NY D.A. Bragg violated President Trump’s 6th Amendment rights

Good day all. It’s been about a week since the corrupt, incompetent Manhattan District Attorney, Alvin Bragg(art), indicted the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump. Since then, lawyers on both sides of the political aisle have been weighing in on the charges, and almost all agree, they are a load of crap.

The charges have actually been looked at by the DoJ and FEC and found to be nothingburgers. This hasn’t phased Bragg(art) one bit. He said he would do whatever it takes to “Get Trump!” and he meant it, even if he had to violate the constitution to do it. It appears that he has. Here are the details from Fox News:

Former President Donald Trump’s Sixth Amendment rights may have been violated when New York County District Attorney Alvin Bragg refused to disclose the underlying crime the defendant intended to conceal through his alleged falsification of business records, legal experts opined Wednesday.

Not being a lawyer, (Thank God!), but I, and a lot of people who are lawyers, think the reason Bragg(art) didn’t disclose the underlying charges is that there isn’t one.

The Sixth Amendment provides in part for the right of a criminal defendant to “be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor…”

It seems that Bragg(art) doesn’t believe that the constitution actually applies.

When questioned by a reporter as to what the underlying crime the indictment fails to name is, Bragg replied in New York State, he does not have to.

“The indictment doesn’t specify it because the law does not so require,” he told the journalist.

This statement set off legal experts everywhere on both sides the political aisle. (The honest ones anyway)

On “Hannity,” Fox News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett forcefully dismissed Bragg’s claim, saying he likely violated Trump’s right to know what he is specifically being accused of.

“He does [have to name it, via] the Sixth Amendment,” Jarrett said. “[The indictment] is therefore facially defective. It is deficient on its face and it would be susceptible to a motion-to-dismiss.”

That assumes an honest and fair minded judge and not a biased political hack, which is what Judge Merchan apparently is.

Jarrett questioned whether Bragg slept through constitutional law in his studies at Harvard, envisioning the prosecutor working late one evening in New York City, mumbling that “I’ve got to get Trump — What crime? — What crime?” and that an office worker simply remarked, “Don’t say anything.”

I doubt Bragg(art) slept through constitutional law. I suspect he skipped the class entirely. Since he is a “Minority” and a “Victim of oppression and racism” they simply let it slide.

Jarrett recalled a warning from former Supreme Court Justice Robert H. Jackson, a Nuremberg Trial prosecutor, who said the “greatest danger to justice is an unscrupulous prosecutor who targets a person and then scours the law books to find an offense he can pin on that person.”

“That’s what Alvin Bragg has done,” he said.

Washington Times editor Charlie Hurt later added incredulously that Bragg’s charges amount to potentially more prison time — 136 years — than infamous Ponzi schemer Bernard Madoff, who died at a Butner, North Carolina, prison in 2021, served.

“[T]his is such a circus — it’s so absurd. It’s so ridiculous. Alvin Bragg has so embarrassed himself, embarrassed to the legal profession that it really is going to, I think, set the tone for anything else any of these wacko, crazed, lunatic, left-wing, politicized Democrat DA’s want to do to try to destroy Trump,” Hurt said.

The story goes on to list other corrupt Progressive DA’s, such as the one in Fulton County, Georgia. Mr. Hurt and the others are correct that since President Trump won the election, that the entire Deep State has been out to get him. As to President Trump getting a fair trial in New York, Alan Dershowitz doesn’t believe there is any chance of this happening in New York. In a report on Newsmax, Dershowitz said:

There is a “substantial” likelihood that former President Donald Trump’s trial will be moved out of highly liberal Manhattan and to another borough in New York City, as there is “no chance” he could get a fair trial unless the proceedings are moved, Harvard law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz said on Newsmax Sunday. 

“Over 85% of Manhattan voters voted against Trump, and people hate Trump,” Dershowitz said during Newsmax’s special coverage about the Trump indictment. “There is no chance he can get a fair trial in Manhattan. It ought to be moved either to Staten Island or Rockland County or upstate New York. Where people don’t have the same passion about Donald Trump.”

He further said that a judge or juror in Manhattan would not be likely to want to clear Trump of charges against him, out of fear of retribution. 

If, as millions of Trump supporters think will happen, President Trump is railroaded, there is a damn good chance that people will head into New York, not to protest, but to “Get” Alvin Bragg, the Judge and all the Manhattan Assistant District Attorneys. That fat, stupid moron might very well be the trigger of “Bad Times.” People already see that we now have a two tier justice system.

One part protects the Progressive Liberal ruling elites, and the other is now being used to go after the elite’s enemies. This is how you get a violent reaction. The nightmare scenario for the New York Police Department would be 5000+ very heavily armed Americans coming into the city to “Fix things.” There is no way the NYPD could handle that, even outnumbering the group 5 to 1.

I’m not sure on the legal procedures, but there must be a way to shut this down. As it is, that fat idiot has already opened a massive can of worms that is going to blow up in the Democrats faces yet again. There are already prosecutors on the Republican side asking about how they can “Get Biden” and the Clintons. (The Bidens and Clintons are quite crooked, with Felonia von Pantsuit guilty of violating the espionage act and destroying evidence. Biden has sold his office to China)

There is always the chance, slim as it may be, that the judge might actually look at the load of manure Bragg(art) has dropped into his court room and ask President Trump’s attorney to make a motion to dismiss. There is also the chance I might win the MegaMillions too.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to NY D.A. Bragg violated President Trump’s 6th Amendment rights

  1. Jefferson Selvy says:

    Time to give them a sunny wall to stand in front of?


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