Surprising no one, most of the Biden Maladministration drones are Nazis

Good day all. People love to throw around the term “Nazi” when screaming about someone or other’s stand on a subject or principle. Most people have no idea what a Nazi is, or what they stood for and did to accomplish it.

I’m not going to delve deeply into the National Socialist German Worker’s Party, there are plenty of resources on the Internet, bookstores and libraries on the subject. What they did once they assumed power was start a world war, conquer Europe and a chunk of the then Soviet Union, and tried to exterminate a group of people for their religion. (Jews)

Some 60+ million people died in that war, including 6 million+ Jewish men, women and children. Some were used as human guinea pigs in horrendous human experiments. The Nazis set up dedicated extermination camps to “Cleanse” the Reich. It took the combined power of the British Empire and the United States, along with the willingness of Stalin to slaughter as many of his own people as necessary to bring down the Nazis.

When the world saw what had happened, the decision was made that the surviving Jews should have their own homeland, and the nation of Israel was reborn. Almost immediately, the Arab world, which had been supportive of the Nazi’s goal of extermination of the Jews, attacked Israel. They planned to finish what the Nazis had started. They lost. Again and again they attacked and were hammered.

Finally, the Islamic world figured out that they couldn’t militarily destroy Israel and so moved to pure terrorism. They also started a propaganda war claiming that if Israel gave up land, there would be peace. Finally, Israel said “OK. You want land for Peace? Here’s the Gaza strip. Have at it.” and they pulled out of Gaza.

The result was Hamas taking control much as the Nazis did in Germany, with the willing support of the Palestinians. They used Gaza as a launching pad for rockets and terrorist attacks into Israel. The endgame as it were, was the October 7th attack into Israel and the slaughter of 1400+ men, women and children, in ways that would have made the old line Nazis vomit. Israel finally had enough and has gone into Gaza to clean out Hamas once and for all.

What happened next surprised a lot of people. The Progressive Liberal Left came out in support of Hamas and has been calling for the destruction of Israel and the Jews. We are seeing Democrat controlled cities experiencing virtual riots and assaults on Jews and anyone who supports and protects them. Some city governments haven’t been shutting down these criminals, they’ve actually been aiding them.

The long and short of it is that the veneer is finally off the Progressive Liberal Democrats. They are actively supporting Hamas and demanding that Israel surrender and then cease to exist. What is worse, hundreds of these tools are in the United States Government, up to and including the Congress. (Rashida Tlaib is the loudest of them) Now we have hundreds in the Biden Maladministration demanding that he stop Israel from destroying Hamas. Here are the details from Fox News:

Four hundred government officials from 40 departments and agencies within President Biden’s administration signed a letter opposing the president’s handling of the Israel-Hamas war and demanded a cease-fire.

The Tuesday letter, first reported by the New York Times, includes officials from the State Department, White House, National Security Council and the Justice Department. The signatories of the letter remained anonymous to protect against professional retaliation.

“We call on President Biden to urgently demand a cease-fire; and to call for de-escalation of the current conflict by securing the immediate release of the Israeli hostages and arbitrarily detained Palestinians; the restoration of water, fuel, electricity and other basic services; and the passage of adequate humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip,” the letter reads, in part.

Biden and the other western leaders, who have seen just what Hamas did and what they had intended to do have not really tried to stop Israel. (Not that they could. Israel has taken the gloves off and won’t stop until Hamas has been destroyed)

Biden and other Western leaders have pushed back on calls for a cease-fire in Gaza, arguing it would only serve to benefit Hamas terrorists. Biden’s administration has instead pushed for humanitarian pauses in the fighting, which Israel has agreed to.

And those pauses have allowed Israel to rest, rearm and conduct bomb damage assessments. One issue is that they’ve caught Hamas using the pauses to try and escape into Egypt and further prepare their defenses. The IDF has already taken control of a number of hospitals. They have found and documented how Hamas was using them as bases and supply points in violation of the Geneva and Hague conventions.

The White House has yet to respond to the letter.

I’m not at all surprised. In fact, that senile traitor just shipped Iran another $10 billion dollars.

There is only one answer for these self important bureaucrats. If they want to support a terrorist regime, and frankly, most of the State Department is made up of Arab suck-ups, then they need to go. What should happen is that Biden takes that list and fires everyone on it and yanks any security clearances the now former government employees have. As for the inevitable court challenges, tell the judges to put a sock in it.

Of course, this is the Biden Maladministration, the most incompetent and corrupt administration in American history. He won’t do what needs to be done. He will just wonder around in a haze of dementia and make pronouncements with no basis in reality.

No, we had a president who knew how to handle employees like these worthless antisemitic trash. He would bring every single one of them to a group meeting and simply say the following:

Hopefully, we will have the Greatest President of the 21st Century back in 2025 and he can finally clean house, drain the swamp and fire all these progressive totalitarian leftists.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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2 Responses to Surprising no one, most of the Biden Maladministration drones are Nazis

  1. Jefferson Selvy says:

    Hey! You skipped an entire important chapter! How could you forget Yasser Arafat and the PLO. You’re really not that young are you?
    An old Jewish joke:
    Two old Jews are sitting on a park bench in NYC (tells you how old this joke really is)
    Old Jew 1 (OJ1): “I hope Yasser Arafat does on a Jewish holiday”
    OJ2: “Face it, any day Arafat does will be a Jewish holiday”

    (Falsely attributed to Golda Meier

    • I tend towards current events. Arafat is currently dead and currently rotting in a garbage heap somewhere and is otherwise not causing any trouble, at least directly.
      The PLO should be obliterated as well, but one thing at a time. First, reduce Gaza and Hamas to ash, bulldoze the rubble and then plan on next steps.


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