McConnell announces he won’t Impeach Biden

Good day all. Currently, there are calls across America for President Bumbles Dementia to be removed from office, either through the 25th Amendment or by impeaching him in the house and convicting him in the Senate. This is, as designed, very difficult to do. It doesn’t help when the Senate Minority leader announces that it won’t happen.

Recently, Noted Republican squish, Mitch McConnell, said that people can just forget about removing Dementia Joe from office. Why? Because the Democrats control the House and Senate, so it’s a waste of time. Here are the details from Fox News:

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said Wednesday that President Joe Biden would not be impeached over his withdrawal from Afghanistan because both the House and Senate are Democrat-controlled.

“The president is not going to be removed from office,” McConnell said during an event in Pikeville, Kentucky. “Its a Democratic house, a narrowly Democratic Senate, that’s not going to happen.”

McConnell also insisted that the best way certain “behaviors get adjusted in this country is at the ballot box,” signaling that voters who are upset with Biden’s leadership should take to the polls.

“There isn’t going to be any impeachment,” McConnell said, adding that Republicans’ political prospects looked excellent.

Nice to see Cocaine Mitch is actively protecting the most incompetent, corrupt administration in history. Speaking of history, he might want to recall what happened with Richard Nixon. He too was facing impeachment, and he would have been convicted in the Senate. How you ask? Did the Democrats have the absolute majority they needed to remove him?

The answer is no, they didn’t. The Republican party saw the crimes that Nixon was a party to, (The cover-up, not the actual break in), and understood that the country, the law and the Constitution came first. McConnell should be working with the opposition leadership to seek President Bumbles Dementia’s removal from office.

Granted, the Democrats basic philosophy is “Me First, Party Second, the Country? Not on the list,” but there are a few who are beginning to see what a disaster the maladministration is, and the rage building out in flyover country. This won’t be the fake impeachments pulled by the Communazis for political reasons against the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump. It will be an impeachment with hard evidence of malfeasance, incompetence and, potentially, aiding enemies of the United States. We can also add his abandoning of potentially thousands of Americans and lawful resident aliens as well.

McConnell’s remarks come amid a growing number of calls to impeach the president for his poorly handled withdrawal from Afghanistan, which left 13 U.S. service members dead, several others wounded, and potentially hundreds of Americans stranded along with thousands of Afghans who assisted the U.S.

McConnell didn’t use to be this politically tone deaf. The other senior Republicans, both in and out of leadership positions are calling for the removal of the entire maladministration. Granted, it would mean President Pelosi, but she would be, for all intents and purposes, a dead duck. It’s doubtful she would even be able to nominate a new Vice President.

Sens. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., and Lindsey Graham, R-S.C. have both advocated for the resignation or impeachment of Biden.

“Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Antony Blinken, Lloyd Austin and General Milley should all resign or face impeachment and removal from office,” Blackburn said last week.

Good old Linseed. He holds his finger up and then decides which position he holds. (Usually it’s pants around his ankles, bent over a desk) Still even a broken clock is correct twice a day. (For those of you who don’t understand that phrase, we’re talking about analog clocks, not digital ones)

Graham said Sunday during an appearance on CBS’s “Face the Nation” that he believes the president has “been derelict in his duties as commander-in-chief.”

“I don’t think he got bad advice and took it,” Graham added. “I think he ignored sound advice.”

President Bumbles Dementia has never been one to let sound advice get in the way of screwing things up royally. Now that he’s the Fake President, he can screw up entire countries without even thinking about it. (Considering his brain is essentially mashed potatoes, doing any thinking is very unlikely)

Other calls for impeachment and Biden’s resignation have come from Reps. Ronny Jackson, R-Texas, Byron Donalds, R-Fla., Claudia Tenney, R-N.Y., and Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y.

Unfortunately, these are members of the house, not the Senate, so McConnell is just going to ignore them. He really shouldn’t though. The American people, those that actually did vote for the Senile Pedophile, are beginning to have a serious case of “Voters Remorse.” They’ve been watching the stupefying levels of incompetence coming from this maladministration and are asking themselves, “What they Hell did we do?”

McConnell should reconsider his remarks that “Biden will not be removed.” Dementia Joe is unfit to hold office, both morally and mentally. The Epic Biden Failures are piling up, one on top of the other and they will only get worse. If you don’t start “working the floor” as it were, you may find yourself being removed from YOUR position and reassigned to an office shared with a bucket and mops.

You may have scammed your way back into office in 2020, but no one has forgotten how you refused to help the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald J. Trump, when it is so obvious that the 2020 election was probably stolen by the Democrats. When he needed your help, you couldn’t wait to go back to your Uniparty buddies. Well, there are a number of seats coming up in 2022, both for the Communazis and the RINO’s. You might want to remember what happened to Eric Cantor. Your support could go the same way.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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