish with multiple investigations. Currently he is facing an impeachment over his sexual misconduct towards female staffers. He is also being investigated over his recent book and whether or not state resources were used to make and market it.

The one thing that isn’t being looked into is the thousands of elderly people who are dead directly due to his actions. Much has come out over Flaming Cuomo’s order to put recovering Wuhan Flu patients into nursing homes with high numbers of seriously at risk people. These nursing homes told Flaming Cuomo they weren’t set up to handle this situation. Flaming Cuomo flat out threatened them with everything up to and including prison if they didn’t take in the patients.

When the expected happened, and thousands of elderly patients got sick and died, Flaming Cuomo did two things. He lied about who was responsible and he covered up the actual number of people who died. Now we’re finding out just how bad things were thanks to this “Committer of Eldercide.” Here are the details from the Post Millennial:

Governor Cuomo spent months silencing health officials and working with aides to hide the real number of deaths in New York nursing homes.

The public and state lawmakers asked repeatedly for the Governor’s office to provide an accurate count of how many New Yorkers died of COVID in nursing homes. However, Cuomo and his top aides worked over several months to prevent that information from being shared, according to The New York Times.

Cuomo has been considered the “Golden Child” by the Democratic CommuNazi Propaganda Corps, and until the sexual harassment accusations started coming out, were actively flushing any negative reports right down the memory hole.

Cuomo’s team silenced New York’s own public health officials, including the commissioner Howard Zucker, from releasing an accurate depiction of how many people were dying in New York nursing homes. This occurred as Cuomo instituted policies to prevent nursing homes from turning away patients infected with COVID-19 who had just been released from hospital.

Cuomo also stopped an academic paper with this data from being published, going on to withhold the results of an audit for months after it was finished. Two letters that detailed the gravity of the situation were also thrown away at the direction of the Governor’s office.

Flaming Cuomo at the beginning of the Great Panicdemic of 2020 issued an order that nursing homes could not turn away patients released from the hospital who were recovering from the China Virus. These patients were still somewhat infectious although they personally were over the hump and into recovery.

In March of 2020, Cuomo stated that nursing homes could not turn away patients just released from the hospital for COVID-19. Over the 2 months that the policy remained in place, thousands of people died in nursing homes from COVID which came directly from the hospital. The original death count was thought to be around 6000 people.

And we now know that Flaming Cuomo flat out lied about this.

Problems arose when it became clear that those who were transferred from hospitals to nursing homes were not being counted as nursing home deaths. An accurate count of nursing home deaths was only released by the state attorney general in January of 2021. This report revealed that Cuomo under-reported nursing home deaths by as much as 50 percent. The real number of nursing home deaths in New York as of April 2021 is 15,500.

When this report came out, Flaming Cuomo denied everything, or tried blaming others. The reason for this can be laid at the feet of greed. Cuomo was working on his book, (Or having his staffers do it on State Time)

It has now been discovered that Cuomo and his aides knew the accurate number of nursing home deaths last spring, yet withheld the numbers and covered up the amount of deaths. This happened while Cuomo began writing, pitching and marketing a book on his response to the pandemic.

Andrew Flaming Cuomo needs to resign from office. That megalomaniacal psychopath not only won’t do that, he’s denying he did anything wrong, and that any problems were someone else’s fault, not his. (And all those women he harassed came on to him and were asking for it) If the New York State Legislature actually cared at all about the people of New York, the impeachment of Andrew Cuomo would already be underway.

In a just America, (Something that does not exist now), Cuomo would already be under arrest for mass murder. It’s one thing to make a mistake on bad information, but Cuomo, (and the other idiot Governors who issued the same orders), was repeatedly told that this was a very bad idea. He refused to hear this and doubled down until the body count got to high. Only then did he change his policy.

However, Flaming Cuomo continued to hide the actual numbers from the media, the state legislature and the Federal Government. If it hadn’t been for the digging done by a meteorologist working for Fox News, Janice Dean, who lost her In-laws to Covid Cuomo’s murderous incompetence, he might have been able to bury this. Now the question is, will Andrew Flaming Cuomo be impeached and removed from office, or will he be indicted and sent to a nice prison where he can contemplate his failings as a human being? Frankly, I think the scumbag will manage to ride it out again.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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