Damn fools in Congress now considering how to Ban Trump

Good day all. As expected, the Progressive Liberal Democrats are freaking out that the President Trump is going to win the election. They had hoped that the Court would say that yes, States can ban Trump. The recent Supreme Court decision, unanimously agreed to, shot that hope down in flames.

Now the Democrats are looking to pass a bill that will ban Trump from office using the decision as a guide. Here are the details from MediaIte:

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) argued that the U.S. Supreme Court passed the buck Monday by ruling that it’s up to Congress to enforce the 14th Amendment that would ban Donald Trump from ever holding office again.

Passing the buck? No, the courts told you that this is you job.

Raskin told CNN’s Dana Bash that House Democrats plan to do just that, and he’s leading the effort to bring the 14th Amendment argument to the House floor.

Raskin has been pushing this for a while now. Dana Bash played a video of this jerk from last summer. In it Raskin said:

We’ve been saying all along that section three of the 14th Amendment presents a clear and unequivocal statement that anyone who has sworn an oath of office — and, by the way, not just a president but members of Congress and others who hold federal office — who engage in insurrection or rebellion, having sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution against enemies foreign and domestic can never serve again in federal or state office…Donald Trump is disqualified.

Raskin is another Adam Schiffhead. He is a liar, a fraud and a phony. He’s also a typical Progressive Liberal Democrat, in other words, a smooth brain short term thinker. He has no conception of what is going on in what the Left refers to as Flyover Country. Now that the Supreme Court has ruled on the states trying to rig the election by banning the probable GOP nominee, (They said Hell No!), Raskin is going to double down on stupid.

Bash asked, “So, Congressman, now that you’ve read the Supreme Court decision, which effectively says that they don’t agree with that argument, what’s your response?”

Well, the Court didn’t exactly disagree with it, they just said that they’re not the ones to figure it out,” Raskin said. “It’s not going to be a matter for judicial resolution under section three of the 14th Amendment, but it’s up to Congress to enforce it.” He continued:

I disagree with that interpretation just because the other parts of the 14th Amendment are self-executing. People can go to court and say that something violates equal protection even if there’s not a federal statute that allows them to do that. But in any event, the Supreme Court punted and said it’s up to Congress to act.

And so I am working with a number of my colleagues, including Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Eric Swalwell, to revive legislation that we had to set up a process by which we could determine that someone who committed insurrection is disqualified by section three of the 14th Amendment.

And the House of Representatives already impeached Donald Trump for participating in insurrection by inciting it. So the House has already pronounced upon that, and there was also a 57 to 43 vote in the Senate. The question is whether Speaker Mike Johnson would allow us to bring this to the floor of the House.

The answer to that is No. In a story on Fox News, Speaker Johnson basically asked if the Democrats were smoking Crack.

House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., slammed reports that Democrats are ginning up legislation in reaction to the Supreme Court’s decision Monday to keep former President Donald Trump off the 2024 ballot. 

According to a report published in Axios Monday, Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., a former member of the Jan. 6 select committee, said he is already crafting federal legislation that would force Trump off the ballot. 

I tracked down the story and it’s not all that detailed, which is why I went with the Mediaite story instead.

A spokesperson for Speaker Johnson told Fox News Digital on Monday night that his Democrat colleagues should “get a grip.” 

“Democrats need to get a grip. In this country, the American people decide the next president—not the courts and not the Congress,” the spokesperson said. 

That’s not how things work for Democrats. They will decide who you will be permitted to vote for.

According to the Axios report, Raskin referenced legislation he introduced in 2022 with Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla. that would allow the Justice Department to sue to keep candidates off the ballot under the 14th Amendment.

“We are going to revise it in light of the Supreme Court’s decision,” Raskin told the outlet. He suggested that the bill would be paired with a resolution declaring Jan. 6 an “insurrection” and that those involved “engaged in insurrection.”

And that is unconstitutional. The constitution is quite specific on who can run for president. You can’t use the civil courts to block someone who is running for elective federal office. The only way is through criminal charges and President Trump has not been charged, let alone convicted of an insurrection.

Then there is the entire insurrection business. What happened January 6th was not an insurrection. Here is the definition of Insurrection the Merriam-Webster online dictionary:

revolt and insurrection imply an armed uprising that quickly fails or succeeds.

What happened January 6th was not an armed revolt. None of the protesters, other then the undercover federal agents provocateurs, were armed. If this had been an actual armed insurrection, Raskin and Wasserman Schultz, along with most of the rest in Congress would have been hanged from the lamp posts.

Raskin’s bill is not going to the floor for a vote. I will be surprised if it even gets out of whatever committee reviews it. All this does is show just how evil and tyrannical the Democrat Party truly is. They so hate the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, that they are perfectly willing to tear up the Constitution, the Rule of law and risk an outright shooting civil war.

I think that someone needs to ask Raskin if that is his goal. Do you want to start a hot civil war? I certainly don’t want one. Unlike those smooth brain short term thinkers in the Democrat Party, I understand just how bad it will be. Raskin and the Democrats might actually want to trigger one thinking they will win this time. That is a terrifying thought.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to Damn fools in Congress now considering how to Ban Trump

  1. Jefferson Selvy says:

    Yes, they want a hot civil war. They think that they control the military and have an overwhelming advantage because of that. They are not taking to account that the military is already bare bones but that the whole of the NCO corp would likely refuse orders to fire on Americans.


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