Fauci has mental breakdown. Says people should decide for themselves

Good day all. Once again, Anthony Fauci has opened his mouth and spewed out garbage. He is now saying that people should decide for themselves if they want to wear masks or not.

This is a far cry from what this tyrannical bureaucrat has been saying for the last two years. This jerk has been saying that everyone must wear a mask, then later on two masks. Now he is saying what everyone else believes, that it should be up to the individual, not some faceless bureaucrat. Here are the details from Fox News:

Dr. Anthony Fauci advised that individuals will need to decide for themselves their personal level of risk for events and COVID-19 exposure going forward as people learn to live with the virus. 

“What’s going to happen is that we’re going to see that each individual is going to have to make their calculation of the amount of risk that they want to take in going to indoor dinner is going to functions even within the realm of a green zone,” Fauci said during an appearance on ABC’s “This Week” on Sunday. “It’s going to be a person’s decision about the individual risk they’re going to take.”

Well, that’s a major change for this petty little bureaucrat. He’s been leading the charge for turning the United States into a giant prison with everyone locked into their homes and wearing 2 or masks, and if he could have done it, full biological hazmat suits 27/7. I wonder what changed his mind?

The CDC has labeled most of the country as a “green zone,” which indicates a “low” level of concern regarding infection: The CDC recommends staying up-to-date with vaccines and getting tested if an individual has symptoms. 

And the CDC can go commit an impossible act of reproduction on itself.

Precautions such as wearing masks or additional precautions for high-risk individuals do not kick in until a zone is designated “red” or “high” risk, but Fauci downplayed concerns of significant upticks in infections and the possibility of moving towards that “red zone.” 

“It was said that if we do start seeing an uptick, particularly of hospitalizations, we may need to revert back to being more careful and having more utilizations of masks indoors,” Fauci said. “But right now, we’re watching it very, very carefully and there is concern that it’s going up, but hopefully we’re not going to see increased severity.” 

Fauci praised the level of vaccination and precaution among Americans, but he cautioned that people need to remain aware of the waning immunity that occurs over time. 

That “Waning immunity is about 4 months for those who were vaxxed, revaxxed and double boosted revaxxed. The CDC will not comment on the potential logevity of those with natural immunity.

The CDC has already suggested a fourth dose of approved COVID-19 vaccines for severely immunocompromised individuals, and Fauci urged eligible individuals to consider.

How about no? The CDC has no credibility. They made the decision to go political and not actually conduct science. If they had, we would have real answers regarding the possible use of hydroxychloroquine as a potential treatment for the Fauci Bioweapon. Instead, they threatened anyone who dared look at anything other then vaccines.

More importantly, he urged Congress to provide the necessary funding for new tests, drugs and further vaccines to maintain protection and prepare for a possible further surge of infections. 

Again, how about no?

“Right now, if we don’t get that support … we’re not going to be ready for it,” Fauci claimed.

So what are you planning Fauci? More gain of function research?

Fauci helped cause this whole mess. While I doubt he intended for his friends at the Wuhan lab to screw up as badly as they did, he, like the Chicom’s used this for their own advantage. Fauci has no credibility and the only reason he isn’t cooling his heels in prison is due to the Tainted Election of 2020 and the maladministration of President* Bumbles Dementia Biden. He needs to go away. I nice prison cell is preferred, but out of the government will do at the minimum.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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