Biden claims that Chinese Spy balloons came in during Trump’s administration

Good day all. If it’s a day ending in a “Y” and Dementia Joe is getting raked over the coals, you know he’s going to try and blame the greatest President of the 21st century, Donald Trump. He’s doing that now, claiming that spy balloons crossed into the United States on Trump’s watch and he did nothing.

As we all know, The Chinese sent an instrument laden balloon over North America and it drifted unmolested right across the United States until Dementia Joe sent up a crack pilot to shoot it down off the east coast, long after it had completed it’s mission.

Of course, this incursion makes Dementia Joe look bad, so of course, he blamed everyone else and then said this also happened under President Trump. The only problem with this is that everyone in the Trump administration, including some he fired, all say it never happened. Here are the detail from Fox News:

Former President Trump and a number of his top national security and defense officials refuted Biden administration officials’ claims that Chinese surveillance balloons briefly transited the continental United States during the Trump administration, saying it “never happened.” 

A defense official on Saturday said Chinese spy balloons briefly traveled over the United States at least three times during the last administration.

I wonder if that “Defense Official” was General Mutinous Miley? It wouldn’t be the first time he provided aid to the Red Chinese. The only problem with that “Anonymous Defense Official” is that everyone in the Trump administration in a position to know have come out and publicaly said that Biden was once again, full of shit.

But Trump and his officials said that did not occur and criticized the Biden administration for spreading disinformation.

This never happened. It would have never happened,” Trump told Fox News Digital on Sunday morning, adding that Beijing “respected us greatly” under his leadership.

“It never happened with us under the Trump administration and if it did, we would have shot it down immediately,” Trump said. “It’s disinformation.”

The Chinese did respect President Trump because he was a strong president and wouldn’t kowtow to the Communist Chinese leaders. Biden, on the other hand, has probably been bought and paid for with Hoovernose Biden acting as the go between and bagman.

Trump said the Biden administration is spreading this because “they look so bad, as usual.”

“They are incompetent,” he said.

Of course they are. This is what happens when a coup is successful. An incompetent loser is put in as a figurehead and then thinks he’s actually in charge.

Former Trump White House national security adviser John Bolton told Fox News Digital that he never heard of anything like this under his tenure.

“I don’t know of any balloon flights by any power over the United States during my tenure, and I’d never heard of any of that occurring before I joined in 2018,” Bolton said. “I haven’t heard of anything that occurred after I left either.”

Bolton said that if the Biden administration has “specific examples, they need to tell Congress.”

He added: “I can say with 100% certainty not during my tenure.”

If Bolton, who was the National Security Advisor under President Trump for a while, and who really doesn’t like Trump since he was fired by him, says that no spy balloons came over, then I would tend to believe him.

Robert O’Brien, who served as White House national security adviser from 2019 to 2021, told Fox News Digital that he had no knowledge of anything like this occurring.

“Unequivocally, I have never been briefed on the issue,” O’Brien said, telling Fox News Digital that his team, which included Matt Pottinger, who served as deputy national security adviser, and Allison Hooker, who served as senior adviser to Asia, also were not briefed on these activities.

Now it is possible that the Deep State intelligence officials deliberately hid the information from President Trump and his team, but if they did so, then they basically committed treason, if not the constitutional version, then the generally accepted version. I can’t see them being that stupid either, no matter how badly they wanted to “Get Trump!”

The list of former Trump people who would be in a position to know is lengthy and they are all going on the record saying that Biden is full of it. As I mentioned, it’s possible that the Trump Administration was never told about Chinese spy balloons coming in.

It is unclear, at this point, if these activities did take place, and if it was military leadership that chose not to brief civilian leadership on the matter. 

One of the mistakes President Trump made was not firing the entire Chief’s of Staff. If President Trump is reelected, Miley and the others are going to be facing some very pointed questions on their conduct.

But a senior administration official told Fox News Digital on Sunday that “U.S. intelligence, not the Biden administration, but U.S. intel assesses PRC government surveillance balloons transited the continental U.S. briefly at least three times during the prior administration and once that we know of at the beginning of this administration, but never for this duration of time.” 

“They went undetected. And this is part of a larger pattern: These balloons are all part of a PRC fleet of balloons developed to conduct surveillance operations, which have also violated the sovereignty of other countries,” the official said. “These kinds of activities are often undertaken at the direction of the People’s Liberation Army.” 

If they were undetected, then no one knew about them. However, I find that very hard to believe. These things can pose a hazard to aerial navigation, and those instrument packages are not at all stealthy. We are constantly scanning for potential airborne threats, such as Russian bombers. In fact, we picked up this balloon while it was over the Aleutian islands. I think it’s safe to say we would have seen them if they had been coming in during the Trump Administration.

“Over the past several years, Chinese balloons have previously been spotted over countries across five continents, including in East Asia, South Asia, and Europe,” the official said.

And who has been in office for that time? No rush, I’ll let you think that one over.

The simple fact is that the Biden Maladministration is filled with incompetents and liars. When they get caught, they try to deflect and then blame President Trump. No one is buying this any longer other than the die hard yellow dog Democrats, most of whom are taking Chinese money. The Red Chinese have Biden’s number and they know he won’t do anything to interfere with their plans for global conquest…other then surrender of course.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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