Kalifornistan News Crew robbed after police defunded

Good day all. Kalifornistan, as we all know, is misruled by Progressives, Liberals, Moonbats and Clowns. They have been foursquare on board for the Defund the Police movement sweeping the lawless progressive run cities. Many in the media have been cheering this on. Now they are reaping what they have sewn.

Recently, the Chief of Police warned that there would be repercussions after the city council cut his budget significantly. Well, it didn’t take very long for that to happen. Here are the details from Fox News:

A pair of robbers in Oakland, California, held up a television news crew at gunpoint just hours after the city’s police chief warned of safety concerns following officials’ decision to slash his department’s budget by more than $18 million, police said. 

The news crew was filming an interview with the city’s director of violence prevention outside City Hall around 3 p.m. local time Monday when two armed suspects tried to take their camera, the Oakland Police Department said in a statement. A scuffle broke out and a private security guard, contracted by the news agency, pulled out his gun and told the robbers to leave.

Well, it was a good thing that the news crew had something that the Progressive want to deny everyone else, a good guy with a gun.

At the time, the crew was interviewing Guillermo Cespedes, head of the city’s Department of Violence Prevention, the police department confirmed.

Talk about an epic fail. Fortunately, no one was hurt. Unfortunately, this includes the criminals. The only thing that would have made this even richer would be if the “victims” had been members of the mayors office and city council were the ones with a gun stuck in their faces, being told to “Stand and Deliver.” This is what you get when you let the moonbats loose.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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