Stanford Law students about to get a reality check to the back of the head

Good day all. The “Elite” law schools around the country have become dens of hate, viciousness and intolerance toward any ideas that go against their progressive beliefs. They have been blocking speakers, some of them jurists who you want to hear from, from speaking, and in a few cases, rather violently.

The most recent assault was at Stanford University when Fifth Circuit appellate judge Kyle Duncan was shouted down by hundreds of left wing idiots and morons who are attending Stanford University Law School. Well, they are about to get a solid smack to the head from judges they need to work with to further their legal careers. Here are the details from the Washington Free Beacon:

James Ho and Elizabeth Branch, who announced a clerkship boycott of Yale Law last year, are adding Stanford to the list.

“We will not hire any student who chooses to attend Stanford Law School in the future,” Ho, who sits on the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, said Saturday evening in a speech to the Texas Review of Law and Politics, a transcript of which was reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon. The clerkship moratorium, like the one on Yale, will exempt current law students.

Ho’s announcement is the latest and most dramatic effort to hold Stanford accountable for its treatment of Fifth Circuit appellate judge Kyle Duncan, who was shouted down by hundreds of students—and berated by Stanford diversity dean Tirien Steinbach—when he spoke at the law school last month. The students called Duncan “scum,” asked why he couldn’t “find the clit,” and screamed, “We hope your daughters get raped.”

What a pack of Progressive vermin. By rights, every single one of these violent thugs should be expelled from Stanford. Of course, this is a progressive leftist university and these are progressive liberal students.

Though Steinbach is on leave, Stanford has ruled out disciplining the hecklers, who by Stanford’s own admission violated the school’s free speech policy.

“Rules aren’t rules without consequences,” Ho said. “And students who practice intolerance don’t belong in the legal profession.”

Nope, they belong in a window asking if you would like fries with your order.

Calling the disruption an act of “intellectual terrorism,” Ho argued that Duncan’s treatment reflects “rampant” viewpoint discrimination at elite law schools, some of which do not employ a single center-right professor. It is no coincidence, Ho said, that the worst free speech incidents have occurred at the law schools with the least intellectual diversity. Though Ho did not say what it would take for him to lift the boycott, he implied that a more politically diverse faculty—and a less ideologically uniform administration—would go a long way.

“How do we know everyone’s views will be protected,” he asked, “if everyone’s views aren’t represented?”

Well, that’s not going to happen any time soon. For this to occur, the entire administration of these schools needs to be replaced, preferably with people who have actual spines and who won’t hesitate to bounce some of these idiots out.

“Imagine that every judge who says they’re opposed to discrimination at Yale and Stanford takes the same path,” Ho said. “Imagine they decide that, until the discrimination stops, they will no longer hire from those schools in the future. How quickly do we think those schools would stop discriminating then?”

You can read Judge Ho’s full remarks here. They are quite lengthy so you may want a glass of your favorite adult beverage in hand. Now regarding the “Boycott” of students from Yale and Stanford, if this idea spreads, and I have little doubt that a lot of other judges are considering it, these morons are going to see their legal careers come to a screeching halt. Clerking for a judge after graduation, and interning before graduation, are rather important for law school students and graduates. It could mean the difference between a high end law firm, corporate legal department or working as an ambulance chaser.

Add to this the possibility that the judges might actually contact the State Bar associations and recommend against admitting these thugs, and they will see their legal career end before it even begins. I would also look into decertifying the schools. I’m not sure if this is possible, but if elite law schools such as Yale and Stanford lose their accreditation, they are done. That alone would force them to stop coddling these thugs. Personally, I think it’s to late. Besides, we have to many lawyers in this country as it is. We shall see if Judge Ho’s plan works or not.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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2 Responses to Stanford Law students about to get a reality check to the back of the head

  1. Connie Fowler says:

    Holy shit.. Stuck a fork in this country, it’s done.


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