AOC gets slammed at Town Hall meeting over illegals

Good day all. What is left to say that hasn’t already been said about one of the dumbest members of the House of Representative, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, that hasn’t already been said? Plenty it seems.

Recently, AOC announced that she was running for her 4th term as the moron from New York’s 14th District. (If there is anyone dumber then she is, it’s the voters in her district who share a single brain cell) AOC is making the rounds as you would expect of someone trying to keep her phony baloney job. However, it seems that some of her constituents aren’t entirely happy with her job performance. Here are the details from Fox News:

A town hall hosted by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y. touting the apparent benefits of the Green New Deal ended up turning some attendees red with anger on Thursday.

The socialist lawmaker was speaking at an event in Queens in New York City where she was heckled by two attendees who accused her of caring more about illegal immigrants than those whom she was elected to represent. One of the hecklers, Jonathan David Rinaldi, said he is challenging Ocasio-Cortez for her congressional seat.

“My name is Jonathan David Rinaldi and I’m running for Congress against AOC, the Green New Deal is a scam,” Rinaldi shouted as Ocasio-Cortez was championing environmental justice provisions and climate change policies under the deal.

“They’re giving the NYCHA apartments away, they’re giving illegal aliens $10,000 a day… I want you to debate me AOC, debate me.” 

Obviously, I never heard of Mr. Rinaldi, but I did find some information on him. First, he’s running against AOC as a Republican. He is Jewish, not that this matters generally, and apparently has some odd ideas regarding procreation. Frankly, I don’t see him toppling AOC, since her constituents are, in general, dumber than dirt since they keep voting for her. Apparently, his interruption of the braying bucktoothed bimbo was not all that welcome and he was ejected.

Ocasio-Cortez could be seen smiling on the stage as security tried to eject Rinaldi.

Someone else took up the challenge and continued going after AOC.

Another man then rose from his seat and joined in with the shouting.

“Secure the border now,” the man barked at Ocasio-Cortez while waving his finger at her. 

“You haven’t said one word about violent Venezuelan migrants, illegals.”

I believe this man was referring to the murder of Laken Reilly in Georgia by an illegal alien from Venezuela that was let loose by Biden.

“You don’t care, all you care about is illegal aliens and their votes. You don’t care about your constituents.”

“That’s all you care about, you’re a disgrace.”

Of course, since AOC represents the mentally challenged district, the local retards came to her defense.

The man was soon drowned out by Ocasio-Cortez’s supporters shouting “AOC, AOC,” and clapping their hands. 

AOC promptly proved that she doesn’t care about Americans or the security of this country.

After the men were removed from the venue, Ocasio-Cortez then commented on her stance on immigration.

“Clearly, this community — Astoria, Jackson Heights, also across the Bronx – clearly supports progressive immigration policies that welcomes all of our neighbors.”

“We clearly support a path to citizenship, we clearly support ending draconian immigration policies and that is why you all… support my representation of our community in Congress because we have had enough.”

“We have seen the voices that are anti-immigrant in this country are very very loud but they are very very few and we have to look around and realize how many of us are here in support of our neighbors and an acknowledgment of the fact that virtually all of us are descendants of immigrants, or indigenous people, or enslaved people,” Ocasio-Cortez said. 

Representative Dumb as a Stump flat out doesn’t understand that most Americans have had it with the open borders, the crime wave caused by the illegals and idiots such has her. Like all stupid Communists, she tries to play the “All Republicans and people who want the border secured are racists!” card. She either doesn’t understand or doesn’t care, (Probably both), that what people are opposed to is ILLEGAL immigration, not lawful immigrants.

Very few people actually want to end all immigration, and most of them are about as smart as AOC. In other words, not very. Even legal immigrants are furious about the border situation that Biden, his handlers in the Deep State and the Democrat Party have caused.

AOC’s antics on this, Israel and other things has managed to anger the Democrat Poobahs that actually run things in the Party and they are looking for some way to get rid of her. Unfortunately, her district is rotten to the core and populated by brain dead idiots, so it’s likely this dumb-ass bimbo will be back next year. Still, one can hope that someone, anyone will topple her and send her back to the bar she came from.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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