President Trump appears for mugshot. Liberals worst nightmare happens

Good day all. The greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, has been formally arraigned and had his picture taken. The Fulton County Sheriff’s office has released the mugshot and as expected, the Democrats worst nightmare is happening.

There is no question that the corrupt and politically motivated Fulton County District Attorney, Fani Fat Ass Willis, intended to have the mugshot of President Trump to be utterly humiliating. It hasn’t worked out that way. The picture itself shows President Trump with an angry and determined look that just says “My turn is coming.”

The picture has taken the internet by storm and memes by the millions are being dropped everywhere, most showing President Trump in a positive light. Of course, I’ve generated my own, comparing President Trump with another great leader who faced pure evil in his time.

This has panicked people and groups such as CNN, who, at first, could barely hide their happiness at the mugshot. Then reality set in and once again Progressives learn that the Ultra MAGA Deplorables of the Republican Base will take things that Progressive Liberal Democrats think will be insulting to them, and own them. Here are some details from RedState:

The left was salivating to get the mugshot of former President Donald Trump stemming from his Fulton County, Georgia charges.

Be careful what you wish for. You’re liable to get it, good and hard.

The people seemingly most anxious to get it were CNN, which was the first outlet to release the mugshot. They claimed they got it from Fulton County officials, although there were reports that it wasn’t going to be released until 4 p.m. Friday. 

They had already displayed the mugshots of Trump’s codefendants like political scalps taken 188 times in 24 hours.

Yep, the little twerps were giggling like little school girls with their usual “We finally got him!” remarks.

MRC analysts examined all coverage on CNN and MSNBC from 6:00 p.m. on August 23 to that same time the following day. During that 24-hour span, the two cable networks displayed mugshots of former Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani, former Trump administration Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, and the other defendants a whopping 188 times, amounting to a combined 83 minutes of airtime.

MSNBC led the pair in both total on-screen displays and screen time; they showed the mugshots 122 times, for a total of 56 minutes and 23 seconds. CNN showed the images 66 times, which amounted to 27 minutes and 12 seconds of screen time.

This can be compared with their usual coverage of anything negative about Joe Biden.

Can there be any question that this is about trying to damage Trump and the others with the photos, or that this is about trying to hurt his campaign?

Nope. Not at all.

That’s why CNN’s complaints as to how Trump might use his mugshot was so whiny, hypocritical, and hilarious. They’re using the mugshots of Trump and the others to make money. Yet they’re upset that Trump might flip the script and use his to fundraise to help defeat the Democrats.

And that is exactly what’s happening. President Trump knew exactly how that mugshot was going to be used, or attempted to be used, by the Democrat Propaganda Corps. This is why he showed the face he did. There are now t-shirts, coffee mugs and all sorts of items being sold by the Trump Campaign. This wasn’t supposed to happen in the minds of the Mostly Stupid Media. This was supposed to be about the humiliation of Donald Trump.

That’s one of the questions about this sort of value of a mugshot in this case. Right?” correspondent Sara Murray whined to Kaitlan Collins. 

“It’s, sure, it’s treating Donald Trump if he does get one, the same as any other defendant but you’re also giving him a photo that there’s no doubt that he’s gonna use on promotional material, he’s gonna use on fundraising material.”

And he is.

Guess what? That’s exactly what he intends to do and that’s what makes it so hilarious. He’s already out with the t-shirt as I reported, as well as mugs and likely other merchandise is coming. He’s going to make a ton of money on it for the campaign. And why shouldn’t he? As I noted, Trump is making a bigger point about fighting back against this and the weaponization of government. 

The Progressives, Liberals Democrats, Moonbats, Morons and idiots on the left just don’t get it and never will. Yes, President Trump is angry and has every right to be. This latest plot by a corrupt Democrat DA to keep President Trump from winning another term is doing just the opposite. People are seeing the case, along with all the others, as political prosecutions, and that is something that isn’t supposed to happen in the United States.

I have no idea how things are going to proceed of course. Most legal scholars are slamming Fani Fat Ass Willis on this indictment, with many stating that this is a flat out assault on the 1st Amendment. What may actually, (And I hope does), happen is that President Trump wins the nomination, (Which looks like a good possibility), and then goes on to win the election. If/when that happens, revenge of the lawful kind will be his. Once again, the Democrats will find out that their “Smart ideas” can and will be used against them far more competently by the Republicans.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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