And that’s all she wrote for Mike Pence

Good day all. Mike Pence was the Vice President for the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump. There were a number of reasons Candidate Trump chose him. As Vice President, Mike Pence did a fairly good job with the tasks provided him, unlike Kamala Harris. However, when the chips were down. Pence demonstrated that deep down, he was a Deep State RINO.

I don’t need to go into the details of Pence’s betrayal. It’s been covered elsewhere. When President Trump announced that he was running for Reelection in 2024, Mike Pence decided to twist the knife he has stuck in President Trump’s back. He announced he was also running for President on the “Never Trump” Platform.

When the news of Pence’s announcement reached the Republican Base, the general reaction was “Is he smoking Crack?” The GOP Base generally despises Pence for what he did and the excuses he gave for doing it. They also let him know that he had no chance of becoming the GOP nominee. Instead, it looks like Pence decided to use the Jeb! Bush playbook, the one titled “How to incinerate $100 million dollars and get four delegates.”

Today, Saturday, October 28th, Mike Pence stirred the ashes of his campaign contributions and decided to pull the plug. Here are the details from Fox News:

Former Vice President Mike Pence on Saturday announced that he is suspending his 2024 Republican presidential campaign.

“I came here to say it’s become clear to me this is not my time,” Pence said at the annual Republican Jewish Coalition convention.

“So after much prayer and deliberation, I have decided to suspend my campaign for president effective today.”

Pence did not endorse a candidate. 

Pence started his campaign last June to great fanfare from the MSM, the TransRepublicans such as Mitt Romney and the Deep State Uniparty RINOs. Basically, everyone who hates Donald Trump and his ideas for Making America Great Again. They saw Pence as their best chance to finish off the Deplorable Ultra MAGA Republican base. Pence never made it out of the Single Digits and was bounced from the next Republican debate.

I suspect with the removal of the failed Speaker of the House, Charley Kevin McCarthy, and the rapid disposal of McCarthy’s choice to replace him, followed by the selection of Trump supporting Ultra MAGA Republican Mike Johnson, he saw that his campaign was doomed. Pence claims he will be back, but the simple fact of the matter is, he’s done. He can go back to the political obscurity with Liz Cheney. Good bye and good riddance to the back stabbing RINO.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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