Shocking no one, most people believe that Bidenomics isn’t working

Good day all. Since he was installed into office, the Worst President* in American History, Joe Biden, has demonstrated his complete lack of understanding for economics. (Or anything else other than “Where’s my 10 percent?” for that matter)

Inflation is the highest it’s been in decades with no real sign of coming down, people are worried about having a job, putting food on the table or keeping a roof over their heads. The term “Bidenomics” soon came about as an attack on Biden’s stupid policies that have damaged the economic well being of the United States.

Biden and his handlers, (Minders?), having seen how a derogatory remark aimed at Conservatives, Republicans and Trump supporters kept getting co-opted and then used as a badge of honor, thought they could do the same thing with Bidenomics. It’s not working. Here are the details from Breitbart:

A super-majority of voters have negative views of the U.S. economy and disapprove of President Biden’s handling of the issue, according to a Wall Street Journal poll that the paper describes as “a stark warning to the 80-year-old incumbent ahead of the 2024 contest.”

I doubt he saw the poll. He decided to go to bed and announced that fact in Hanoi.

Sixty-three percent of American registered voters say the economy’s strength is “not so good” or “poor.” Just 32 percent say the economy is “good” and only five percent say the economy is “excellent.”

Those 5% are the Progressive Liberal donors to the Democrats. Most of them have no interest in the United States and have more in common with Communist China, Fascist Italy or Nazi Germany. (See George and Alex Soros)

President Biden has been attempting to win over Americans to a more favorable view of his performance on the economy, claiming that positive developments are the result of what he calls “Bidenomics.” There has been some improvement in the public’s view of the economy this year. In December, 67 percent had negative views of the economy and in October this was as high as 72 percent. A year ago, the public’s view of the economy was close to what it is now.

I suspect that’s due to the people they contacted last time having lost their homes and are now living on the streets in San Francisco. It’s hard to reach them to ask their opinions.

When asked how the economy has fared over the past two years, 58 percent say the economy has gotten worse. Just 28 percent say the economy has gotten better. Twelve percent say the economy is about the same as it was two years ago.

I wonder if they polled any oil field workers? I think they might have a few things to say about the economy under Joe the Groomer Biden.

Although the rate of inflation has declined this year, Americans are unhappy with rising prices. Seventy-four percent say inflation has moved in the wrong direction, with just 20 percent saying it has moved in the right direction.

Those 20 percent? They’re what is known as “Gold Bugs.” Inflation means the value of their gold increases. The Breitbart continues quoting statistics and I’ll let you dig into them. A couple of key points are what respondents think of Dementia Joe’s handling of the economy. Here’s a hint. It’s not good for Biden.

Fifty-nine percent say they disapprove of Biden’s handling of the economy, basically unchanged since the Wall Street Journal polled the question in March and April.  Forty-eight percent say they “strongly” disapprove of Biden’s handling of the economy. Sixty percent say they disapprove of Biden’s handling of inflation and rising costs, including a majority—51 percent— who say they strongly disapprove.

Again, I think these numbers are on the low side. Thanks to Biden’s ineptitude, people are not as well off as they were three years ago.

Although Biden claims his programs are growing the economy “from the bottom up and the middle out,” most Americans do not agree.

Biden and his minions are basically saying, “Who are you going to believe? Joe Biden or your lying eyes?”

Fifty-eight percent say they disapprove of Biden’s handling of the issue of growing the middle class, including 47 percent who wrongly disapprove. Just 36 percent say they approve of Biden’s handling of the issue.

That 36 percent is fairly stable. These are the so called “Yellow dog Democrats.” They will support any Democrat no matter how incompetent or corrupt that Democrat is. The Republicans also have some like that, but no where in the numbers the Democrats have. The reason for this is simple. These people are sheep.

On the issue of China, 55 percent disapprove and just 36 percent approve.

There is that number again. As I just said, 36 percent of the Democrats will always support the Democrats no matter what is actually happening.

Republicans can only so much comfort from Biden’s unpopularity. The poll shows that Donald Trump is not any more popular than Biden. Thirty-nine percent say the approve of Trump and 58 percent say they disapprove. Fifty-two percent say they have a very unfavorable view of Trump.

Again, I disagree with those numbers. The Wall Street Journal is not a support of the Greatest President of the 21st Century and really never has been. The WSJ is populated by transnational Globalists who don’t care about the United States, only about their own personal bottom line. (It’s also owned by the Murdochs)

In terms of next year’s presidential election, Biden is tied with Trump in the poll. Forty percent said that if the election were held today, they would vote for Trump. Thirty-nine percent say they would vote for Biden. Seventeen percent say the are undecided. When asked who they would vote for if the Democrat nominee were Biden and the Republican nominee were Trump, 46 percent say Biden and 46 percent say Trump.

That just shows that 46 percent of the people are as dumb as Joe Biden. This is why I question parts of this poll. Back in 1984, when Ronald Reagan, the Greatest President of the 20th Century, ran for reelection, he asked one simple question.

“Are you better off now then you were 4 years ago?”

The answer was a definite yes for America and Ronald Reagan carried 49 of 50 states in one of the biggest landslides in American electoral history. That question is one that will work again. The Republican nominee, (Donald Trump), simply has to ask people, “Are you better off now then you were 4 years ago?” For most people, the answer will be a resounding “Hell NO!” We still have over a year before the election and I have no doubt that mush for brains bonehead Biden will make things even worse. Now if the Republicans can just not screw it up yet again.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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