Romney continues to show that Utah made a terrible mistake electing him

Good day all. What can be said about soon to be former United States Senator Mittens Romney, (TransRepublican-Utah), that hasn’t already been said? As long as he continues showing his face, plenty.

Mittens Romney is the current junior senator from Utah. He has announced that he is “Retiring” after a single term, much as he did as Govno of Massachusetts. He has no chance of getting reelected or even surviving the Republican primary. One of the reasons he gave up is his constant standing with the Democrats and his hatred of President Trump and those who think like him. Rather then learning from his epic failures, he’s doubling down on stupid. Here are the details from the Daily Caller:

Republican Utah Sen. Mitt Romney revealed the two GOP presidential candidates he refuses to support under any circumstance in a “Person to Person” interview that aired on CBS News.

Romney responded that he would support “anybody” except former President Donald Trump and entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy when asked by Norah O’Donnell if there was anybody he liked in the Republican field.

You know, I would uh, I’d be happy to support virtually any one of the Republicans. Maybe not Vivek. But uh, but the others that are running would be acceptable to me, and I’d be happy to vote for them,” Romney said.


Romney has always hated the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, for much the same reason Firebug McCain did. He succeeded where they abjectly failed. He became President of the United States and they didn’t. Romney then hit rock bottom, and broke out the jackhammer.

I’d be happy to vote for a number of the Democrats too,” Romney told O’Donnell. “I mean, it would be an upgrade from, in my opinion, from, uh, Donald Trump. And, and perhaps also from, uh Joe Biden.”

Romney stated his desire to see another Democrat run for president instead of Biden, saying that the president made “all sorts of terrible mistakes.”

Look, I like President Biden. Um, you know, I find him a very charming, engaging person. There’s some places I agree with him, but most places I disagree with him,” Romney said.

Romney is a Deep State Transnational globalist. He considers himself to be one of the elites and he holds the average person in complete and utter contempt. He doesn’t support the United States and is fine with handing our sovereignty to organizations such as the United Nations. When he ran for Govno of Massachusetts, he lied to the Republican base. Then he basically did whatever Billy Bulger wanted him to do.

The Republicans rebelled against him, especially with Romneycare, (The forerunner to Obamacare), and the Democrats basically decided that why have a pretend Democrat when we can have a real one. Romney didn’t want to be humiliated by being crushed in either the Primary or in the general election, so he quit.

When he ran for the Senate in Utah. Many of us who had watched his performance as Govno tried to warn the Voters in Utah. They didn’t listen and Romney sleazed his way into office and promptly began betraying everyone in Utah and in the Republican party. After his vote to convict President Trump on false charges, not to mention his stabbing Senator Mike Lee in the back, the people out in Utah decided that Romney had to go. Romney saw the polls and once again, bravely quit before being thrown out of office.

Now that he has nothing left to lose, Romney is going all in on his betrayals, backstabbing and screwing over the people of Utah and the United States of America. I have a sneaking suspicion that Romney will be moving out of Utah next year. He’ll probably move someplace where he will be surrounded by people like him. I’m sure he will be happy in Eurostan.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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