United States Threatened Russia over Bumbles Biden’s Ukrainian Holiday

Good day all. Early this morning it was announced that President* Joe Dementia Biden was in Kyiv visiting President Zelenskyy. Needless to say, this has to be a security nightmare for the Secret Service. Apparently, they didn’t take Air Force One into the airspace, but traveled in by train.

When I wrote about Bumbles visit I suggested that Putin had been informed beforehand that this was happening and that it would be a bad idea to bomb Biden. Now we have some confirmation. Here are the details from Newsmax:

A top Ukrainian source tells Newsmax that Russia was advised of President Joe Biden’s trip to Ukraine in advance, with the U.S. warning the Kremlin in blunt terms that they would face a harsh response if the President was put in harm’s way.

While President Vladimir Putin did not make any direct move against Biden during the trip, Ukraine’s military intelligence agency claimed on Sunday that Russia was staging “large-scale nuclear exercises” this week, including test launching nuclear capable missiles from both sea and land.

I wonder how many of those missiles actually launched successfully? Considering all the issues that have cropped up in the last year, I suspect there were a fair number of “Failures to fire.”

The Ukrainians also said a Russian nuclear-armed submarine was put on “highest level” as heavy strategic bombers were moved to forward positions at an air base in Tambov, Russia.

I have little doubt that Russia playing games with their nukes is yet another attempt by Vlad Putin to try and intimidate the world. This is just a bully play, and it really isn’t working to well. For it to work, the people he’s threatening have to feel threatened. Only the most pansy-like people in the United States, (Mostly Liberals and Libertarians I suspect), are concerned.

There is no way that Putin would try a “Bolt out of the Blue attack on the United States. As for intimidating Biden? Really? It’s not like Biden is courageous. That would require an awareness of what is actually going on around him. Now if Putin really wanted to threaten and intimidate Bumbles Dementia, he should have threatened to nuke Biden’s supply of Rocky Road. That would have gotten his attention…for a few minutes until a butterfly happened past.

Telling Putin that Bumbles was traveling by train into the Ukraine actually makes sense. The entire country is a war zone and Russia has been flipping missiles all over the place. Having one hit the train Dementia Joe is on would annoy most Americans. (Along the lines of “Damn it! Now we have to do something) In any case, I’m sure Dementia Joe had some good discussions with his Ukrainian banker President Zelenskyy regarding the security of his bribe money the ongoing hostilities.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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