Meet Dementia Joe’s newest handler, the Easter Bunny

Good day all. Sunday was the annual “Traditional” Easter Egg hunt for children at the White House. President* Jill Joe Biden and his wife, Herr Doktor Kamala Jill Biden were there putting in an appearance along with the Washington propaganda Corps. Also in attendance was the Easter Bunny.

During the course of the event, Dementia Joe wandered off over to the media. Several actual reporters started shouting questions. This is when we found out that the Easter Bunny has a second job, keeping an eye on the senile fool installed into the Oval Office in 2021. Here are the details from Fox News:

A person dressed in an Easter Bunny costume broadsided President Biden Monday afternoon as he was answering a reporter’s questions on Afghanistan and Pakistan. 

As the White House Easter Egg Roll was underway, Biden could be seen off to the side talking to a reporter. 

Uh oh! I can see trouble brewing everyone knows that Mush for Brains Biden can’t string three words together without firing up the word salad mixing machine. Not to worry, the newest White House aide was on the job!

“Pakistan should not, and Afghanistan should be…” President Biden can be heard saying before the “Easter Bunny” approaches. 

Oh, the Easter Bunny!” someone can be heard saying off-camera. 

The Easter Bunny gives the president a big wave to usher him away as a visibly annoyed Biden appears caught off guard. He was reportedly needed to kick off another round of the egg-rolling competition by blowing a whistle. 

Here is an image with a transcript of what was actually said between the Easter bunny and Dementia Joe.

“Joe Biden quickly interrupted by the Easter Bunny after he starts to comment on #Afghanistan and #Pakistan at the White House #EasterEggRoll,” Dillon tweeted. 

It remains unclear who was inside the bunny outfit. 

I have a suspicion of who was in the suit.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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