Herr Doktor Jill reports “Hubby ready to Run!”

Good day all. There has been a lot reported on whether or not the Worst President in American History, Joe Dementia Biden, is going to run for reelection. Many people on the left are saying he should step aside. Jill Biden isn’t one of them.


Jill “Call me Doctor damn it” Biden, who’s fashion sense tends to run between street walker chic to early American couch, loves being First Lady, especially since she’s the first one since Woodrow Wilson to actually be running things. The last thing she wants is to leave the White House and vanish into obscurity. She’s ready to drag Dementia Joe to the nomination for a second term even if she has to do it “Weekend at Bernie’s” style. Here are the details from Newsmax:

First lady Jill Biden gave one of the clearest indications yet that President Joe Biden will run for a second term, telling The Associated Press in an exclusive interview on Friday that there’s “pretty much” nothing left to do but figure out the time and place for the announcement.

Although Biden has long said that it’s his intention to seek reelection, he has yet to make it official, and he’s struggled to dispel questions about whether he’s too old to continue serving as president. Biden would be 86 at the end of a second term.

Biden isn’t to old, he’s just to stupid. He’s also proven that he’s not mentally competent to be president in the first place. If he does run again, look for a repeat of the “Bunker Strategy.”

“How many times does he have to say it for you to believe it?” the first lady said in Nairobi, the second and final stop of her five-day trip to Africa.

Well, it would help if he did what the Greatest President of the 21st Century did and formally announce it instead of mumbling about it between bites into his ice cream cone.

She added, “He says he’s not done. He’s not finished what he’s started. And that’s what’s important.”

Is that a threat? He’s damn near destroyed the country. What’s left? Starting World War Three? That mush for brains moron is well on his way to doing that.

Biden aides have said an announcement is likely to come in April, after the first fundraising quarter ends, which is around the time that President Barack Obama officially launched his reelection campaign.

So this is meant to be Der Fubar’s 4th term? Most of the people screwing things up were in the Obama maladministration, screwing things up there as well.

Jill Biden is the only first lady to continue her career in addition to her ceremonial duties, teaching writing and English to community college students. At 71 years old, she said she’s not ready to think about retirement.

“I know that I will know when it’s enough,” she said. “But it’s not yet.”

I’d forgotten that Herr Doktor Jill was some sort of indoctrination specialist pretending to be a teacher.

Education has been a flashpoint in American politics, especially with conservative activists and politicians trying to limit discussion of race and sexuality in classrooms.

“I don’t believe in banning books,” she said.

Ok Groomer. So you are just fine with books for 7 years old’s that really aren’t appropriate outside of a college classroom or a porn site on the web?

She added: “I think the teachers and the parents can work together and decide what the kids should be taught.”

Translation: Parents should just shut up and do as we, the educational elites, tell them to do. We know more then all of you trailer trash rednecks. So, that answers my first question. She’s just fine with showing kids things they are not ready for.

I would be surprised of Bumbles Dementia didn’t run for reelection. Of course, that assumes that he’s still in office when the election season starts. I wonder if he intends to keep Kackling Kamala, the Blow Job Queen on the ticket as Vice President or if she will be pushed out?

It will also be interesting to see if all the Democrats actually do line up behind him or if a few decide to challenge him in the Primaries. I wonder if Jill has gotten hold of Felonia von Pantsuit’s “Special” Address book with all the “confidential” numbers of people who take care of little problems for her? She may need it.

In conclusion, since this is being posted on Friday, I think I’ll just add this final image.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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2 Responses to Herr Doktor Jill reports “Hubby ready to Run!”

  1. Diane Guinn says:

    If pedojo isn’t physically capable of campaigning 2024 – he has no business running again. Jill needs her ass kicked for pushing him to continue. Both need cognitive tests TODAY. By a real doctor.

    • Jill “Call me Doctor Damn it!” Biden is doing the same thing that Woodrow Wilson’s wife did when he stroked out. She’s running things with a small cabal and doesn’t want to give up the white house.


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