Nikki Haley writing the Sequel to Jeb Bush’s “How to blow $100 million”

Good day all. The only person still opposing the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, in the primaries is former Governor Nikki Haley. She has yet to win any primaries and has lost in one case to None of the above.

Haley has no chance of winning the nomination and her donors are starting to cut off the money. They can see that she is well on her way to emulating the last failed RINO’s attempt against President Trump back in 2016, Jeb! “Please Clap” Bush. He blew over $100 million dollars and won something like four delegates to the convention. Here are the details from Breitbart:

Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley wasted over $76 million to defeat former President Donald Trump in four primary states: Michigan, South Carolina, New Hampshire, and Iowa.

The wasteful spending in the first four primaries of the 2024 cycle is money not spent targeting President Joe Biden.

The money also shows how strong Trump’s grassroots support is around the nation.

Most of Haley’s donations have come from the GOP Establishment, Never Trumpers and Democrats. The average Republican, who make up most of the GOP base have been sending their much smaller, but far more numerous donations to President Trump’s campaign. This is almost a carbon copy of what happened in 2016 when Jeb! “Please Clap” Bush burned through $100 million dollars and won four delegates. So far, I don’t think Haley has even managed that much of a success.

Despite being blown out in four consecutive primary races, Haley claims she will not drop out of the race until Super Tuesday, March 5.

She lost her own state of South Carolina. She was governor there for 2 terms and she was soundly rejected. She likes to say that 40% of the people voted for her, but most of those were Democrats who crossed over to cause trouble. Haley is just to arrogant to take the hint. The Breitbart story has a breakdown of the wasted money from the four states that rejected her.

I can attest to the $31 million she wasted in New Hampshire. I would get upwards of 5 “Vote Haley!” flyers in the mail every day, all of which went straight into the trash can outside of the Anger Central Primary Dwelling. (I think SWMBO used a couple when she was cleaning fish)

The spending habits from state-to-state indicate Haley’s waning ability to stay in the race. Haley and her super PAC only had $15 million cash on hand at the end of January, according to Federal Election Commission filings.

The donor class began to cut off all future funding of Haley’s campaign in January after she lost the New Hampshire primary, multiple advisers to political megadonors told the Washington Post.

While it might not have sunk in to Haley that the fork has been inserted, her donors saw the writing on the wall and have given up. They aren’t going to waste any more money on someone who has no chance of winning.

Haley’s shriveling financial state is expected to increase, one political megadonor adviser told the Post. “Without a New Hampshire win, she doesn’t have the momentum she needed to win South Carolina,” the adviser said. “And without a lane to South Carolina, she has no chance on Super Tuesday.”

Haley won Franconia Notch as I recall. The rest of the state? We told her and Sununu to head off into the sunset with the rest of the RINO’s. The blowout in South Carolina pretty much sealed her fate.

Democrat billionaire donor Reid Hoffman, co-founder of LinkedIn, also paused donations to pro-Haley PACs. “We invested in Governor Haley when we thought she had a shot of winning. I’d need to see a new case, with new evidence, to persuade me that more money could help her win now,” Hoffman adviser Dmitri Mehlhorn told the Wall Street Journal.

This should tell you who is actually supporting Haley, and it isn’t the Republicans. The Democrats are desperate to “Stop Trump!” The attempts to jail President Trump have actually made him more popular, especially since the majority of the voters, regardless of their party affiliation, see the charges as bogus and nothing more then a means to protect the Democrats and Biden.

Haley might be holding out the hope that if the Garland DoJ or one of the two state cases convict President Trump, the party will name her as the nominee. That won’t happen. She’s currently about as popular as herpes with the Republican Base.

The worst case scenario, if President Trump were to drop out, would be to ask Governor Ron DeSantis to step up. He was seen originally as a good choice for Trump’s VP and many see him as their second choice after Donald Trump. Haley is even less popular with the Base then Biden. She’s going to be humiliated again on Super Tuesday. I won’t be surprised that even then she won’t give up. She is that egotistical.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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