Is it time to have Liz Cheney committed as insane?

Good day all. Former Deep State RINO Representative, Elizabeth Cheney hates the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump at a visceral level. She also hates anyone who supports him. Her hatred cost her her leadership positions in the House Republican Caucus. When she jumped at the chance to get on the January 6 Kangaroo Committee, she sealed her political fate with the voters of Wyoming.

Cheney was flat out destroyed in the Wyoming primary. She was, for all intents and purposes, ejected from the Republican party. Recently, she called for the Democrats to win the next election, all to prevent President Trump from regaining his rightful place in the White House. Now this insane idiot is talking about forming a third party and running for president. Here are the amusing details from USA Today:

Liz Cheney, once a rising leader in the GOP who has become a crusader against Donald Trump, says she may soon be ready to forge a new third party – or even run for president with one in 2024.

“I certainly hope to play a role in helping to ensure that the country has … a new, fully conservative party,” she told USA TODAY in an interview Monday about her new book, “Oath and Honor: A Memoir and a Warning,” out Tuesday. “And so whether that means restoring the current Republican Party, which … looks like a very difficult if not impossible task, or setting up a new party, I do hope to be involved and engaged in that.”

Liz Cheney, like her Father, the former Vice President and former President George W. Bush, Cheney is a one world Globalist and Trans-nationalist. Making America Great Again is not something she has any interest in doing. Endless war? That she is all in on. This is one of the reasons she despises President Trump and the people that support him. Trump didn’t believe in fighting a war that had no bearing on the United States.

She said she also hasn’t ruled out joining a bipartisan ticket in next year’s election, like the one proposed by a group called No Labels, an independent campaign that promises to put both a Republican and a Democrat on the ballot.

“I think that the situation that we’re in is so grave, and the politics of the moment require independents and Republicans and Democrats coming together in a way that can help form a new coalition, so that may well be a third-party option,” she said.

Cheney doesn’t stop there. As I mentioned before, she also called for the defeat of the Republican party in the House and Senate races if it will hurt the chances of President Trump. She has also added the new Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson to her enemies list.

Meanwhile, she is in the odd position of urging Republican voters to elect Democrats to the House and Senate, warning that Speaker Mike Johnson and his GOP caucus, beholden to Trump, she says, can’t be trusted to certify the legitimate results of the next election.

“It’s not a position that I’ve arrived at lightly,” she said.

The article goes into Cheney’s history in the GOP and how it was seen that should could have been the first Female Republican Speaker of the House. Then Donald Trump defeated Felonia von Pantsuit and proceeded to do something that politicians never do. He worked to keep his promises. He also started securing the borders and working to bring industry back into the United States.

This caused the Transnational Globalists to freak out. We had Justin Amash, who’s family has extensive business interests in China, to go off the deep end. He quite the Republican Party, joined the Libertarian Party, (The Libertarian Party is another kettle of fish), and then stepped down once he figured out he wasn’t going to get re-elected.

For Liz Cheney, it was probably worse. The Bush/Cheney wing of the Republican party was seen as a group that had no interest in American exceptionalism and had no problem shipping American jobs off shore and profiting from it. When President Trump was elected, it was a sign that the Republican Base had had it with the RINO’s and Country Club Elites. When he started repudiating the Bush/Cheney polices, and started turning things around, Cheney lost it completely.

When Felonia von Pantsuit’s fake Russian Dossier started making the rounds, people like Cheney saw it as a way to “Get Trump!” and return things to the status quo. Of course, we learned the whole thing was a load of crap, and that the FBI knew it was crap. Next up was the Tainted Election of 2020.

I won’t bother going into all the details of why the alleged election of the worst President* in American history occurred, it’s already been covered. However, in the early days, President Trump held a rally to protest the results. A few people, possibly with the help of Deep State elements of the FBI, got into the Capitol building.

This led to the second attempted coup impeachment of President Trump, which had even less validity then the first attempt. Cheney was happy to vote in favor of it. After that, when San Fran Nan Pelosi put together her Star Chamber investigation, she refused to seat the Republicans the party caucus had selected, and instead put two of the biggest RINO’s available on it, one of whom is Liz Cheney.

That was the final straw and Cheney was blown put in the 2022 Republican Primary in Wyoming. (I think it was by at least 30 points) She has since “Moved” out of Wyoming, as if she ever actually lived there in the first place, and was given a fake job at the University of Virginia Center for Politics serving as a professor of practice, whatever the heck that is.

Now that it looks like President Trump is going to be the Republican nominee in 2024 and has a very good chance of returning to office, Liz Cheney has cracked. Her mind has broken. She is ready for the rubber room. She is being fitted for a jacket with extra long sleeves that tie in the back. What she should have done was just go away and fade into obscurity. Well, if President Trump does win reelection, perhaps Liz Cheney will have a stroke and we can proceed to forget about her.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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Jefferson Selvy
Jefferson Selvy
4 months ago

Libertarian is much like Christianity. As written it is wonderful. A great idea and the obvious way to actual liberty. But as practiced is a swamp of clowns and chameleons with not even a nodding acquaintance with the principles