It looks like it’s all over for Oberlin College

Good day all. The saga of the Gibson’s Bakery and Oberlin College looks like it’s just about done, and you can stick the fork into Oberlin to confirm this. Oberlin just lost their appeal to overturn the $30+ million dollar judgment awarded to the Gibson family, owners of Gibson’s Bakery.

The story of this case goes back a few years. Basically, Gibson’s Bakery caught a couple of students shoplifting. The students then turned around and called the Gibson family racists. Pretty much the standard operating procedure these days for Progressive Students.

Instead of landing on the students who had been caught stealing, Oberlin’s teachers and administration jumped on the bandwagon and ramped up the accusations. The Gibson family fought back in Court and won a massive judgment against Oberlin. The college appealed of course and have lost again. Here are some of the details from Legal Insurrection:

The Ohio 9th District Court of Appeals has just issued a decision in the Gibson’s Bakery v. Oberlin College case.

For those of you new to the case, Gibson’s Bakery was a 5th generation family business in Oberlin, Ohio, near the Oberlin College campus. It served baked goods to the public and also to the student dining service, as well as operating a general convenience store. As with many other small businesses, student shoplifting was epidemic, as we covered, Student journalist: Shoplifting at Gibson’s Bakery was part of Oberlin College’s “Culture of Theft”

A store clerk, a member of the Gibson family, caught an Oberlin black student shoplifting, a scuffle ensued that was joined by two other Oberlin black students. When the police arrived, they arrested the students who eventually pleaded guilty. But before that, the college officials and students accused the bakery of racial profiling, called a boycott, suspended Gibson’s business with the college, and organized protests outside the bakery.

And this is where the “Fun” began. The students and college accused the Gibsons of a long history of racism, (Absolutely untrue) and demanded the College issue a public apology to “in order to repair the reputational damage, but the college refused.” The college, even after being found responsible still refuses to apologize.

Based on the actions of college officials in conveying and promoting the defamatory accusations, a lawsuit was filed, resulting in massive verdicts for the owners of the bakery, David Gibson and his father, Allyn Gibson. Legal Insurrection was the only national media outlet to have someone in the courtroom reporting, including when the verdicts came down:

Closing Argument: “When a powerful institution says you are racist, you are doomed”

Oberlin was hammered by the jury. The judgment, if Oberlin paid, would basically bankrupt the school. They do have large endowments, but legally, they are not able to touch those funds to pay off the judgment. Oberlin decided to appeal, (Big surprise), but had to put up the award into a sort of escrow account.

On November 10, 2020, the Court heard oral argument on (1) the appeal by Oberlin College and Dean of Students Meredith Raimando seeking to overturn the compensatory and punitive damage awards totalling, after reduction under Ohio tort reform law, $25 million, plus over $6 million in attorney’s fees, bringing the judgment to over $32 million, and (2) the cross-appeal by Gibson’s Bakery and two members of the Gibson family (including the widow of the late David Gibson) seeking to restore the full $33 million punitive damages award, arguing the tort reform reduction was unconstitutional, which would add back about $15 million to the judgment.

I’m not going to go into details on the appeal. You can get all of that from Legal Insurrection and they are far better qualified to report on it. Suffice to say Oberlin was told that they are flat out of luck and they’re going to have to pay up. The extra $15 million was denied, however I don’t think the Gibson’s are to upset.

As for Oberlin, they are “Considering their options.” They can appeal to the State Supreme Court, but the odds of the court taking on the case are not good. If/when that appeal is denied, they can try the United States Supreme Court. Since this is a state matter it’s very unlikely that the Supreme Court will hear the case.

Oberlin is just delaying the inevitable. They lost and lost big. The judgment will, in all likelihood, force the college into bankruptcy and probably closure. Should this happen, I suspect that the “teachers” and “Administrators” who caused this will be unofficially black listed and not able to find anything in their field. No school will want to risk going the way of Oberlin should it be forced to close.

As for all the Precious Snowflakes who drove all this? Some have graduated with expensive and basically useless degrees. Others will have to look at transferring to other colleges. More than likely, these moonbats will end up in dead end jobs because their degrees are considered worthless by employers, and their demands and expectations will have no basis in reality.

I think we’re going to start seeing more and more massive lawsuits against Colleges and Universities that don’t reign in these mushheaded moonbats. Professors and students who are being kicked out, fired or otherwise intimidated because they won’t toe the Progressive line are fighting back, and they are winning. I’m waiting for the 10 figure judgment against one of the big Ivy League schools, such as Yale or Harvard. The times are changing and it’s going to get bloody. (Virtually speaking)


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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