A new study shows that Hard Leftists are narcissists and psychopaths

Good day all. For decades, the so called “Mental Health Professionals” have been accusing Republicans and conservatives of being mentally deranged. Most conservatives and Republicans hear this, shake their heads at these studies and go back to enjoying life and a good BBQ.

politically incorrect zone

Now a new study is putting the shoe on the other foot, so to speak and declaring that left wing extremism is linked to psychopathy and narcissism. Here are the details from the New York Post:

Left-wing extremism is linked to toxic, psychopathic tendencies and narcissism, according to a new study published to the peer-reviewed journal Current Psychology.

This was peer reviewed and accepted? How the heck did this happen? Usually these journals and periodicals ignore anything that might put the Progressives in a bad light. Someone obviously slipped up. No doubt that person is being tracked down and will be sent to a mental health reeducation center.

Based on existing research, we expected individuals with higher levels of left-wing authoritarianism to also report higher levels of narcissism,” the authors wrote.

They’ve even come up with a name for this “syndrome.”

As result of the new data, study authors Ann Krispenz and Alex Bertrams have coined a new term for such psychological behavior: the “dark-ego-vehicle principle.

According to this principle, individuals with dark personalities — such as high narcissistic and psychopathic traits — are attracted to certain forms of political and social activism which they can use as a vehicle to satisfy their own ego-focused needs instead of actually aiming at social justice and equality,” they told PsyPost.

In particular, certain forms of activism might provide them with opportunities for positive self-presentation and displays of moral superiority, to gain social status, to dominate others, and to engage in social conflicts and aggression to satisfy their need for thrill seeking.”

So, basically, you’re saying that this principle allows these thugs to loot, burn, beat and murder and feel morally superior while doing it?

The study on left-wing authoritarianism also showed that many times they do not practice what they so loudly preach.

Social justice is often used as a guise for these activists to behave unhinged, the research noted.

“An individual high in LWA might declare anyone to be ‘old fashioned’ who is opposing their own ‘progressive values,’ strive to suppress free speech to regulate the expression of right-wing beliefs in educational institutions, and even endorse the use of violence to reach their own political goals,” the authors said.

So, basically, they are Nazis and are acting just like the old Nazi Sturmabteilung, just not as competent? That would make sense, considering the antics of Antifa. Of course, in the end, Hitler brought in his other set of goons, the Sturmabteilung, and liquidated the Sturmabteilung when they were no longer useful to him and became a threat to his, (Hitler’s) rule.

Beyond using any means necessary, people of privileged backgrounds who are aligned with LWA often use their narcissism to make activism solely about themselves instead of achieving social equality for struggling groups.

Minority groups should be made aware of the narcissistic ‘enemies’ from within their activist movement, as these individuals could hijack the cause thereby reducing the success of the activism in many ways,” the authors added.

We saw this the Black Lives Matter movement. The “Leadership” looted the BLM and used the money for their own purposes, like buying expensive real estate, none of which had anything to do with the stated goals of the BLM.

As grandiose narcissists typically desire fame, distinction, elevated social status and high social importance, they can be assumed to strive for influential positions that involve social visibility and outreach as well as access to financial and other resources.”

Hmm, who does that sound like?

The authors also made it clear that authoritarianism exists on both sides of the political spectrum and that “there is a wide range of literature and research in the field of right-wing authoritarianism.

However, research on authoritarianism observed in individuals who are supportive of left-wing political ideologies are still rare.”

From what I recall, most of the so called “Right Wing” authoritarians tended to be more of the religious types, and rather extreme ones at that. (Using the Bible to push control of the masses) They’ve mostly faded away these days. (They still exist but are generally ignored) The Left however, is the side that has produced some of the worst political mass murderers in History. Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, all were leftists.

This “Dark-ego-vehicle principle” does explain a lot of things regarding the Progressive Liberal Left. They are the ones that have been ramping up the violence and demands for submission to them. To date, they have been tolerated to some extent, however, this seems to only embolden them.

Eventually, these mentally ill idiots are going to cross a line and then a response they won’t see coming will happen. That response will not include visits to mental health professionals. For many, they will find out that the people they like attacking are going to flat out shoot them. We’re already beginning to see this happen with violent criminals who are getting shot by their victims.

I have not read this study of course and don’t claim any competence in the subject. I do wonder how much of what we’re seeing that they are describing as this principle is due to environmental as opposed to physical causes. By this I mean, how many of these punks were allowed to basically throw tantrums as the grew up and were given what they wanted by their parents? I suspect that many of these “Sufferers” could have been cured at an early age by a good spanking or three.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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One Response to A new study shows that Hard Leftists are narcissists and psychopaths

  1. KellyJ says:

    But then Conservatives have known this about the Left for Decades.


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