Alexandria Occasional-Cortex: “Profit for me, but not for Thee”

Good day all. Once again it’s time for another entry in the journals of “What has that idiot, Alexandria Occasional-Cortex done now?”

Alexandria Occasional-Cortex likes to refer to herself as a “Democratic Socialist.” Basically, she’s a Communist, and like all good communists, she has no trouble enriching herself while impoverishing “The masses.” Here are the details of her latest scheme from the Daily Caller:

New York Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez invested a large sum of money into political merchandise for her online store since the start of 2021, Reuters reported Monday. 

The merchandise includes items with slogans such as “AOC,” “Tax the Rich,” and “Fight for our Future.” Ocasio-Cortez’ campaign paid Financial Innovations, a political merchandise firm, over $1.4 million, according to the Federal Election Commission, Reuters reported

$1.4 million dollars? Where did she get that kind of money? Granted, she makes well into 6 figures as the alleged representative of her district, however I don’t think she’s made that much, unless she’s using campaign funds.

The purpose of Ocasio-Cortez’ online store is to fundraise for her campaign while also making her name more notable in the Democratic Party, according to Reuters. “It’s a sign she is nurturing her massive influence,” Andrew Frawley, who helped manage merchandise operation for Andrew Yang’s 2020 campaign, said, according to Reuters. Frawley also said this campaign could be making at least a 50% profit, if not more, from the merchandise sales.

50% profit? How does she resolve this with her stated goal of a socialist economy? For a true Socialist/Communist, profit is a dirty word. The oil companies that she hates so much only make about a nickel a gallon on gasoline.

Ocasio-Cortez has over 8 million followers on Instagram and has shot videos and interviews, such as one with Vogue in 2020, in which she detailed her beauty routine. Since the November election, her campaign has raised around $6.9 million.

One would assume that she does have ambitions for higher office. Having a big bank account is certainly useful for that,” said Political Scientist Erika Franklin Fowler, Reuters reported.

Personally, I suspect that she’s using that slush fund for her own personal use. Like all middle and upper middle class moonbats, she had a taste of living hand to mouth after college and now that she has money, wants to live the lifestyle she feels she’s entitled to. As for the rest of America? In her worldview, the people exist to serve her, not the other way around.

Flipping over to the Routers story on this:

“One would assume that she does have ambitions for higher office. Having a big bank account is certainly useful for that,” said Erika Franklin Fowler, a political scientist affiliated with the Wesleyan Media Project’s Delta Lab research group, which calculated that the share of Ocasio-Cortez’ Facebook ads offering merchandise late last year was more than twice that of other House candidates.

AOC has been making noises about running for UpChuck Schumer’s seat in the next election. (I believe UpChuck has to run in 2022) Considering that AOC has managed to piss off most of the New York leadership, it’s going to take a lot of money to bounce Schumer in the Primary.

AOC may also have to run for the Senate since New York has lost at least one Congressional seat, and there are rumors that the legislature might combine her district with two others, forcing her to run in an area that might not support her. In any case, all this proves that Alexandria Occasional-Cortex is just like any other Socialist/Communist. A complete and utter hypocrite.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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