Democrats caught flat footed in Israel/Hamas war. Not sure who to root for

Good day all. For years, the Progressive Liberal Democrats have been rooting for the “Poor Palestinians” and have been sending them money and support for a while now. They like to claim that all the Palestinian problems are Israel’s fault. Now Hamas has launched an attack that, to date, has killed 600+ Israelis, most of them civilians.

This is causing massive confusion with the Progressives, Liberals, Democrats and the Biden Maladministration. Biden’s State Department has been sending billions to Iran and millions to Hamas. Now Israel is moving to a full scale war footing and I suspect they plan on ending Hamas once and for all. This has led to the “Usual Suspects” either not saying much, or saying things that supports the terrorists. Many tweets have been posted and then deleted. Here are some of the details from the Post Millennial:

After a brutal surprise attack on Israel by terrorist group Hamas overnight, the US Office of Palestinian Affairs issued a tweet that encouraged Israel to not defend itself, then deleted it. 

This comes after Hamas launched a surprise attack on Israel overnight, killing and wounding hundreds, with reports of hostages being taken by Hamas terrorists. More than 5,000 rockets were launched at Israel. Israel has mobilized their defense forces.

As of this post, Israel has declared a formal state of War, the first time since the 1973 Yom Kippur War.

“This is disgraceful and every single person involved in drafting and approving this tweet should be immediately expelled from the U.S. government,” Texas Senator Ted Cruz said.

I suspect that this was just some Woke Moonbat brought in by Blinken and Biden who doesn’t have the common sense to come in out of the rain. Someone else who also has access to the account probably saw it and had a “WTF!?!?” moment and then deleted it.

The original tweet read: “We unequivocally condemn the attack of Hamas terrorists and the loss of life that incurred. We urge all sides to refrain from violence and retaliatory attacks. Terror and violence solve nothing.”

To bad that what is posted on the Internet, stays on the internet. It was quickly copied and saved for posterity, abuse and comments that basically go, “Are you Fu***ng Stupid?”

“@USPalAffairs tweeted out that ‘all sides’ must refrain from violence,” Rep. Claudia Tenney wrote. “We cannot conflate terrorists targeting Israeli civilians and our greatest ally in the region defending itself. Whomever wrote this tweet must be fired and the Biden administration must publicly denounce this shameful tweet. #StandWithIsrael”

Well, that won’t happen. The moron will probably get promoted. However, the idiocy doesn’t end there. One of the dumbest members of the House of Representatives had to shoot her big mouth off again. Yes, the ever idiotic Alexandria Occasional-Cortex had to blame Israel. Here are those details from Newsmax:

While she condemned the “Hamas’ attack in the strongest possible terms,” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., implied some measure of blame on Israel for “ongoing oppression and occupation in the region.”

“Today is devastating for all those seeking a lasting peace and respect for human rights in Israel and Palestine,” Ocasio-Cortez wrote in a statement Saturday. “I condemn Hamas’ attack in the strongest possible terms.

And that is where that morons should have just stopped, but then she wouldn’t be the AOC we all know and laugh at.

“No child and family should ever endure this kind of violence and fear, and this violence will not solve the ongoing oppression and occupation in the region.”

Not to be outdone, False Alarm Bowman had to shoot himself again in the foot. Here are those details from Fox News:

New York Democrat Rep. Jamaal Bowman, a member of the group of House progressives known as “The Squad,” took to social media Saturday to call for an end to the Gaza blockade and condemn the Iranian-backed Hamas terrorist attack on Israel.

“I strongly condemn the horrific attacks by Hamas and am saddened by the loss of precious lives, especially on the holy day of Simchat Torah,” Bowman said in a statement, which was shared to social media.

And like AOC, that is where False Alarm Bowman should have stopped, but being a meathead, had open his mouth and insert both feet into it.

“We need a way to end this deadly violence that is killing and traumatizing generations of Israelis and Palestinians alike — including the blockade of Gaza,” he added. “I have been to the Gaza border and know that Israelis and Palestinians are constantly living in fear. We must work harder to ensure peace in the region.”

The blockade is only to keep ships carrying weapons out of Gaza. Food and medicine goes in with no issue. As to the “Fear,” that is fear of Hamas. They are vicious evil vermin who torture and murder anyone, Israeli or Palestinian who gets in their way.

Next we have the infamous Progressive Socialists who have called themselves “The Squad.” AOC pretty much started it when she was promoted from Buxom Barmaid to Representative. The Squad has shown itself to be uniformly anti-Israel and anti-Semitic. They have either been quiet or popping off with stupid remarks. Here are those details from Fox News:

“Squad” House Democrats known for criticizing the state of Israel faced massive backlash from conservatives online over their milquetoast statements following Hamas’ deadly surprise attack on Israel.

Several members of the informal progressive caucus published statements on Saturday condemning the violence and calling for the conflict to de-escalate.

