Progressive’s, Liberals and most Democrats project their Nazi tendencies

Good day all. The Hamas terror attack October 7th that butchered 1400 men, women and children has triggered a response from Israel that is going to be biblical in it’s nature. This has set off the Progressives in the United States and elsewhere that not only want Israel to not go into Gaza, they’re now showing exactly where they stand, and it’s not pretty.

When the news about the October 7th terrorist attack came out, and we were just starting to find out just how bad it was, the Left promptly started blaming the whole thing on Israel and the Jews. As news of the pure savagery of the Hamas came out, the left went all in, calling for the end of Israel.

In congress, we had the so called “Squad” led by Alexandria Occasional-Cortex cheer leading for Hamas. Representative Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar have been holding rallies in favor of Hamas and flat out lying about what was happening. Tlaib has gotten so bad that there is now a motion to censure her.

The American Universities have been seeing their students and so called teachers and administrators backing Hamas in their actions and in a number of cases, leading attacks against Jewish students. The good news about this is that most Americans are furious. Not only were innocent Israeli’s savagly butchered, but some 30+ Americans were murdered by the gutless terrorists as well. Now most Americans and are backing Israel and are encouraging them to do what needs to be done.

You are also seeing rich alumni, some of them Jewish, but not all, and I suspect that most aren’t, going after both the Universities and those students who have signed petitions or have been marching in support of Terrorism. They are canceling their donations and canceling job offers. There is even a call from major corporations for a list of people who signed various pro-Hamas petitions so that they will know who not to hire.

You’re also seeing regular people starting to stand up to the antisemitic progressive liberal Hamas terrorist supporters and they are just shy of laying some real hurt on these scum. Here is one such incident in New York that has gone viral.

In this case, as in other cases, people have been posting pictures of missing children and adults who were taken by Hamas back into Gaza to use as human shields. Leftists and a fair number of Palestinians and Muslims have been caught tearing these pictures down and throwing the posters away. Add to this the physical assaults on several university campuses and we are now seeing just how corrupt the Colleges and Universities are.

I am not Jewish. I probably know people who are, but I’m one of those types who don’t care about your religion or you skin color. I will admit to an issue with Islam, but that is primarily due to them wanting to kill or enslave anyone who isn’t Muslim. (If you think that’s hyperbole, I really wish it were. See what the Koran has to say about unbelievers) I do despise people who Can’t get past a person’s skin color. As for a person’s religion? That’s your business, not mine.

My father was in the Army in 1944. He was in Europe, and he saw the camps first hand. The images and films we see will never do justice to the horrors that the Jews suffered in those camps or what my father saw. He made sure that his children understood what scum the Nazis were and we passed it along to his grandchildren. None of us ever thought our family would need to consider having to deal with Nazi scum again.

The Progressive Liberal Racist Democrats love to accuse Republicans in general and Trump supporters specifically of being Nazis. Nothing could be further from the truth, but the truth doesn’t interest the progressive liberals. With the October 7th attack, which is the worst single mass casualty attack on civilians since 9/11, we now know who the real Nazis are. They are, for the most part, Progressive Liberal Democrats who voted for the Worst President* in American History, Joe Biden. As for Biden, his handlers are pulling him in two directions. However, I suspect even that senile psychopath draws the line and cutting out the baby from a pregnant woman and then beheading the baby.

We need to make examples of these punks who are pushing to support the Terrorists. I don’t mean violently beating their heads in with a baseball bat, (No matter how much they deserve it. It is illegal), but by making sure that they suffer the full lawful consequences of their actions.

The only violence should be the minimum needed to stop an attack by these “People” when they go after a person, or a group of people, who are Jewish and physically assault them. (If you catch a few of these vermin damaging property or a Synagogue, take lots of pictures and then come out and confront them, after calling the police)

The motto of Israel is “Never Again!” I stand with Israel and I will do what I can to make sure that there is never a repeat of the Holocaust. I live near a small Holocaust Memorial and on occasion I visit it to reflect. It’s monitored by a local businesses security cameras, and I don’t expect any real problems there or at the local synagogue. (The local police will take action) However, if there are threats against the local synagogue, and they need some assistance, I will be there and I have no doubt others I know will show up as well. As the hashtag on Social Media says, #IstandWithIsrael.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to Progressive’s, Liberals and most Democrats project their Nazi tendencies

  1. Jefferson Selvy says:

    Hopefully the Rabbis here in the states will take notes of whom is openly supporting and cheering these atrocities by Hamas and finally get a clue that the democrats are NOT and never have been their friends.


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