If a bird craps on Biden, does the media talk about it?

Good day all. It seems that even the natural world has just about had it with President* Bumbles Dementia’s so called policies. Recently, Dementia Joe was giving one of his carefully prepared speeches, which he promptly wandered away from, when a bird flying overhead decided to provide it’s own personal opinion of the speech.

That opinion was something we’ve all wanted to do of course, but the Secret Service, when they weren’t falling for honey traps laid out by hostile foreign governments, wold prevent us from doing. The bird decided enough was enough and crapped all over Dementia Joe Biden. Here is a video of it happening. (watch his left shoulder near the collar)

As you would expect from the Communazi Propaganda Corps, very little, if anything, was mentioned to the masses. However, reports have come in that a suspect in the dastardly aerial bombing has been identified and captured.

The suspect has been renditioned to the Guantanamo Bay black site for extreme interrogation and summery termination. No word on the ACLU offering to take the case, however, since a MAGA hat was found in the nest, I suspect that they will pass on representing the suspect.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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