Illegals angry that they haven’t been given amnesty

Good day all. One of the things that the progressive liberal Democratic CommuNazis like to promise is giving criminal aliens amnesty for breaking American immigration laws. As usual, Dementia Joe made the promise when he was sleepwalking through the campaign.

Now the criminals are demanding he keep his promise and make them instant American citizens and forgive them all their previous criminal activities. Here are the details from Fox News:

Over 200 protesters gathered Tuesday afternoon in Lafayette Square across from the White House to demand a pathway to citizenship, also known as amnesty, for the millions of illegal immigrants living in the United States.

Throughout the afternoon rally-goers could be heard across the park shouting chants in both Spanish and English such as “No papers, no fear!” and “What do we want? Citizenship. When do we want it? Now!”

And what to the majority of real Americans and Real lawful resident aliens want for these people. A general round up and speedy deportment back to the Turd world hell holes they came from and belong in.

Tuesday also marked the ninth anniversary of DACA, which allows certain undocumented immigrants brought to the United States as young children, often called “dreamers,” a temporary reprieve from deportation.

“DACA is the floor, we want a pathway to citizenship,” shouted a young man holding a clipboard who appeared to be emceeing the event, which was hosted by immigrant advocacy group United We Dream.

DACA is an illegal Executive order promulgated by Barack Obama. When President Trump tried to undo it, the Obama judges, in a blatantly illegal and unconstitutional manner usurped authority they do not have and prevented President Trump from ending it.

The same man announced, with police within earshot, that he was living in the United States illegally.

“My whole life I lived in the shadows, not only as an undocumented man, but also as a queer man,” he said.

This scumbag is a criminal, but he’s also protected by the CommuNazis at all levels of government. He can rape, rob and murder and nothing will be done about it.

A woman who identified herself as Joella Roberts told the crowd she was living in the United States “undocumented and unafraid.”

“My name is Joella Roberts. I use she/her pronouns. I was born in Trinidad and Tobago. I am undocumented and unafraid!” shouted Roberts. 

And this piece of trash is going to be one of the reasons this country implodes.

The protesters, whose ultimate goal is citizenship for millions of undocumented immigrants, directed much of their ire at President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, who they say lied to them. 

“President Biden promised to take action within the first 100 days of being elected,” said the man emceeing the event. “What a change of tone, right? When it was just [this] past week when we heard Vice President Kamala Harris say, ‘Do not come. Do not come.’” 

There are a few small problems with the Fake President’s promise. To begin with, it would require an act of congress. You know, passing a bill through the house and senate that he can then sign. Such a bill, while it would make it through the house, would be filibustered in the Senate, and if the CommuNazis still managed to ram it through, there’s a good chance that this would tip people over the edge.

Roberts was even more direct, saying Harris “lied” to the immigrant community. “Kamala Harris lied and said she would help us,” shouted Roberts from a megaphone. 

The protesters also took aim at the top immigration law enforcement agencies with chants of “Shame! Shame! Shame!” after Roberts slammed Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Customs and Border Protection (CBP). 

“ICE and CBP are the largest funded police agencies in this country,” Roberts said to the crowd, which then responded with “”Shame! Shame! Shame!”

This criminal, and that is exactly what she is, is just the sort of person we do not want or need in this country. Frankly, she should be picked up and put on a plane back to Trinidad right now. As far as I’m concerned, when trash like this cow put targets on themselves, we should pull the trigger and deport her fat criminal ass.

Despite being in the country illegally and not being eligible to vote, Roberts shouted toward the White House in a symbolic gesture to Biden that it was undocumented immigrants who put him in office and that he is “accountable” to them.

“Now we’re going to turn to the White House because we are here to talk to someone that we put in office, that we put in office!” yelled Roberts. “Despite having no political power, we use our social power to get him in office, so he’s accountable to us!”

No, he isn’t. Never mind that I believe that Dementia Joe and Heels Up Harris were part of a conspiracy to steal the 2020 election, he is technically the chief law enforcement officer in the country. His deputy, the completely worthless Attorney General, is required by law, to arrest your criminal ass and ship you out of the country. They are NOT accountable to you, and frankly, you have no rights at all.

One of the things that most Americans agree on, is that the Greatest President of the 21st Century was finally starting to get the border under control. We’ve seen what the Fake President has done since he sleazed his way into office. The border is now a war zone and the states are starting to claim authority to deal with it since the Federal Government is refusing to.

The border states, led by Texas, are beginning to look into deploying their own militias, (Which are NOT the National Guard), to the border to handle the masses of foreign invaders now flooding into the United States. Texas is taking over the construction of the Trump Wall, and if they do decide to deploy the Texas Militia to the border, I fully expect shots to be fired.

Things are coming to a boil now, and this illegal criminal alien is turning up the fire. This can lead to vigilantism, although summery execution will not be the way to go. Rounding up the illegals and flying them out of the country, (or shipping them, whichever is more cost effective), with no judicial recourse, (Which they shouldn’t have. That’s for Citizens and legal resident aliens), and dumped somewhere that isn’t in the United States.

Militias standing guard along the border and, if necessary firing on criminals crossing the border. Yes, this will cause a constitutional crisis, but I think we’re having one now. May as well go full bore. As for this Roberts bitch? Pick her up, put her on a plane and fly her out. If you’re feeling generous, she can land at the same time as the plane, not 15-20 minutes before it.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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