Stick the fork in Haley’s done

Good day all. Over the weekend, Nikki Haley finally won a primary election and now has a massive 43 delegates for the Republican convention. This is compared to the small number that President Trump currently has, which is, as of Monday, March 4th, a piddling 247.

Tuesday, March 5th, is Super Tuesday for both parties. As I understand it, some 865 delegates are up for grabs. To date, Nikki Haley has won only the primary in Washington D.C. She didn’t even carry the state she was elected governor twice. Her financial backers, mostly Democrats, are pulling the plug on her and she is running out of money. If, as expected, she has her head handed to her again, she will probably pull out of the race.

Normally, you would expect the candidates who lost to back the winner. All the other Republicans, including Ron DeSantis, have done so. Haley has announced announced that she no longer considers herself to be bound by this agreement. Here are the detail from Breitbart:

Republican presidential candidate former Gov. Nikki Haley (R-SC) said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that she might not endorse former President Donald Trump even though she signed a Republican National Committee (RNC) pledge to do so.

Anchor Kristen Welker asked, “Have you moved to a place where you’re no longer planning to endorse him?”

Haley said, “Well, I think, first of all, if you talk about an endorsement, you’re talking about a loss. I don’t think like that. When you’re in a race, you don’t think about losing. You think about continuing to go forward. What I can tell you is, I don’t think Donald Trump or Joe Biden should be president. I don’t think we need two candidates in their 80s.”

The problem isn’t age, it’s vitality. Biden is and has been mentally incapacitated for years. Even before the onset of his current mental degradation, he showed that he was basically stupid. President Trump, on the other hand, is still quick on his feet and mentally sharp. Does he shoot from the lip? Oh Hell yes he does, and like anyone, makes mistakes. What he doesn’t do is fall up stairs and get lost trying to leave a stage.

Welker said, “Let me try it this way. You did sign a pledge, an RNC pledge, to support the eventual nominee. Do you still feel bound by that pledge?”

Haley said, “I have always said that I have serious concerns about Donald Trump.”

She continued, “The RNC pledge, I mean, at the time of the debate, we had to take it to where would you support the nominee, in order to get on that debate stage, you said yes. The RNC is now not the same RNC. Now it’s Trump’s daughter-in-law.”

The reason that Ronna McDaniel is leaving, (More like being pushed out), as head of the Republican National Committee is simple. She is a complete failure and under her, winnable races were lost. President Trump’s daughter inlaw can’t do any worse and will probably do a lot better. One of the things she brings is the GOP base. Thanks to the RINO’s under McDaniel, the GOP base was ignored and they reciprocated, sending their donations to individual candidates instead of the RNC. Hopefully, that will now change.

Welker asked, “So you’re no longer bound by that pledge?”

Haley said, “No, I think I’ll make what decision I want to make, but that’s not something I’m thinking about.”

In other words, she has made up her mind that she would rather back the worst president* in American History, Joe Dementia Biden then the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump. Nikki Haley’s antics aren’t surprising. She’s always been part of the Bush wing of the Republican party and can’t see that the GOP Base has finally had it with a group of neocon warmongering losers.

The Republican party has moved on and Haley, like many of the old line Country Club Republicans are being kicked to the curb. Now she and Liz Cheney can open a box of wine and drown their sorrows together in a richly deserved obscurity, never understanding why they are now seen as epic failures.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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