Fani Willis knows she’s in trouble and plays the race card

Good day all. Not long ago, a story broke that Fulton County Soros District Attorney, Fat Fani Wallis was shagging one of her prosecutors and that he was hired under very questionable circumstances. Even worse, from Wallis’s point of view, it looks like there may have been some misappropriation and misuse of government funds.

President Trump’s legal team, along with the other lawyers for the people Wallis is trying to railroad, discovered the relationship and are bringing it to the attention of the courts. In addition, the State Attorney General is taking an interest in this. Now that Wallis is beginning to see the walls close in, she has pulled the usual Black Progressive tactic and is playing the race card. Here are some of the details from Fox News:

Fulton County, Georgia district attorney Fani Willis, who brought charges against former President Donald Trump on election interference, claims allegations brought against her of having an “improper” romantic relationship with a prosecutor were made because they are Black.

Court documents filed earlier this month say Willis hired special prosecutor Nathan Wade, her alleged partner, to prosecute Trump and benefited financially from the relationship in the form of lavish vacations the two went on using funds his firm received for working the case.

At this point, Wallis decided to try some damage control. According to Newsmax:

Speaking Sunday at the Big Bethel AME Church, Willis did not directly address the controversy surrounding her relationship with Wade but instead emphasized his qualifications.

From what we’ve been seeing, Wade’s qualifications consist of working 8 hours a day and billing for 24 hours work in that time period. There are a number of other very interesting items that have been covered elsewhere.

Willis suggested the allegations might be racially motivated, saying, “I’m a little confused. I appointed three special counselors. It’s my right to do, paid them all the same hourly rate. They only attack one.”

Are you sleeping with the other two? Are you being subpoenaed by their spouses for breaking up their marriages? Are you going on vacations with them?

She highlighted the scrutiny on Wade, who is Black, compared to her other appointments, adding, “God, isn’t it them who’s playing the race card when they only question one?”

Willis suggested racial biases may be influencing the criticism against her and Wade and challenged the fairness of the allegations.

Nice try Fat Ass. You have just blown what little credibility you may have had left right out of the water. The politically motivated prosecutions of the Greatest President of the 21st Century are staring to fall apart. I have a suspicion that the Fulton County case may end up being the first one going down. If this all proves out, the Georgia Attorney General will take over the case. If that happens, look for it to be dismissed, with the indictment of Fani Willis. This is why Fat Fani Willis used the race card. It’s nothing more than a hail Mary pass to keep her out of jail.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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