So much for Biden crowing about “Bidenomics”

Good day all. For the last few years, Republicans, primarily the Deplorable Ultra MAGA Trump supporters, have been referring to the economic disaster we’re now suffering under as “Bidenomics.” It was meant as an insult to Biden and has been quite successful.

Biden’s handlers decided to once again try and take ownership of the term Bidenomics and turn it into a positive. They saw how the Republican base did this with the term “Deplorables” and Ultra MAGA and thought they could do it with Bidenomics. They failed to understand what it takes to turn a negative into a positive, and in this case, Bidenomics has been the dead opposite of the old Reaganomics. Now it seems that Biden’s handlers have thrown in the towel…again. Here are the details from the Daily Wire:

Top allies of President Joe Biden are reportedly urging him to ditch the “Bidenomics” message as the president’s approval on the economy continues to drag.

The White House has sold its economic agenda to voters as “Bidenomics,” trying to take advantage of a post-pandemic return to normalcy after widespread shutdowns put millions of Americans out of work. The economic recovery has dragged, however, under high inflation and interest rate hikes by the Federal Reserve.

There is a reason why people consider Bidenomics to be a negative. It has been highly destructive to the United States. The Panicdemic lock-downs by the state governors, (President Trump had zero control over the states actions, regardless what a lot of Never Trumpers say), was starting to reverse with states beginning to open back up.

However, we had the “Tainted Election of 2020” and the installation by the Deep State of the Worst President in American History. The first thing that senile sack of manure did was throw 10’s of thousands of people out of work when he killed the KeystoneXL pipeline. Since that day, Dementia Joe Biden has been following the orders of his handlers and pretty much wrecked the economy.

Now, top Biden allies are attempting to persuade the White House to ditch the “Bidenomics” tagline as polls show ugly returns for Democrats on economic issues.

With all due respect to the president, to the White House, this is not so much about them as it is the people who are benefiting by the policies that they came out and demanded,” Rep. Steven Horsford (D-NV), chair of the Congressional Black Caucus, said, according to POLITICO. “We have to do a better job framing this not so much for one person — for the office of the presidency — but for the people.”

Yeah, good luck with that. First, it’s always been about The Ruling Elite and never about “The people,” especially people who are black. If anything, that community, which was reaping huge benefits under the policies of the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, has suffered greatly. Under President Trump, unemployment levels among Black Americans was dropping faster then Joe Biden’s IQ. Now? The so called Congressional Black Caucus is working tirelessly to bring their runaway slaves back to the Democrat plantation.

Progressive Policy Institute President Will Marshall said that the Biden administration’s economic message is not selling.

The White House needs to change its tack to find a more promising line as Democrats prepare for the 2024 elections.

At this point, Bidenomics doesn’t really have strong answers to people’s biggest worries,” Marshall said. “There ought to be a lot of thinking in the White House now about changes in the way they present their case for the economic good that this administration has done.”

You mean lie through your progressive teeth. The economy flat out sucks. Inflation is, frankly, out of control and the Federal Reserve is trying, in their usual incompetent way, to fix the issue they caused in the first place. (That is another organization that needs to be shut down)

On Tuesday, an NBC News poll showed Republicans with the largest edge over Democrats on Americans’ perception of economic issues ever in the history of the poll.

The poll, taken from September 15-19, found that 49% of Americans favor Republican economic policy as opposed to 28% who favor Democrat policy. The poll also found Republicans with an advantage in a slate of other top issues.

The Democrats, as usual, thought that they had carte blanche to do what they want. This happens almost every single time they get control. They don’t think that they will ever lose that control, so they began shoving their beliefs and desires down the throats of the American people. We are seeing the reactions, both societal and economic from average Americans.

The “Social” reactions have been in the education system with parents pretty much exploding at the Educational Elites over the drek they’ve been pushing on their children. The response was to sic the FBI on parents and call them Domestic Terrorists. The economic side of things, people are seeing their savings disappear along with their jobs.

Biden and his handlers love to say they’ve “Created millions of jobs” but what actually happened was the people returning to their old jobs after the lock-downs ended. Now those same jobs are starting to go away thanks to the economic disaster that is the Biden Maladministration.

On this survey after 20 or 30 years, Republicans dealing with the economy [versus Democrats], immigration and crime are all at their all-time highs,” Republican pollster Bill McInturff said.

The other thing that is maybe not expected is these phrases: ‘protecting our constitutional rights’ and ‘protecting democracy.’ These are things where overall the electorate thinks Republicans are more focused and would do a better job than Democrats,” he continued.

Well of course they are. The problem is that the Republican party is that they are currently schizophrenic where the Democrats are monolithic, totalitarian socialists and communists. All the “moderate” Democrats have either been forced out of the party or quit in disgust. The only Democrat that both sides have recently considered as presidential or vice presidential material was Tulsi Gabbard. She was rejected by the Democrat Party, (You don’t really think the average Democrat has any real say over anything, do you?), and finally said “Enough!” and left the party.

On the Republican side you basically have 2 groups. The so called “MAGA Deplorables” who want a good economy, schools that actually teach their children how to read, write, math and actual history, and not be seen as fodder by the educational elite groomers and predators. They want an economy that is growing for everyone and that every person has a chance to succeed.

Then you have the side generally referred to as “RINO’s.” These are the ones that are fine with losing as long as they can maintain their wealth, power and privileged. They also called “Neocons” who’s only goal is to get America into wars so they can profit, but never let the troops actually do what is needed to win. They are also Transnational globalists who have no problem shipping American jobs overseas, again, so long as they personally profit.

You’re seeing the fight between the “Ultra MAGA’s” and the “RINO’s” right now with the annual budget debacles debates. My personal opinion is that the Republican Base, (And for the due diligence, I am not a member of any political party, but do lean Republican), has had it with the RINO’s and TransRepublicans.

We are seeing a lot of the RINO’s either retiring or losing their primaries. The 2022 midterms might have been, for the Republicans, a watershed moment. When Chief RINO and Deep State swamp dweller, Mitch McConnell deliberately threw several winnable senatorial elections so that he could maintain his position, the GOP base went ballistic. The 2024 election is going to be the one that either makes or breaks the United States as a nation.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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