Israel declares war

Good day all. It’s now formal. The Israeli government has declared that a formal state of war exists. This is the first time this has happened since the 1973 Yom Kippur War. This allows Israel to bring out resources that they normally don’t use.

Currently, Hamas has killed 600 Israelis and it looks like they’ve also started killing foreign nationals who happened to get caught up in this. There is a report of a young German woman who was there and attending a music festival who was killed by the Palestinians who said she was an IDF soldier. What she was, was a tattoo artist. (I won’t name her in respect to her memory and her family. They found out when they spotted her body being displayed by the Palestinians on television)

There are also reports that Americans have been killed by these vermin, and our crack(ed) State Department is working to confirm this. According to The Messenger:

Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Sunday that the United States is working to confirm reports of multiple Americans who are missing or have been killed following Hamas’ surprise attack in Israel.

We have reports that several Americans were killed. We’re working overtime to verify that. At the same time, there are reports of missing Americans and there again, we’re working to verify those reports,” Blinken told CNN’s Dana Bash on “State of the Union.”

Blinken declared the violence in Gaza, which has resulted in at least 600 Israelis dead, is the worst attack on Israel “since the Yom Kippur War” in 1973.

That, sadly, it is. This is also one of the biggest Israeli intelligence failures since the Yom Kippur War or the 9/11 failure in the United States. Israel, undoubtedly will figure out what went wrong. Another issue is the she stupidity and incompetence of the Biden Maladministration.

Not long ago, Biden paid Iran a $6 billion dollar bribe to get several Americans released. The Iranians, who have been helping Hamas and Hezbollah to kill Israelis promised that the money would only be used for humanitarian purposes. No one but the morons in the White House believed that, but Blinken and the rest are still claiming that the money wasn’t used to fund terrorism. According to a blurb on Fox News:

Secretary of State Tony Blinken says the U.S. has “not yet seen evidence” that Iran directly supported Hamas’ ongoing attack on Israel.

Blinken made the statement to NBC News on Sunday, referencing widespread criticism of President Biden’s recent prisoner exchange that saw the U.S. grant Iran access to $6 billion. Iran is a longtime supporter and funder of Hamas, and many observers have said the access to cash freed up Iran to fund further terrorism.

“There’s a long relationship between Iran and Hamas. In fact, Hamas wouldn’t be around in the way that it is without the support that it’s received from Iran over the years in this specific instance. We’ve not yet seen evidence that Iran directed or was behind this particular attack, but there’s certainly a long relationship,” Blinken said Sunday.

Despite Blinken’s denial, the BBC has reported that Hamas spokesman Ghazi Hamad told the outlet that Iran gave its support to the terror group for Saturday’s attack.

Of course they did and don’t think for one minute that Israel is going to let that slide past. Something bad is going to happen to Iran eventually.

Blinken went on to deny that the $6 billion in funds to Iran could have been used to support Hamas. He highlighted that the funds are currently held by Qatar, which will only grant Iran access to the money for humanitiarian purposes.

Sure, just like the $100 billion Obama gave them, in cash, was only used for humanitarian projects. Pull the other finger Blinken. It has a bell on it. If any Americans were killed by Hamas, then this is own Blinken and Biden. Blinken should resign now, but he won’t. Biden should fire him, but he won’t. (He would have to return the 10% kickback no doubt)

It looks like Hamas, in their usual way, went after unarmed civilians. This makes sense of course. While they did kill IDF soldiers, that was in the initial attacks. The soldiers would have quickly started shooting back. However, Hamas has taken hundreds of hostages and intends to use them as bargaining chips. Here are some of those details from the New York Post:

A senior Hamas leader said that the Islamist militant group captured enough Israeli soldiers and civilian hostages during a shock attack on Israel Saturday to free all Palestinian prisoners in the country’s jails.

We managed to kill and capture many Israeli soldiers. The fighting is still on,” said Saleh al-Arouri, deputy chief of Hamas’s political bureau, in an interview with Al Jazeera.

Yeah, that’s not going to happen. While Israel will try and rescue the hostages, I have a suspicion that they’ve written them off. The idiots running Hamas may be operating under the idea that this is just going to be another round in the ongoing low intensity activities that Israel has been dealing with for decades, since pulling out of the Gaza strip. It isn’t going to be.

I expect that Israel has had enough, and will be sending heavy forces into Gaza, and they won’t be operating with one hand tied behind their backs. Their goals will be to try and rescue the hostages, but the priority will be to flat out annihilate Hamas and it’s infrastructure. I won’t be surprised if the Israelis resort to scorched earth tactics. Basically destroy everything they can.

Hamas might be counting on foreign governments, especially in the EU to try and hold Israel back. I don’t think that’s going to work for a number of reasons, one of which is their killing of EU citizens. It’s going to take a couple of days for Israel to fully mobilize and dust off and update their contingency plans. Then they are going to unleash Hell on Gaza. The Israelis aren’t the Russians. They know what they are doing and the Palestinians aren’t the Ukrainians.

As to the United States? We can thank Joe Biden and the Democrats for yet another war started on their watch due to their hatred of Donald Trump and their complete incompetence and refusal to see the world as it actually is. I think the next polls are going to put President Trump and the GOP, (Provided the RINO losers can be kept locked in a closet), significantly higher then Biden and it’s going to shock the Democrats. Well, we shall see what happens next.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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