Merrick Garland preparing to rig the 2024 election for Biden and the Democrats

Good day all. Thanks to the Tainted Election of 2020, and all the information and evidence that has since been generated, many states have been working to secure the ballots and keep the elections as honest as possible.

One of these tools is having a voter present a valid ID to prove that they are who they say they are and that they are actually registered to vote in that location. Since the Democrats love to drive people around to different polling stations in different states, having to present a valid ID presents a problem for them.

Add to this the cleaning voter rolls of people who have moved out of the district or states, or who have died and you can see why the Democrats are worried. They generally can’t win an honest election. But, Democrats have a way to “Fix” this problem, and it’s the most corrupt Attorney General in American History, Merrick Garland. Here are the details from mrcTV:

Leading up to November’s elections, U.S. Attorney General is vowing to wage lawfare against election security measures and to prosecute perceived “threats” by those who speak out strongly against election fraud.

AG Merrick likened election security laws to the police brutality 59 years earlier against civil rights demonstrators in Selma, Alabama in his remarks at a Selma church service on Sunday:

Court decisions in recent years have drastically weakened the protections of the Voting Rights Act that marchers on the Edmund Pettus Bridge bled for 59 years ago.

And since those decisions, there has been a dramatic increase in legislative measures that make it harder for millions of eligible voters to vote and to elect the representatives of their choice.”

They were “Weakened” because they were blatantly unconstitutional. They were also out of date.

Garland boasted that he has doubled the numbers of lawyers to challenge state and local measures employed to ensure the integrity of ballots and verify the identity of those who try to vote:

That is why, one of the first things I did as Attorney General was to double the number of lawyers in the Voting Section of the Civil Rights Division.

That is why we are challenging efforts by states and jurisdictions to implement discriminatory, burdensome, and unnecessary restrictions on access to the ballot, including those related to mail-in voting, the use of drop boxes, and voter ID requirements.”

In other words, Garland intends to use the DoJ as a tool to aid the Democrats in stealing the 2024 election.

But, the U.S. attorney general didn’t stop there.

Of course he didn’t.

Garland said that has a task force that will prosecute those it believes are threatening election workers and officials:

Today, threats to the right to vote have expanded to target not just the voters themselves, but the citizens we rely on to fairly administer voting. Not just elected officials, not just paid administrators, but also the local volunteers who ensure that voting is available in every precinct.

That is why I launched the Justice Department’s Election Threats Task Force to combat threats against election workers.”

Garland makes it sound like that huge numbers of poll workers were threatened and attacked. That doesn’t seem to be the case.

Garland cited two isolated instances of individuals charged with making violent threats, one in 2020 and one in 2022. In one case, an Indiana man pleaded guilty to one count of making a threatening interstate communication to an election worker in Michigan. In the other, a California man was recently charged with allegedly leaving a voicemail containing a violent threat on the personal cell phone of an election official in the Maricopa County, Arizona in 2022.

Making threats is exactly the wrong thing to do. However, these were just a pair of one off’s and were handled per the law, or so I am assuming. (With the Feds these days, you never know) The problem now is what is Garland and his thugs actually planning?

While actual violence was allegedly threatened in both of Garland’s examples, his remarks suggest his task force may prosecute any perceived “threat.”

A “Perceived” threat? Just what is that? There is either an actual threat or there isn’t.

If one party’s poll watchers try to force their way back into a place where they’ve been locked out by ballot counters of another party, is that a “threat”?

That’s an interesting question. Generally, you can’t throw out poll watchers unless the entire site is closing down and being locked/secured. There will be no one inside. We saw what happened in a few states during the Tainted Election of 2020 where the “Officials” ordered everyone out and then started pulling ballots out that no one could observe or account for. (I think one of these was Fulton County) In other areas, the officials covered the windows so no one could monitor their actions.

If monitors are unlawfully blocked from doing their jobs, and they force their way back in to make sure the vote count is honest, but otherwise not interfering, is Garland going to send out his goons? I suspect the answer to that is “Oh Hell Yes!”

Likewise, many liberals today claim that those who voice opposition to their views are guilty of “hate speech” threats – such as when LGBTQ activists call it “violence” to speak out against transgender ideology.

The alphabet soup of pervs, mentally ill, pedos and groomers don’t like being called on their actions, especially when it interferes with their plans to do “things” to children. I can see that scumbag Garland going after parents and others who are trying to protect their children as well as other children from the predators out there.

What I think Garland has planned is to force the DoJ and Federal Agents into polling locations and intimidating both voters and those monitoring the vote and the count. I could actually see the Feds actually ordering the poll monitors out. That, of course, would go over like a lead balloon and most states.

Now, why is this petty, jackbooted thug so hot on threatening people? I think the reason is rather simple.

If the current poll number hold, it looks like Dementia Joe Biden will be voted out in November. There is a good and improving chance that the Senate will flip and the House might increase in favor of the Republican Party. This means that the next president, especially if he appoints an Attorney General who cleans out the mess that is the DoJ and FBI might also start looking into all the actions Garland and the Biden Maladministration have engaged in since day one.

The list of potential crimes by Garland, Wray and all the others is so long that I’ll be here all day typing it out. Suffice to say that no one should be surprised if Dementia Joe Biden spends his lame duck period signing pardons for everyone in his administration, and a few members of Congress as well. If Biden doesn’t do that, don’t be surprised if a number of former members of the maladministration decide to retire to non-extradition countries. Is this a conspiracy theory? Of course it is, but we’ve seen how those have been turning out for the last three years, haven’t we?


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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