Supreme Court declares Eviction ban unconstitutional Liberals Freak Out

Good day all. In the sea of bad news, there has been some good news. Recently, the Supreme Court rules that President Bumbles Dementia’s ban on evictions was unconstitutional.

The ban was originally put in place by the Centers for Disease Control ostensibly to keep people locked up by their incompetence and not able to work from being thrown out for not paying their rent. There were a number of problems with this. Many people who were working from home and could pay their rent, stopped.

There was also the question of the authority of the CDC to actually issue this order. Finally, there was the problem of compensation. Supposedly, landlords were going to be compensated for their inability to kick deadbeats out of their property. Almost none of the appropriated funds actually made it to the landlords, opening the issue of a 5th Amendment government taking. A case finally made it to the Supreme Court and it has been ruled that the ban was, in fact, not constitutional. Here are the details from Fox Business:

The United States Supreme Court has struck down President Biden’s eviction moratorium, ruling that it can only be extended via action from Congress.

“If a federally imposed eviction moratorium is to continue,” the ruling said about the moratorium Biden imposed as a means of protecting renters negatively affected by the coronavirus, “Congress must specifically authorize it.”

This was a regulatory decision and not so much a 5th Amendment case. The CDC did and has continued to assert powers they flat out do not have.

The three liberal justices on the court, Justices Sotomayor, Kagan, and Breyer, dissented from the ruling.

Of course, the maladministration of President Bumbles Dementia was disappointed in the ruling.

“The Biden administration is disappointed that the Supreme Court has blocked the most recent CDC eviction moratorium while confirmed cases of the delta variant are significant across the country,” White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said late Thursday. “As a result of this ruling, families will face the painful impact of evictions, and communities across the country will face greater risk of exposure to COVID-19. In light of the Supreme Court ruling and the continued risk of COVID-19 transmission, President Biden is once again calling on all entities that can prevent evictions – from cities and states to local courts, landlords, Cabinet agencies – to urgently act to prevent evictions.”

In other words, we’re perfectly happy in bankrupting landlords and forcing them into foreclosure so our pals in the banks can take over the properties for next to nothing. Of course, the fact that most of the people not paying can afford to means nothing to the tyrants, criminals and other progressives. Certainly NOT the Constitution! As for the usual suspects on the Left, they went, not unexpectedly, absolutely apeshit. In this story on Fox News:

Democrats are lashing out at the Supreme Court for blocking President Biden’s eviction moratorium.

“If a federally imposed eviction moratorium is to continue,” the ruling said about the moratorium Biden imposed as a means of protecting renters financially affected by the coronavirus, “Congress must specifically authorize it.”

Which makes sense. This has caused massive economic hardship for small landlords, and although the ruling dealt with the regulatory authority of the CDC, it also, basically, told Congress to do it’s job for a change. (No doubt the 5th Amendment Takings clause would be another case)

Democrats quickly mobilized to delegitimize the court’s ruling

House Democratic Caucus Chair Hakeem Jeffries claimed the “Supreme Court does not have a scintilla of credibility” after the decision.

I assume that you aren’t interested in actually doing the job you were elected and are paid for?

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio attacked the Supreme Court as a “group of right-wing extremists” that ruled to “throw families out of their homes during a global pandemic.”

“This is an attack on working people across our country and city,” de Blasio tweeted Thursday. “New York won’t stand for this vile, unjust decision.”

Yeah, right. Of course Comrade Billbo Dumbass is also considered the worst mayor in America. His “administration” has destroyed the economy of New York City, and there are a lot of people who want him decorating a lamp post. Then we have the Suicide Squad shooting off their mouths.

“Squad” member Rep. Cori Bush, D-Mo., claimed that if the Supreme Court “thinks this partisan ruling is going to stop us from fighting to keep people housed, they’re wrong.”

Yep, you’re all in favor of Communist housing. By the way, I’ve seen the type of housing that commie wants to impose on everyone first hand. No thanks. I prefer something that doesn’t look like a scenario location in a video game. Next we have the Communazis favorite idea when court cases go against them. Pack the court!

Rep. Mondaire Jones, D-N.Y., used the ruling to push the far-left idea of packing the Supreme Court.

If your member of Congress isn’t a cosponsor of the Judiciary Act, which would expand the Supreme Court to restore balance, today would be a good day to urge them to be.

Jamaal Bowman

The unhoused are more at risk of assault, hunger, mental illness, and contracting or dying from COVID-19. This decision, by a Republican-packed Supreme Court, will put millions of people in danger.

And it goes on and on. For far to long the Progressive Liberal Democratic Communazis have used the courts as their fall back when those uppity Americans decide to do something their betters disapprove of. Since the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, was able to take the courts away from the Communazis and put it back on the side of the Constitution, they have been screaming bloody blue murder and threatening to “Pack” it with judges who will basically revoke the Constitution, and start the Second American Civil War.

As was mentioned earlier, the Progressives on the court sides with suppressing the constitution. The Constitutionalists wrote:

The CDC has imposed a nationwide moratorium on evictions in reliance on a decades-old statute that authorizes it to implement measures like fumigation and pest extermination,” the decision reads. “It strains credulity to believe that this statute grants the CDC the sweeping authority that it asserts.”

It doesn’t and that is why they majority, who have actually read the Constitution, ruled they way they did. The others?

Justice Stephen Breyer dissented from Thursday’s decision, with fellow liberal Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan joining him. Breyer argued that the relevant statute does grant the CDC “authority to design measures that, in the agency’s judgment, are essential to contain disease outbreaks.”

“The public interest is not favored by the spread of disease or a court’s second-guessing of the CDC’s judgment,” Breyer wrote in the dissent. “The public interest strongly favors respecting the CDC’s judgment at this moment, when over 90% of counties are experiencing high transmission rates.”

Breyer has always been one who considered the Constitution to be a “Living” document, and that its meaning doesn’t actually reflect what it says. As far as he is concerned, the Government has all the rights and the People have certain privileges granted to them by their “Betters.” That the three moonbats have such contempt for the Constitution shows that they should either step down or be removed.

How much would you care to wager that almost all of the deadbeats facing eviction will “Suddenly” find the money they owe? Frankly, they should be booted out anyway. The next lawsuit should be under the 5th Amendment, the Takings Clause, and should hammer the CDC’s budget. It’s long past time that these out of control agencies get taken to the proverbial woodshed.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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