Biden Maladministration forms “Ministry of Truth”

Good day all. The news came out last week that the Department of Homeland Tyranny Security was forming a new board to handle what they consider to be “Misinformation.” The person being put in charge has a long history of being anti-1st Amendment and a source of left wing propaganda.

This board seems to have been formed right after news came out that Elon Musk had tendered an offer to buy Twitter and take them private. As I and others have written, the Progressive Totalitarian leftists, as well as other progressives who aren’t employed by Twitter, went completely off the rails.

Now the oversight committees are demanding answers on this apparent “Board of Censorship.” Here are some of the details from Fox News:

House Oversight Committee Republicans are demanding information from Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas after the agency announced a new “disinformation” board, saying that it was created to discredit “legitimate criticism” and shows the Biden administration is “weaponizing” the department.

This shouldn’t surprise anyone who has been following Joe Biden’s “career” in the United States Senate. He has always been an authoritarian and hasn’t hesitated in the least to use the government agencies to go after anyone who he didn’t like or got in his way. Now, after his installation into the White House, along with all the Obama retreads, they have been ramping up the flat out suppression of the Constitution and American’s civil rights.

Mayorkas announced that DHS created a “Disinformation Governance Board” to combat online disinformation during his testimony Wednesday before the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Homeland Security. Nina Jankowicz, who previously served as a disinformation fellow at the Wilson Center, will head the board as executive director.

“The goal is to bring the resources of (DHS) together to address this threat,” Mayorkas said during the hearing, adding that the department is focused on the spread of disinformation in minority communities ahead of the 2022 midterm elections.

Where to start? First the current Secretary of the DHS, Alejandro Mayorkas has been skating on thin ice for some time, and there is a very high level of probability that he will be only the second Cabinet Secretary to be impeached in the history of the United States. If her were impeached, it’s questionable whether the Senate could convict and remove him since it would require both the Democrats and the Uniparty GOP(e) to vote to remove him. (I guess it will hinge on how enraged the surviving Democrat Senators are at Dementia Joe and his incompetence)

Next we have the new Chief Propagandist and Censor, Nina Jankowicz. From what I’ve been reading, she’s a real prize winning totalitarian. Here are a few details from the New York Post:

The person tapped to head President Biden’s new Big Brother-like disinformation board drew fresh disdain Friday, (April 29th) over her flippant attitude toward misinformation — and her own history of spreading it.

Nina Jankowicz’s ability to be taken seriously in her role on Homeland Security’s new Orwellian “Disinformation Governance Board” was thrown into question after a cringeworthy TikTok video resurfaced of her adapting the Mary Poppins tune “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” to be about fake news.

Information laundering is really quite ferocious. It’s when a huckster takes some lies and makes them sound precocious, by saying them in Congress or a mainstream outlet, so disinformation’s origins are slightly less atrocious,” Jankowicz sang in the Feb. 2021 video.

When Rudy Giuliani shared bad intel from Ukraine. Or when TikTok influencers say COVID can’t cause pain. They’re laundering disinfo and we really should take note. And not support their lies with our wallet, voice or vote,” she continued.

This woman is a complete lunatic, and a major purveyor of…wait for it…Fake News! She was one of the big boosters of the Steele Dossier that accused the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, of being a Russian asset. We now know that it was cooked up by Felonia von Pantsuit and the prosecutions are about to commence.

She was also screaming that the laptop abandoned by Hovernose Biden was…wait for it…RUSSIAN DISINFORMATION!! We know that it wasn’t and that the information about the laptop and what it contained as suppressed by Big Tech, starting with Twitter. Returning to the original Fox News story:

“The goal is to bring the resources of (DHS) together to address this threat,” Mayorkas said during the hearing, adding that the department is focused on the spread of disinformation in minority communities ahead of the 2022 midterm elections.

In other words, this office is designed to suppress any information that might cause the traditional Democratic Plantation owners slaves regular people to review it, look further into it and go “Hmm, perhaps I shouldn’t vote for these people.” This has set off the entire GOP, (Even the TransRepublicans are concerned), and not a few Democrats. (Actually, very few. They’re just fine with suppressing free speech and thought)

Oversight Committee Ranking Member Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., organized a letter Friday to Mayorkas, obtained exclusively by Fox News Digital, to “conduct oversight” on the new board and “continued efforts within the Biden Administration to suppress free speech and discredit legitimate criticism as misinformation.” All 19 House Oversight Republicans signed the letter.

The lawmakers allege that the Biden administration has perpetrated “demonstrably false claims” including on the Hunter Biden laptop story, that Border Patrol agents where whipping Haitian migrants and other “false narratives” regarding the crisis on the southern border.

That fake whipping incident was discredited within hours if not sooner when other pictures take from a different angle were released and showed that the riders were not whipping the criminals. (Even though they should have in my opinion)

“The Administration continues to falsely accuse political opponents of spreading misinformation,” the congressmen state in their letter.

“The United States’ internal security apparatus must serve to protect the American people from threats to the homeland, not be weaponized by an unpopular President to push false narratives and discredit lawful discourse,” write the lawmakers.

This has always been the purpose of the Department of Homeland (In)Security. It was put together right after 9/11 to shoe America that the Government and Congress were “Doing something!” to deal with terrorism. It was never about actually doing the things they claimed it was for, and the two Democrat Presidents who have been in office since the DHS was formed have used it to punish anyone that dared go against them. That agency needs to go away.

The Republicans take issue specifically with the appointment of Jankowicz, who promoted the Christopher Steele dossier, which has been widely discredited as well as promoted the narrative that Hunter Biden’s laptop was a product of a Russian disinformation campaign.

“Her many public statements undermining First Amendment freedoms further call into question the purpose of the “Disinformation Governance Board,” and signal that it is likely being set up to provide political cover for an unpopular Administration and to launder political attacks against its opponents.”

This crazed thundercunt despises the 1st Amendment. (I have the feeling she isn’t all that thrilled with any part of the Constitution that takes power away from the Ruling elites)

The lawmakers also accuse the Biden administration of abusing taxpayer dollars to “attack Americans who disagree with its policies” including labeling opponents of COVID-19 mandates as “domestic extremists” and smearing parents involved at heated school board meetings.

The Democratic Elites know they are going to be hammered in the midterm elections, and that is something they can’t afford to let happen under any circumstances. First, it won’t be the usual RINO’s and TransRepublicans replacing the losing Democrats, it will be MAGA hat wearing Deplorables, and they will start digging into both the 2020 tainted election and all the things that the Dementia Joe Biden maladministration has been doing since January 20th 2021.

Besides the increasing probability that Joe Biden didn’t actually win the election, the disaster along the southern border, where we are flat out being invaded, not to mention the fiasco of the Biden Bug Out from Afghanistan, there is the increasing amount of evidence that Joe Biden has been taking payoffs from China and possibly Russia.

If all this is exposed to them American People, Biden’s days as President* are numbered. If it is shown that the election was stolen, and that the Biden’s are corrupt, the 2024 Presidential election, even if Dementia Joe isn’t on the ticket will gut the Democrat party. This is why they are desperately working to “Control the message” and make sure that only “CorrectThink” is allowed. Welcome to Fascist America. Check your rights at the door please.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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