Air Marshals planning to rebel against the Biden Maladministration

Good day all. When it comes to dumb ideas, the maladministration of Bumbles Dementia Biden is in a class of their own. One of their dumb ideas was to throw open the southern borders. Now we have what amounts to an invasion underway, and we have seen shots fired at the border patrol.

The border patrol is overwhelmed, understaffed and demoralized and needs help. The answer from the maladministration is to strip air marshals from plans and send them to the border. This has “annoyed” the marshals. Here are the details from the Washington Examiner:

U.S. air marshals are planning to stage an open rebellion against the Biden administration over a plan that would strip 99% of commercial flights from federal protection as people take to the skies during the busiest time of the year for air travel.

Dozens of federal air marshals have agreed to refuse a Biden administration order that they leave their assignments and go to the southern border , where they will drive, feed, and care for illegal immigrants due to a shortage of Border Patrol agents.

And why are we having a shortage of personnel along the border? Would it happen to be that President* Bumbles Dementia Biden has so overloaded the normal levels dealing with the current invasion, we simply do not have the people we need?

The rank and file air marshals are going to refuse to deploy and risk termination,” said David Londo, president of the Air Marshal National Council, in a phone call with the Washington Examiner on Tuesday. “You’re almost going to have a mutiny of a federal agency, which is unheard of.”

An aside here. All those morons, moonbats, Progressives, Liberals and other assorted gun grabbers might want to review this when they start pushing to have federal agents going door to door confiscating guns. A large number of agents will flat out refuse. (Never mind the probability of getting shot. Most do consider the Constitution to be the highest law in the land and won’t intentionally violate it)

The overseeing agency, the Transportation Security Administration, said in a statement provided after deadline that claims that air marshals are doing menial tasks were “entirely inaccurate and does not reflect the critical and professional law enforcement role these officers perform.”

And we always believe everything that comes from the officer of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttplug, don’t we?

The administration’s order would leave just 1-in-100 U.S. flights with federal agents on board, one-eighth of its normal coverage.

Can we say “Allah Akbar!”? Sure we can! There are several reasons we haven’t had a repeat of 9/11, and Marshals being on planes is one of them.

It is the first time amid the 20-month-long unresolved border crisis that federal employees have formally turned against President Joe Biden and his Senate-confirmed officials at the Department of Homeland Security . The air marshals are willing to risk everything for how the government is risking national security, Londo explained.

“Morale is so destroyed from this,” said Londo, whose organization serves as an association, not a union. “I’ve never seen anything like this.”

Let me know when the other three letter agencies also start refusing orders from the office of Ron Klain Dementia Joe Biden.

Air marshals would be risking their jobs as inflation rages and the United States potentially heads into a recession.

Sometimes, there comes a point when people say “ENOUGH! I’m Not going to take this any longer!”

The air marshals, who are federal law enforcement agents within the Transportation Security Administration’s Federal Air Marshal Service, have been tasked with menial jobs at the border.

And why do they need federal agents do handle this? Why not some of the charity organizations, or, if this isn’t a risk, other agencies such as all the useless idiots in the Department of Education?

Just this week, air marshals pulled from planes and sent to the border were “heating up sandwiches,” driving immigrants in custody to the hospital and waiting inside for hours on hospital watch, and effectively babysitting adults who are already in confined spaces, Londo said.

These highly skilled [air marshals] are being made to perform mainly non-law enforcement civilian humanitarian duties,” Londo wrote in the letter obtained first by the Washington Examiner.

I think it’s just another one of the Progressives running Joe Biden to further gut the United States and push it toward collapse. Yes, I know, this sounds like a conspiracy theory, but we know what’s been going on with those for the last two years.

I hope that these marshals do refuse the order. It will take months to fire them, if they are able to do so at all. If they actually do fire them, I can see states like Texas and Florida calling them up and offering them jobs. We may be in a recession, but there are some jobs that always get filled. I hope this spreads and utterly destroys the Biden Maladministration.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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