Breathing causes global warming! You must stop breathing or we’ll all die!!

Good day all. The Moonbats and religious fanatics of the Church of Global Warming and Climate change have been working tirelessly to convert the heathen and pad their bank accounts with grant money. The “Researchers” have come up with studies saying that almost everything causes global warming and the only way to “Save the planet!” is to revert to living like cavemen.

Now a new study makes going back to the caves problematical. Why? Because human breathing new causes global warming. Here are the details from the Daily Mail:

Whether it’s eating less meat or cycling instead of driving, humans can do many things to help prevent climate change. Unfortunately, breathing less isn’t one of them. 

That might be a problem, as a new study claims the gases in air exhaled from human lungs is fueling global warming.

Methane and nitrous oxide in the air we exhale makes up to 0.1 per cent of the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions, scientists say.  And that’s not even accounting for the gas we release from burps and farts, or emissions that come from our skin without us noticing. 

The article goes on to detail the methods used to come to this moronic conclusion. It also states that CO2, which we exhale is absorbed by plants which then release oxygen. The “Researchers” also discovered that women over 30 where the ones producing most of the greenhouse gases.

A total of 328 breath samples were collected and every participant had details recorded such as age, sex and dietary preference. After analysing the samples, researchers found nitrous oxide was emitted by every participant, but methane was found in the breath of only 31 per cent of participants.

Researchers say those who do not exhale methane in their breath are still likely to ‘release the gas in flatus’ – in other words, by farting. Interestingly, people with methane in their exhaled breath were more likely to be female and above the age of 30, but researchers aren’t sure why.  

I would love to know who came up with this idea and what idiot actually said “Hey! This looks good, let’s throw a million dollars, (Or pounds since this is Britain), at these Boffins and see what they find out.”

I suspect that some Progressive over-educated elitist, might just try and use this as a way to initiate population control, similar to what happened in the People’s Republic of China. (Their One Child policy) You will need to have a license to have a child and if you get pregnant without authorization, it will be a mandatory abortion.

I can also see them euthanizing the elderly or anyone they deem as expendable, all in the name of “Saving the planet! If you think I’m just going overboard and ginning up a conspiracy, I’m not. There are people both Eurotrash and our own Manhattan Marxists who might just try and push this. Of course, they would be exempt from all their rules since they are part of the “Elite.”

This study is just more of the same. A means to enrich some researcher who can’t come up with something to research that would actually have a benefit for the Human Race. In the end, it’s all about the Progressive “Elites” controlling the masses for their own good. If a few billion people need to be killed, well, it will save the planet so it must be the right thing to do. Yeah, good luck with that. You can take your religion and stick it where the sun doesn’t shine, sit on it and then rotate.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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Jefferson Selvy
Jefferson Selvy
4 months ago

You are the carbon they want to eliminate (cheerfully Bidened from someone)