Leftists want to stop another pipeline, but their “Allies” oppose them

Good day all. The Progressive Liberal totalitarians are once again trying to destroy the United States, one good paying job at a time. They are going after yet another pipeline that’s under construction, claiming it’s to help the “Native Americans.”

There is just one detail the leftists are leaving out. This pipeline is being built by Native Americans and shutting it down will throw them out of work. Needless to say, they aren’t to happy with the “Ever so caring Progressive Liberal idiots.” Here are the details from Fox News:

Matt Gordon, vice president of his family’s construction company in Mahnomen, Minnesota, and a member of the White Earth Nation tribe, was troubled when environmental protesters – some claiming to speak for Native Americans – vandalized his company’s equipment.

Gordon Construction is among the Native-owned companies that are contracting with the Canadian energy firm Enbridge on the construction of Line 3, a pipeline carrying oil from Canada into the United States. But climate activists – emboldened by stopping the Keystone XL Pipeline – have made Line 3 their new target. 

Earlier this month, hundreds of activist descended on the construction site and many of them vandalized contractor equipment, broke into construction trailers, damaged environmental safeguards intended to control erosion and attempted to trap workers while occupying the site, according to Enbridge

“I’m a contractor for excavation and all of my equipment on site was vandalized,” Matt Gordon told Fox News. “For the most part, a majority of the people are for the pipeline. Everybody enjoys gasoline and plastic products. The opponents are shielding themselves with Native Americans. Most of the protesters were White. Line 3 has brought back millions of dollars to the reservations.”

These vermin don’t care. As far as they’re concerned, you poor ignorant people are to ignorant to know what’s good for you. Only the “Great White Progressive Mother, Father, Birthing Person and Sperm Supplier” can speak for you because they have spent years in college learning how to be true Warriors for Social(ist), Justice. What you need to understand, is that they have a burden because they are white and must progressively progress you into the great progressive future of progress.

More than 500 Native Americans are part of the Line 3 workforce, and the project could benefit Native American-owned small businesses in the region, with a total of 5,200 construction jobs, according to Enbridge.

Those are not low paying jobs either. If the Progressive White Racists Liberal Progressives manage to kill this pipeline, it will be a repeat of what happened with Keystone. Thousand of people suddenly out of work and looking at poverty.

On June 8, a day after the protest, vandalism and property damage, Gordon joined five other Native business leaders representing their firms and the tribes of Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa, the Boise Forte Band of Chippewa, the Leech Lake band of Ojibwe and the White Earth Nation. 

“This not only created a hardship for our workers, it created additional challenges for our companies,” the Native American business leaders said in the letter. “Protests that disrupt work, damage property, and threaten our employees while claiming to be on behalf of our Native people is creating additional tension and consequences within our tribal communities. They also intentionally create a false narrative that there is no Native American support for this project and the economic impacts and opportunities it brings to our people.”

I have a solution, and it’s a harsh one. Put armed volunteers out there, preferably any who have military experience with simple instructions. If they spot these scum wrecking equipment, just shoot them. Don’t screw around, blow their pointy liberal heads off. In fact, make it known that these people are out there, they are not going to make themselves known to the vandals, they’re just going to blow them away. You would be surprised how fast these cowardly moonbats tuck and run.

Native American lawyer Tara Houska, a member of the Couchiching First Nation, has been the leader of the anti-Line 3 protests for seven years, according to The Washington Post. Houska, of International Falls, Minnesota, is a former adviser to Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt. Celebrities Jane Fonda and Catherine Keener joined Houska in the June 7 march. She reportedly told the crowd to “protect the sacred” and oppose the pipeline, “For our daughters, for our sons, for the animals, for the water.”

I would suggest that the owners of the damaged equipment file a lawsuit against Big Screaming Thundercunt as an accessory or something. I’ll leave that to others better schooled in ambulance chasing. As to he reason for the construction, they aren’t expanding or adding capacity. This pipeline is mean to replace an old one already in place.

The $4 billion Line 3 project is replacing an aging pipeline, running 1,000 miles long from Alberta, Canada, to Superior, Wisconsin. About 60% of the 350-mile portion in Minnesota – near the Mississippi River – has been built, according to the Post.

Good. They are proactively replacing a 60 year old pipe with a new, state of the art pipeline with, I assume, much better safety systems. That means nothing to the Communists of course. Their goal is the destruction of the United States by any means available.

National climate activists have been heavily involved as well, such as Bill McKibben, founder of 350.org., who insists that with the Keystone XL Pipeline defeated, Minnesota’s Line 3 must be the next to go. 

“Call Line 3 Keystone, the Sequel,” McKibben wrote this month in a New York Times op-ed. “If Keystone failed the climate test, how could Line 3, with an initial capacity of 760,000 barrels a day, possibly pass? It’s as if the oil industry turned in an essay, got a failing grade, ignored every comment and then turned in the same essay again – except this time it was in ninth grade, not fourth. It’s not like the climate crisis has somehow improved since 2015 – it’s obviously gotten far worse. At this point, approving Line 3 would be absurd.”

The Keystone pipeline shut down cost at least 10,000 jobs, and I understand it’s being challenged in court. While the company has given up, there are a lot of wheels turning that sunk a lot of money into this. They are going to want to be compensated. As for all that climate garbage? That is nothing more then a flat out lie by the Progressives to loot and control the average American.

McKibben continued that “the Biden administration must soon decide” on whether to halt the project. He also pushed the Native American narrative by noting that a Customs and Border Protection helicopter hovered over the recent protest to try to break it up.

Oh I have no doubt that Dementia Joe’s handlers already have the Executive Order written up and ready to be signed. However, it isn’t just stopping the pipeline these scum want. It’s also a flat out land grab.

“In an era when officials talk constantly about coming to terms with the dark parts of American history, I doubt Mr. Biden actually wants to sic the cops on Native elders as they sit at the headwaters of one of America’s most storied rivers, on land that, as Native leaders are pointing out, by treaty should fall under Native control,” McKibben wrote.

You mean under YOUR PERSONAL control, don’t you?

The pipeline is a national security issue, Orr added, since it allows more energy cooperation with Canada than with the Middle East. “The Keystone pipeline was delayed to death. That’s what opponents want to do here.

“If the fuel doesn’t go through the pipeline, it goes through rail,” Orr said. “Opponents think if it doesn’t go through the pipeline then you keep it in the ground. That’s not true. Transporting it by rail just causes more emissions, makes it more costly, but it provides more pain on the oil and gas producing regions.”

Oh it’s worse then that. Trains can and do derail. Granted, pipelines leak, but when they do it’s very localized and they have systems in place to stop the oil from flowing. They also have processes and procedures in place to repair the pipeline and clean up anything that spilled. When a few hundred tankers derail, you have tens of thousands of barrels of oil leaking into the environment, and if it catches fire, you have an even bigger mess on your hands.

As for those progressive hypocrites, how about asking them to give up everything that relies on oil. You know, their cars, phones, homes, clothes everything. They can go live naked in the forest. It’s long past time to put an end to these “Ever so Caring” Marxist totalitarian scum. They do not care who they hurt as long as they get what they want. It’s time to show them what pain is like. Let’s start with going after them with the law, and I would also go after a few judges who issue these asinine rulings ordering more and more studies for no reason. Bankrupt them, go to the State Bar associations and file complaints. Do unto them what they like to do to others.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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