Federal judge throws out mask mandate

Good day all. Monday, April 18th, a Federal judge ruled that the Centers for Disease Control’s mask mandates were illegal. Almost immediately two things happened. The first was that all the airlines, the TSA and most corporations announced that masks were no longer required. The second thing was the lunatic left going absolutely stark raving nuts.

Now thing are happening fast with this story, and there is already talk that the Biden Maladministration is looking to appeal this decision. Since I have Real World Work things that take priority, I haven’t been able to keep up as much s I wold like. In any case, here are the details of the decision from Fox News:

A federal judge on Monday voided the Biden administration’s mask mandate for travelers using public transportation such as trains and airplanes.

The mandate from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention applies to people as young as 2 years old, and had been set to expire a number of times but was recently extended to May 3 before Monday’s ruling.

Aside from the judge’s rather limited decision, (She didn’t rule on the effectiveness of masks, they aren’t), it’s been known for some time that the whole mask mandate deal was nothing more than a power trip by the Democratic Communazis and the Washington Bureaucrats.

The ruling from U.S. District Court Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle, came in a case brought in Florida federal court by Health Freedom Defense Fund, Inc. and frequent air travelers Ana Daza and Sarah Pope against the administration. Judge Mizelle determined that the mandate violated the Administrative Procedure Act by being outside the scope of the CDC’s authority, was “arbitrary” and “capricious” and not going through the required notice and comment period for federal rulemaking.

Now for some back story on the judge. She is a Trump Judge, so her tendency, unlike your average Obama judge, will be to actually read the relevant laws and the constitution and go from there. This is why her ruling is of a technical nature. Within hours of course, the attacks on her began, starting with the usual leftist drivel that the American Bar Association said she was unqualified. (Turns out that she didn’t have what they considered the minimum time on the bench, otherwise was fine with her)

When news of the ruling came out, the moonbats, communists, Karens and progressives went berserk. Here are some of those details from Based Politics:

On Monday, a federal judge put an end to the federal government’s travel mask mandate, which mandated mask-wearing on airplanes, buses, trains, and other forms of public transportation. Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle ruled that the Centers for Disease Control’s order stretched its authority beyond the law, and was also “arbitrary” and “capricious” in violation of administrative law.

Cheerleaders for the COVID nanny state proceeded to have an absolute meltdown online after news of the ruling broke. Here are the 5 most unhinged responses from critics of the judge’s ruling.

And here is where the fun begins! (Sometimes there really is a use for Twitter)

Lindsay Sabadosa


Today a federal judge called it overreach for US health officials to require masks on airplanes & other public transit, and no matter how you feel about masks, you should be really, really concerned that the Courts are effectively taking away power from the federal government.

This tweet from progressive Democrat and New Hampshire state legislator Lindsay Sabadosa was widely mocked for its glaring error.

Taking away power from the federal government” is literally the exact job of the federal judiciary. The judicial system exists for the very purpose of serving as a check on the other branches to ensure that they do not exceed their lawful power, as the CDC’s mandate did. 

Ok, first I must report an error in the above quote from Based Politics. This numbskull is NOT a New Hampshire state representative, She’s a Masshole and is in the Massachusetts legislature. (Whew!) Next we have this “Doctor” who is not someone I want to have anywhere near me.

Jeremy Faust MD MS (ER physician)


The odd thing about my being disappointed in @united dropping its mask mandate is how many people who claim to love kids are totally cool with this meaning that a small number of babies will die of Covid, when we’re weeks away from a vaccinate for all ages over 6 months.

This quack, and that is how I would describe someone who went through medical school and is supposed to be highly trained in the medical field who makes this sort of statement, obviously doesn’t know what the actual statistics are on children who contracted the Fauci Bioweapon. If they had no pre-existing conditions such as Leukemia, then the death toll was 0.0% Children were generally untouched by the Fauci Flu and if they came down with it, generally threw it off very quickly. Then we have another doctor making a complete fool of herself.

Amani Jambhekar MD, MBA, FACS


One of my patients tearfully told me she’s cancelling her flight to her daughter’s (outdoor) wedding on Saturday. It’s wild some people’s *mild discomfort* while wearing a mask is more important than immunocompromised people’s ability to LIVE through a pandemic.

This tweet from doctor and security state advocate Amani Jambhekar made the rounds for its attempt to guilt-trip those of us who celebrated an end to the useless, invasive mandate and blame us for a random person’s neurosis.  While it’s unfortunate this individual (if they actually exist) has chosen to do this, it’s entirely their choice. They are still completely free to choose to wear an N-95 mask and, as I explained above, the mask mandate wasn’t doing anything to help them in the first place.

That is the big thing that the mandate cryptofascist Communazis can’t tolerate or even define. It’s the word, “Choice.” Ending the mandates doesn’t say that people won’t be permitted to wear a mask if they so choose, (And are complete paranoid hypochondriacs), they can.

What all this shows is that these losers, who love calling anyone who disagrees with them Nazis and Fascists are, in fact, the real Nazis and Fascists. (Well, maybe not Nazis, but definitely Fascists) They will brook absolutely NO dissent to their worldview. In their minds, they are right and everyone else is evil and should be jailed.

I find it amusing that it’s the Conservatives who are becoming the party of “Live and let live,” and the Democrats who are the ones who want an authoritarian/totalitarian government. Pity that the average progressive is both humorless and blind to other viewpoints. Now people are burning their masks and ignoring the few places still mandating them. (Philadelphia) The people are done with the mask mandates, myself included.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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