Grumpy Dementia Patient Rants and Raves in front of Congress

Good day all. Thursday Night was, I hope, the final State of the Union address by Dementia Joe Biden. Not being a masochist, I didn’t watch it. (I was watching the first episode of The Gentleman on Netflix) From what I’ve been reading, Biden performed as expected.

This speech didn’t have the red hues from his Hell Speech a while back. From what I’ve been reading, he appeared to be reading from a teleprompter and was talking through his applause lines. He continues to blame President Trump for all the disasters he has caused since he was installed into the Oval office.

Again, from what I’ve been reading, it looks like he was just handed a speech written by his handlers that came right out of Karl Marx. It was the usual “Soak the Rich!” “Business is to blame for everything!” and almost no acknowledgment of the invasion of the United States due to his opening the borders.

Representative Marjorie Taylor-Greene was there wearing a Make America Great Again hat and a T-shirt that said “Say her name!” referring to the murder of Laken Riley. Biden actually used the term “Illegal immigrant” and did refer to her brutal murder, but, as usual, botched her name.

“Lincoln Riley [sic],” he said. “An innocent young woman who was killed by an illegal, that’s right.”

I suspect Biden was recalling his opposition to President Lincoln when he was addressing congress regarding Biden’s good friends in the Confederacy and got confused…again. He also was pushing for more aid to the Ukraine, (With his usual 10% kickback no doubt)

He did go off script when he, as usual, blamed President Trump for the failure of his combination border security and aid package to the Ukraine a few months ago. He claimed, (Lied), that it would have locked the border down, (Which it wouldn’t have), and the Republicans let out collective groans at the comment. According to Fox News:

In November, my team began serious negotiations with a bipartisan group of senators,” Biden said. “The result was a bipartisan bill with a tougher set of border security reforms than we’ve ever seen.”

That comment drew groans from Republicans in the crowd, who Biden went off script and addressed.

Oh, you don’t think so?” Biden said. “Oh, you don’t like that bill, huh? That conservatives got together and said it was a good bill? I’ll be darned. That’s amazing.”

“Look at the facts, I know you know how to read,” Biden quipped when Republicans continued to voice their displeasure with his description of the failed legislation.

The bill was a disaster. It would have allowed up to 5000 illegal aliens to cross the border per day before anything was done. The Democrats along with the RINO’s in the Senate tried to shove it through, but the House took some time to actually read it and found out just how bad it was and killed it.

This speech appears to be par for the course for Biden. Divisive, unhelpful and blaming everyone else for his own failures. If the polls are to be believed, Dementia Joe Biden has just given his last State of the Union address. Now the only question is, if/when he loses in November, what happens next? He has stated that under no circumstances will he allow the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, to regain the presidency.

What he should be doing is signing the hundreds of pardons for all the people in his maladministration, starting with Merrick Garland. One of the reasons that the Democrats are so terrified of a second Trump Administration is that he, or his Attorney General, will find out what Biden’s people have been up to and start mass arrests. What worries a lot of Republicans is that Biden might just decide, either on his own or at the behest of his handlers, to do something incredibly stupid and declare martial law. But that’s a conspiracy for another day.

In the mean time, let’s just watch how the responses to the Dementia Patient’s rant to congress go. Hopefully, I’ll find more fodder the comment on.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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