New York Democrats latest idea? Raise taxes to pay for illegal aliens

Good day all. Thanks to the epic incompetence that is the Worst President* in American History, Joe Hairsniffer Biden, the United States has been, for all intents and purposes, invaded with millions of illegal aliens entering the United States.

The border states, such as Texas, have been struggling to deal with this fiasco, with Texas looking into declaring the illegals as actual invaders and using military force to repel them. They’ve also been shipping illegals to all the sanctuary cities and states such as New York and Massachusetts, since they claimed that the criminals should be welcomed. That hasn’t gone over to well with those states.

New York is buried under hundreds of thousands of illegals. New York City has been trying to emulate Texas and ship the illegals to other New York cities. Those cities and towns have not just said “Hell NO!” they’ve implied that they will use force to keep the criminals out. Now a couple of bright bulbs, (Of the burned out variety) have come up with a cunning plan. Force New Yorkers to pay even more taxes to support the Illegal Aliens. Here are the details from the New York Post:

Socialist state lawmakers are itching to impose new tax increases to cover the ever-increasing cost of migrants in the Big Apple — insisting that forcing New Yorkers to pay even more is the only way out of the mushrooming crisis.

Two state senators told The Post new taxes were on the table, while their grassroots cadres have buzzed on social media.

We should increase taxes because it’s economically just policy to offset all costs for our state to function,” said state Sen. Julia Salazar (D-Brooklyn).

I’d say that even if our city and state hadn’t seen an increase in migrants seeking asylum, this moment makes it all the more important for the wealthy to pay their fair share of taxes.”

Ahh yes, the old “Make them pay their fair share.” That’s worked out so well with states like New York and Kalifornistan that they are seeing massive budget deficits as “The Rich” take their money and move to Florida or somewhere else that doesn’t see them as a piggy bank to be looted.

Salazar noted that in 2021 the state passed a slew of tax increases on high earners — which she lamented would sunset instead of becoming permanent.

As I just mentioned, those taxes aren’t bringing in the revenue they claimed it would. But never let it be said that Liberals, Progressives, Socialists, Communists and Democrats can’t learn from their failures. (They can’t)

Her tax-happy sentiments were echoed by Senate comrade Jabari Brisport (D-Brooklyn).

We’re still organizing to tax the rich through the same revenue-raising bills we’ve been fighting for for years,” he said.

The renewed tax fever comes after Mayor Adams last week ordered that all city agencies must slash their budgets by 5%, and possibly by up to 15% in the future, to help accommodate the migrant surge. Adams has said that caring for migrants will cost $12 billion over the next three years.

Cutting the police budget is tantamount to suicide for New York City. They are having enough problems now thanks to Adams and that Soros DA, Brag. These criminals are already causing issues for the honest people. (If none to bright for electing these idiots in the first place) Cutting police will make things worse.

Left-wing Dems have derided cutting services to pay for migrants as a false choice.

A reminder: This is a choice. We are cutting services for New Yorkers when we could #TaxTheRich. Don’t blame migrants for lack of leadership,” said Brian Romero, chief of staff to socialist Queens Assemblywoman Jessica González-Rojas, in response to the cuts.

She’s both right and wrong. It is a choice, but the decades of mismanagement of New York City since former mayor Rudy Giuliani stepped down, and the state of New York is finally hitting home. Now they’ve run out of money and despite what these two Communists think, there is no more for them to steal tax.

González-Rojas publicly offered to accept all new migrant shelters into her Queens district in a Zoom call with lawmakers last month — something she has not followed up on.

Probably due to the earful she is getting from the residents. They’ve had it with the illegals and people like González-Rojas announcing that they would be happy to force her constituents to accept them.

Most taxes New Yorkers pay would come at the state level and would require the approval of Gov. Hochul.

She’s stupid enough to sign a bill hiking taxes if it should arrive on her desk.

If not the income tax directly, Albany pols could opt to hike levies on alcohol, hotels, cigarettes, and other items.

Oh I’m sure the hotels will love this! Tourists are already thinking that New York City might not be a good place to go, and jacking up the costs might just be the point where they decide to go somewhere else. The other items? The black market will skyrocket. They already have issues with tobacco smuggling.

Critics said tax hikes are the wrong approach.

They will raise the tax on just about anything you can think of that moves or walks. And quite frankly continue the outer migration of people to Florida,” said Rob Cole, a longtime aide to former Gov. George Pataki.

They’re progressive liberal Democrats. The mantra of the Progressive is a variation of the one in the military. “If it moves, tax it. If it doesn’t move, Tax and regulate it. If people want this, tax it, regulate it and then ban it.”

If Adams wants to save money, the solution is simple. Pay for one way plane tickets to Bogata and ship the illegals out of the country. It will be a lot cheaper then what that incompetent, progressive Moonbat wants to do.

Of course, that would require a few things like a spine and understanding that these are criminals and not migrants. A migrant doesn’t enter the United States unlawfully. These criminals are a threat to this country. As for New York? Maybe Snake Plisskin is available.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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