Don’t these morons watch the news? Even CNN and MSNBC know that Israel isn’t going to pull back after 600 dead. AOC was the first to make a statement, which I’ve already mentioned. Her remarks didn’t go over to well with people who actually know how to think.

Ocasio-Cortez’s statement drew criticism from South Carolina GOP Rep. Nancy Mace, who referred to her Democrat colleague as a “Hamas apologist.”

“Hamas apologist asking for ‘ceasefire’ after one side launches a massive terrorist attack. Nice try,” Mace wrote.

Next we have Ilhan Omar. She is rabidly anti-Israel and has called for it’s destruction. Now the chickens have come home to roost and she is trying to walk back her previous hate filled screeches.

Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn. – who has a history of controversial statements about Israel – condemned “the horrific acts we are seeing unfold today in Israel against children, women, the elderly, and the unarmed people who are being slaughtered and taken hostage by Hamas.”

“Such senseless violence will only repeat the back and forth cycle we’ve seen, which we cannot allow to continue,” Omar said.

“We need to call for deescalation and ceasefire,” she continued. “I will keep advocating for peace and justice throughout the Middle East.”

That hasn’t been what she’s been “advocating” for in the past. She also completely ignore the peace deals that the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump came up with, such as the Abraham Accords. I”m not the only one to notice this either.

“FOX & Friends Weekend” co-host Rachel Campos-Duffy criticized Omar in a response to her statement, saying the congresswoman “will never acknowledge that there was peace in the Middle East [and] Europe when Trump was in office.”

In 2021, Omar landed in hot water with senior members of her own party as well as her opponents when she compared America and Israel to murderous terrorist groups Hamas and the Taliban, saying the two democracies have committed “unthinkable atrocities.”

“We have seen unthinkable atrocities committed by the U.S., Hamas, Israel, Afghanistan, and the Taliban,” Omar wrote at the time. “I asked [Secretary of State Antony Blinken] where people are supposed to go for justice.”

In your case, how about back to Somalia? Omar in all probability shouldn’t even be in the United States. There are a lot of rumors regarding how she got her Status before becoming an American Citizen. She’s also one of the worst naturalized citizens I’ve seen in a long while. (In any other country, she would have been hanged for treason. Back in her native Somalia, she would have been stoned to death for a whole host of reasons, starting with incest)

Additionally, during a 2021 cease-fire between Israel and Hamas, Omar said the fighting stopping wasn’t enough and that the U.S. was “underwriting crimes against humanity” through support for Israel and that there needed to be “accountability for every war crime committed.”

I would say that it’s obvious that Omar supports exactly what Hamas is doing but can’t admit to it, but I have no way to verify this. It actually sounds like making that accusation would make it a conspiracy theory.

Next on the list of members of “The Stupids” we have Ayanna Pressley, (Commie-Masshole) She too came out against Israel’s apparent plans to obliterate Hamas.

Massachusetts Democrat Rep. Ayanna Pressley said these “devastating attacks on Israelis are deeply alarming and my heart breaks for the victims [and] their loved ones.”

“We need an immediate ceasefire & de-escalation. It is long past time to stop this cycle of violence [and] trauma, and work toward a just [and] lasting peace in the region,” Pressley wrote.

Like the other comments from the Stupids, that went over like a lead balloon. All the other clowns attached to The Squad Stupids came down on the side of Hamas and said they wanted Israel to not shoot them all and negotiate. There was one exception. Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich said nothing at all, probably waiting to see what the response was to the others on the Stupids squad. She finally released a comment 24 hours after the war started.

Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib, an outspoken critic of Israel, has finally broken her silence on the unprecedented Hamas terrorist attack on Israel that has killed at least 600 Israelis and prompted Israel to officially declare war for the first time since 1973.

Tlaib’s office released a statement to the Detroit News on Sunday, more than 24 hours after Hamas launched thousands of rockets at southern Israel. 

“I grieve the Palestinian and Israeli lives lost yesterday, today, and every day,” the statement reads. “As long as our country provides billions in unconditional funding to support the apartheid government, this heartbreaking cycle of violence will continue.”

Nope, she she didn’t learn a thing. Tlaib is almost Nazi like in her hatred of Israel and Jews. While she put out a statement “grieving” for the Israeli lives lost, she doesn’t mean it. She’s trying to generate a little political cover for herself. Again, if she had stopped there, she would have been fine. However she couldn’t help herself and basically blamed everything on Israel and the United States. What these clowns have been doing is blaming the woman who was violently raped for being raped in the first place and that the victim should have just laid back and let it happen.

This is the modern Democrat party. While I do blame the members of “The Stupids” for their comments, I also blame the voters in their states who keep putting vermin and trash like this into office. Perhaps the Democrats will decide these morons need to go. While I hope the Republicans put people up against them, I doubt they will get the support they need. All of these meatheads need to go and retiring them in 2024 sounds like a good idea to me.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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