Someone please take the football away from Biden

Good day all. There is a case handcuffed to the wrist of a military officer, rotating through the six branches. (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast guard and now the Space Force) This case contains everything a president needs to authorize the use of nuclear weapons. There is one with the President, 24/7/365 and the Vice President. Obviously, the case has never been opened and orders to launch issued.

Then came the most incompetent President* in American History, Joe Bumbles Dementia Biden. As Obama’s Vice President, he had a case assigned to him. It’s been reported that the moron ordered the officer carrying to stay away from him. (Apparently, the officer was kept about 15 minutes away from Biden, which was a major security issue for the nation, not that Biden cared)

Last winter, the Federated States of Russia under the rule of Vladimir Putin, invaded the Ukraine. Things have not gone well for the Russian assault, and recently, it looks like the tide may have turned and the Ukrainians may actually drive Russia out of their country completely. This state of affairs has caused Putin to start threatening the use of tactical nuclear weapons on the Ukrainians. This has led President* Foot in Mouth to once again demonstrate why he is unfit for the office he was installed in. Here are the details from the Washington Examiner:

President Joe Biden spoke of nuclear “Armageddon” in a warning about escalation in Russia’s war in Ukraine during a speech to Democrats on Thursday.

At a fundraiser for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Biden said the risk has not been this high since the 1962 Cuban missile crisis when John F. Kennedy was president, going further in rhetoric than any other member of his administration.

We have not faced the prospect of Armageddon since Kennedy and the Cuban Missile Crisis,” Biden said in New York City.

Actually, we aren’t looking at nuclear Armageddon unless that damned senile, incompetent moron does something stupid. Thankfully, it takes a lot more than Dementia Joe simply pushing a button.

He said Russian President Vladimir Putin is “not joking when he talks about the use of tactical nuclear weapons or biological or chemical weapons.” This is because, Biden said, “his military is — you might say — significantly underperforming,” according to the Associated Press.

Dementia Joe’s favorite phrase when he wants people to think he actually has a clue is that he, or someone else, isn’t joking. In Biden’s case, he’s saying something that no one is going to take seriously.

Last month, Putin raised concerns in the West when he vowed to defend the “territorial integrity of our motherland” by “all the means at our disposal” — remarks that were widely interpreted as a nuclear threat.

Putin is losing the war he started and he knows it. The Russian military has proven to be a hollow shell. Their initial gains were due to throwing bodies, in standard Russian fashion, at the Ukrainians. The problem was, the Russians doesn’t have the manpower they did during the cold war. There is now a fair chance that the Ukrainians might just drive the Russians completely out of their country, including the territories seized when the last inept president was in office. (Obama)

If the Ukrainians do manage to clear Russia out of their territory, including the Crimea, Putin is probably going to be “Retired” from power due to terminal copper jacked lead poisoning. This might lead Putin to doing something desperately stupid. Then the question will be, will the Soviet Russian nuclear forces actually obey the order and open the bottle that has remained sealed since August 9th, 1945?

I don’t think there is any such a thing as the ability to easily use a tactical nuclear weapon and not end up with Armageddon,” Biden said.

This is what worries a number of people. If the Russians were stupid enough to use a few small tactical nukes, what would that mentally deficient moron do? Would he try to launch a nuclear strike on Russia even though the United States and NATO were not targeted? He might be that stupid.

Western officials, including Secretary of State Antony Blinken and those with NATO, have warned of consequences for Russia deploying nukes. “The response will be such that the Russians will regret what they have done,” Dutch Adm. Rob Bauer, chairman of NATO’s military committee, said Wednesday at the Warsaw Security Forum. “And I think that is extremely important.”

Don’t these morons know that you don’t make threats like this in public? You need to be very circumspect and not paint a fruitcake into a corner? He might just decide he’s got nothing left to lose and…

Biden and his idiots are one of the reasons that Putin thought he could get away with conquering the Ukraine. He saw how Der Fubar hung the Ukrainians out to dry when he took the Crimea. He had every reason to think that Bumbles Dementia Biden would do the same. What Putin and no one else considered was the fight the Ukrainians put up. They basically stopped the Russian Army in it’s tracks and shot them to pieces.

With the failure of the Russian forces to achieve any of their major objectives, not to mention suffering massive casualties, it gave the Western governments a reason to provide the Ukrainians resupply. Now the Ukrainian forces have turned the tables on the Russians, and have started major counterattacks and are wrecking the Russian forces. This is why Putin is threatening to use nukes.

If we were in the second term of the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, and not the Worst President* in American History, there is a good chance that the Ukraine would not have been invaded. Even if Putin had done so, President Trump would have been far better at making sure that Putin wouldn’t even dream if firing nukes into Ukraine. Why? Because President Trump is not stupid and, unlike Dementia Joe, has all his mental faculties.

When Joe Biden was installed into office, Pelosi and Schumer understood what an incompetent idiot he was. There was a discussion of stripping the sole launch authority away from the President. According to a Fox News Story in February, 2021:

Democrats offered some alternatives to sole nuclear authority, such as requiring the vice president and House speaker to agree with a launch order from the president before it is executed, according to Politico.

There are some very serious constitutional issues with this idea. To begin with, the President of the United States is the Commander in Chief of the United States Military. It is the president’s responsibility to determine how the military is employed within the constitution.

It’s congress’s job to pay for the military and to issue Declarations of War. There is nothing in the constitution that allows for the Vice President or the Speaker of the House to determine when a president may issue a launch order. The only thing Congress can do is impeach and remove the president, period, full stop.

Democrats previously expressed concern with former President Trump having access to such power. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in January, for example, said she spoke with Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley about protecting nuclear codes from an “unhinged president.”

President Trump was the one president no one had to worry about. Under President Trump, no new wars were started, and hostile nations actually were talking with us. What General Milley did should have seen him court martialed. His actions were nothing less then mutiny. We now know that he may have also committed treason by speaking to the People’s Republic of China and telling them that he would not allow President Trump to launch nuclear weapons.

With Biden, everyone knows he is not mentally competent. He could actually try and launch a first strike on Russia. (Or Israel as a favor to his pals the Iranian Ayatollahs) This is why Pelosi and the others wanted to strip launch authority from him. (With President Trump, it was pure hatred, nothing more) If they are worried about what Biden might do, then he needs to be removed from office, either by using the 25th Amendment or by impeaching and removing him.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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