Israel is going to War. Hamas launches assaults into Israel, killing hundreds

Good day all. Well it isn’t a good day in the Middle East. The idiots running Hamas have launched an assault on Israel that has killed at least 200 civilians. Now Israeli Prime Minister has said that Israel is now at war.

This is obviously an ongoing story and there is a lot of information out there. Remember that the 72 hour rule, or in this case, the 7.2 day rule is in effect. Any information initially released is probably wrong. Here is what I have at the moment from Fox News:

Israel’s military forces have opened up fighting in nearly two dozen locations along the Gaza border after Hamas terrorists launched thousands of rockets into Israel on Saturday morning.

“There is no community in Southern Israel where we do not have forces, in all the towns,” Israel Defense Force (IDF) Spokesperson Daniel Hagari said in a statement Saturday evening. “There are communities that have been rid of terrorists, but we want to finish additional scans of the area before declaring so.”

Hamas has invaded Israel after launching who knows how many rockets into Israel. They claim it’s 5000, but these are Palestinian terrorists and they lie, a lot. Here are some of those details from Fox News:

A senior Hamas military commander, Mohammad Deif, announced the start of the operation in which he called on Palestinians everywhere to attack the Israelis, saying in a broadcast on Hamas media that the group launched 5,000 rockets and calling the attack “the day of the greatest battle to end the last occupation on earth.”

Well, that’s all you need to know on the goals. Hamas intends to exterminate the Israelis like their hero, Adolph Hitler almost did in World War Two.

Iranian-backed Hamas terrorists invaded areas of southern Israel as rocket barrages launched from the Gaza Strip struck the area on Saturday, killing at least 200 Israelis and wounding at least 985 others, according to The Associated Press.

Well, we can see the money that incompetent, senile idiot, Joe Biden, has been put to “Good Use” by Iran. Speaking of that moron, he has issued a statement. Here is what that jackass said, again, from Fox News:

In a short speech from the White House, Biden said he will “make sure” that Israel has the help it needs to defend itself against Hamas terrorists.

I got up this morning, started this at 7:30, 8:00, my calls…Hamas terrorists crossing into Israel, killing not only Israeli soldiers, but Israeli civilians in the street in their homes. Innocent people murdered, wounded, entire families taken hostage by Hamas just days after Israel marked the holiest of days of the Jewish calendar,” Biden explained. “It’s unconscionable.”

Biden then affirmed that Israel has a right to defend its people and that his support for the country is “rock solid.”

Let me say this as clearly as I can: this is not a moment for any party hostile to Israel to exploit these attacks, to seek advantage,” Biden added. “The world is watching.”

I’m sure that’s made Taiwan feel nice and safe, just as the Ukraine felt nice and safe until Putin decided to dispose of all his old tanks, planes, artillery, warships and troops while looking at vacation property near Kyiv. This is yet another Biden foreign policy disaster. Again, from Fox News:

This audacious attack shines a glaring spotlight on the failures of the Biden administration’s foreign policy, the unholy alliance between Iran and Hamas, and the global implications that reach as far as Beijing. Let’s look at all the pieces on the global chessboard and what it means for the U.S. under Biden’s leadership going forward.

Iran’s support for Hamas is not a secret. What’s alarming is the extent to which this alliance has been fueled by the Biden administration’s billions in aid to Iran. Despite the theological divide between Iran’s Shiite theocracy and Hamas’ radical Sunni ideology, their common goal of annihilating Israel unites them. 

Did anyone in the maladministration, or the Democrats in Congress think that those billions that incontinent, hair sniffing, child molesting moron sent to Iran was going to be used for anything other than terrorist attacks against Israel and the United States?

Look for Iran to bring in its most powerful proxy in the region, Lebanon’s Hezbollah, with an arsenal of some 100,000 rockets aimed at Israel. 

That would be a major escalation, and I think Israel might have reached the point of taking the gloves off. They certainly will if Hezbollah decides to go full on stupid and fire on Israel.

Hamas has escalated the conflict by taking Israeli hostages, likely confined in fortified bunkers. Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu has responded with full military mobilization. The recovery of these hostages will be a long, costly endeavor, potentially involving thousands of casualties.

Those thousand will be on the Palestinian side. Sadly, I don’t think Israel will be able to save the hostages. What may happen is Israel going full Jacksonian on the Palestinians.

As if the situation weren’t volatile enough, Hamas is likely making a play to unseat the geriatric Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas. Should it succeed, a new front will open in the historic Jewish lands of Judea and Samaria, complicating Israel’s military calculus.

Only if the Israelis try and minimize Palestinian casualties.

Israel, while defending its very existence, will be subject to calls for “proportional” response from the international community. It’s a twisted irony that Israel is expected to moderate its self-defense while under indiscriminate attack.

I think this may finally break the “International Community.” If Israel basically decides, “Fuck it! It’s time ti end this once and for all.” well, we haven’t seen anything like that since WW 2. Even what’s going on in the Ukraine has been primarily between to armies.

The Biden administration’s foreign policy failures have had a profound impact since the president took office. From the disastrous withdrawal from Kabul to the lack of deterrence against Russian aggression in Ukraine, the U.S. has displayed glaring weaknesses.

Adding insult to injury, recent reports suggest that Iran has successfully placed agents of influence within the Biden administration. This is not just a breach of national security; it’s a chilling testament to the level of Tehran’s ambitions and a direct contributor to the emboldening of Iran and its proxies like Hamas.

It’s also typical of the most incompetent and corrupt President* and Administration in American history. However, there is a bright side to all this and that is due to the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump.

Israel finds itself in a precarious situation, but it would be in even greater difficulty were it not for the Abraham Accords. Orchestrated by the Trump administration, this visionary diplomatic effort normalized relations between Israel and several Muslim nations, including the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan, and Morocco. 

These agreements have created a strategic realignment in the region, providing Israel with a broader coalition of nations that share an interest in curbing Iranian aggression and fostering stability. While the Abraham Accords may not directly mitigate the immediate crisis, they offer a long-term framework that isolates malign actors like Iran and Hamas, giving Israel strategic depth and diplomatic leverage it didn’t have before.

Right now Israel is mobilizing. That’s going to take a few days. As to what happens then, who knows? I do have a suspicion that Gaza and the West Bank, (If they get involved), are going to be reoccupied and not in a nice way. If Hezbollah gets involved, or Syria, then all bets are off. I really doubt Netanyahu and Israel are not going to let the “International Community” tie their hands again. Stay tuned.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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4 Responses to Israel is going to War. Hamas launches assaults into Israel, killing hundreds

  1. Diane Guinn says:

    I thought the Iron Dome would prevent such attacks, but the hamas figured out how to get around it’s protection with the onslaught of thousands of rockets – it overwhelmed the amazing dome!
    Imagine how many hamas are here in the usa waiting to be activated – thanks to pedojo’s deliberate illegal invasion on America. disgusting, vile POS

    • Angry Webmaster says:

      Iron Dome handles potential threats. It has to decide which is the greater potential for damage. it’s also finite.
      Any antimissile system can be overloaded and the sheer volume of rockets fired probably did just that.
      It’s time for Israel to take the gloves off. They hit resistance? Call in artillery and airstrikes and level everything. Then burn it.


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