Well Vermont, you put this Communist Antisemite into office. Now what?

Good day all. Rashida Tlaib is a terrorist supporting antisemite that managed to get elected to the House of Representatives. With the October 7th attack on Israel by he best buddies, Hamas, she has further proven that she is not fit to be in office. Then we have Comrade Bernie Sanders.

Recently, there was a move in the House to censure Tliab. It failed for several reasons, one of which was some 20 Republicans refused to go along. (A new resolution is being prepared and might include expulsion) With Tliab’s “victory” over the censure, she has doubled down on her demands that Israel be wiped off the map and the citizens killed. Now even some of the Democrats are saying she’s gone to far. One who isn’t, is Comrade Bernie Sanders. (Communist-VT) He refuses to condemn Tlaib. Here are the details from Fox News:

Sen. Bernie Sanders refused to condemn remarks by fellow progressive Rep. Rashida Tlaib that some have criticized as “antisemitic.”

Appearing on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Sanders was shown a clip of recent Tlaib remarks in which the Michigan Democrat accuses Israel of committing “genocide” in Gaza and asked about her controversial use of the phrase “from the river to the sea,” which host Dana Bash pointed out is considered an “antisemitic” rallying cry by the Anti-Defamation League.

“What’s going on right now is a horror show,” Sanders, I-Vt., said in response to the clip. “We don’t have to quibble about words. Thousands of men, women and children are being killed. It has got to end right now.”

I think we can see where this is going.

Sanders went on to say that Tlaib is a “friend of mine” and notes that her family “comes from Palestine.” 

No, they didn’t. There is no Palestine and there never has been. Of course, things like facts, history and the truth are alien concepts to Comrade Bernie.

“I think she’s been shaken, as all of us are, about what is going on with them right now,” Sanders said. “We have to address that humanitarian crisis.”

What is going on in Gaza and Israel is total war, and it was started by Hamas and the Palestinians. Basically, the Residents of Gaza decided to Fuck Around. Now they are Finding Out what happens next.

Bash continued to press Sanders, laying out the definition of genocide and pointing to Tlaib’s use of the phrase, arguing that the Vermont senator knows “words matter.”

“Words matter, but what matters more… is you have a horrible humanitarian disaster that has to be dealt with right now,” Sanders said. “This is an enormously complex issue and slogans like ‘river to the sea,’ if that means that destruction of Israel, that’s not going to work. People who are saying ‘Israel right or wrong we’re for you all the way,’ that’s not going to work.”

Bernie Sanders is a typical Communist. Yes, I use that term for what he is, and he won’t argue the point. He thinks the Soviet Union was the correct way to go and he’s been trying to implement it here. Like all good Communists, he has no problem with the destruction of entire groups, as long as it’s the correct group.

Tlaib posted the video Friday, accusing President Biden of supporting “the genocide of the Palestinian people” and contained clips of protesters chanting “from the river to the sea.” The clip has attracted widespread backlash against the Michigan lawmaker, including from members of her own party.

Except Bernie Sanders, or any member of “The Squad.” Even the totalitarian thugs currently running Michigan into the ground think that Tlaib has gone to far.

“I have supported and defended you countless times, even when you have said the indefensible, because I believe you to be a good person whose heart was in the right place,” Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, a Democrat, posted on X. “But this is so hurtful to so many. Please retract his cruel and hateful remark.”

Nice try, but Rashida Tlaib is nothing if not stupid. She doubled down on her hatred.

But Tlaib has defended her use of the phrase, taking to X to argue that the phrase is “an aspirational call for freedom, human rights, and peaceful coexistence, not death, destruction, or hate.

From the River to the Sea is not a call for peaceful coexistence. It’s the call for the destruction of Israel and the extermination of the Jews. I’m not the only one who knows this.

“My work and advocacy is always centered in justice and dignity for all people no matter faith or ethnicity,” Tlaib said. But that defense was criticized by Michigan state Sen. Jeremy Moss, also a Democrat, who argued that her characterization is “not how Hamas views the phrase.

“Hamas uses it as a rallying cry,” Moss said on X. “And they don’t simply want to displace Jews in Israel. They want Jews dead.” 

This is what is really angering. Sanders is old enough to know about the Nazi death camps, and yet he seems to be completely oblivious to what Hamas and Tlaib want. We’re also seeing a how the DEI movement and college/university system have institutionalized racism and antisemitism. I now wonder just how “contaminated” Vermont is. Hopefully, the voters aren’t so inbred that they won’t just pull the lever on Sanders and anyone else who is backing Hamas. I am not hopeful.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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One Response to Well Vermont, you put this Communist Antisemite into office. Now what?

  1. Jefferson Selvy says:

    Isn’t Comrade Sanders a Jew? By birth if not religion? I wonder if that cunt will still be a good friend when she finally goes full jihad on the Jews in Congress and she cuts out his still beating heart, because it’s race and not religion for the towel heads.


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