Senator Fauxahontas Warren praises Govno Lujan Grisham illegal actions

Good day all. The dictatorial attempt by the soon to be former, (We hope), Govno of New Mexico, Michelle Lujan Grisham to ban the carrying of guns in and around Albuquerque has been stopped by the courts. Most of the Progressive Liberal Democrats have abandoned her. However, there have been a very few exceptions.

One of these is the senior senator of Massachusetts, Elizabeth Lie-a-watha Warren. Unsurprisingly, the Communist Fake Indian was fully on board with Lujan Grisham’s idea to revoke the Constitution, both of the state of New Mexico and the United States of American. Here are the details from the Washington Free Beacon:

Democratic senator Elizabeth Warren (Mass.) praised a ban on carrying guns days after the New Mexico governor banned guns in public places around Albuquerque.

“A few years back, D.C. said, ‘We just wanna basically ban carrying guns,’ and good for D.C.,” Warren said on CNN. “And then an extremist United States Supreme Court said, ‘Nope, we’re not gonna let you do it.'”

I can’t say I’m surprised by Fauxahontas’s comments. She has a long history of working to subvert the United States Constitution and institute rule be decree by the elites, of which she considers herself to be one of.

Warren said Washington, D.C., was “right” that such a move would “bring down gun violence.”

No actually just the opposite happens and we have plenty of evidence. Just compare your average Democrat run city with extreme, (and unconstitutional), gun laws with cities and states that don’t. There is a big difference, especially in physical attacks by criminals on honest citizens.

Warren was likely referring to District of Columbia v. Heller, the 2008 case in which the Supreme Court struck down the city’s handgun ban. Warren said she supports gun bans in light of the New Mexico controversy.

This totalitarian bitch doesn’t support bans, she wants outright confiscation, up to and including deploying the military to crash doors and shoot American citizens who might object to the cancellation of their constitutional rights. (Not just the 2nd Amendment, but essentially the entire constitution)

Democratic governor Michelle Lujan Grisham last week issued a ban on the right to carry firearms in the state’s largest city, Albuquerque, and the surrounding county, Bernalillo, in light of recent violence. The move was a part of a larger public health emergency about gun violence and drug use that Grisham ordered.

That order was challenged in court, (And an injunction issued). Also, every single member of the law enforcement community, including the Attorney General flat out refused to carry out Lujan Grisham’s commands. You also had armed protesters show up and peacefully inform Govno Lujan Grisham to go pound sand. I suspect that Lujan Grisham may be removed from office by the end of the year.

As for Big Chief Sitting Bullshit Warren, She is a classic Manhattan Marxist. She would be right at home in any totalitarian regime, provided she was one of the ones in charge. It would be nice of the people of Massachusetts would wake up and boot her and the Junior Senator, Ed “Ice Cream Man” Markey from office. Their contempt for the Constitution makes them, in my worthless opinion, actual threats to this country.

Warren is the worst, as her support for the New Mexico Govno’s illegal order shows. I haven’t seen any others in Congress supporting the actions of Govno Lujan Grisham. Even Markey hasn’t supported her actions. Much as I hate to say it, that load of manure has more sense then Lie-a-watha Warren.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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