Bill Maher comes up with a brilliant idea. Dump Harris and make Haley VP

Good day all. Bill Maher is allegedly a comedian and currently has a show on HBO. I personally have never watched him. Like most of his ilk in Hollyweird, he is a Progressive Liberal Democrat. Recently, he came up with a “Brilliant idea.” The Democrats should dump Kamala Harris at the convention and make Nikki Haley the Vice Presidential candidate for the Democrat Party.

Nikki Haley gave up her run against the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump after her epic win of Washington D.C. and Vermont. She burned through some $80 million dollars of RINO, TransRepublican and Democrat money.

Now that she is out, Haley has a lot of free time on her hands. This is where Bill Maher comes in. He has come up with the idea that Haley should replace Harris as Dementia Joe’s running mate in the 2024 election. Here are the details from the Daily Fetched:

HBO’s “Real Time” host Bill Maher pushed President Joe Biden to drop Vice President Kamala Harris as his running mate and instead pick former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley. Maher argued that Haley has no future in the Republican Party, suggesting she join Biden instead.

I know it’s crazy to think that she could run with Biden, but that’s my dream, a unity ticket,” Maher said.

And then he would, I think, definitely win.”

I can’t tell if Maher is serious or is just throwing this out there as a joke. He is a comedian, allegedly.

Maher also suggested that Biden could pick ultra RINO Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) as his running mate.

Something to reach across so that we don’t live in this world where everybody sees the other side as an existential threat,” Maher said.

Romney is a just the sort of two-faced lying sleazeball to accept the nomination for Vice President on the Democrat ticket. He would see it as his best chance of being President once Biden is either forced out, resigns or drops dead. However, I don’t see the Democrats even offering him the VP slot. They know that he is a two-faced lying sleazeball who only looks out for himself. If he had always been a Democrat then it might have been an option.

Nikki Haley might have a few scruples left and would see this as a great way to completely destroy any political future for herself. On the flip side, if she was put on the ticket and the Democrats stole the election again, she would see this as a way to be President. I suspect that she would 25th Biden so fast that Jill “Call me Doctor Damn it!” Biden’s head would spin. Another reason Maher might be pushing Haley is that most of her support came from extreme Never Trumpers, Neocons and Democrats.

Fifty percent of Haley’s supporters in North Carolina admitted they are not part of the Make America Great Again (MAGA) movement, according to a recent poll. The upper Tuesday exit poll asked respondents if they are “part of the MAGA movement?”

Fifty percent of Nikki Haley voters responded, “No.”

The same CNN exit poll also found that a whopping 85 percent of Haley supporters in North Carolina approved of Joe Biden as president.

I can see why Maher would suggest booting the retired prostitute Kamala Harris in favor of Nikki Haley. Haley has a lot of support on the Democrat side. (Which should tell you a lot about Nikki Haley) I’m almost hoping Bill Maher isn’t trying to be funny and is serious about this dumb idea. The fight at the Democrat Convention between Haley and Harris would be the only reason to watch the damn thing.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to Bill Maher comes up with a brilliant idea. Dump Harris and make Haley VP

  1. I have been working on another post and checked the archives for some information when I found this one. I posted it before it was ready and had gone through the review process. I’ve fixed all the errors.


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