Hezbollah terrorist caught sneaking across the border

Good day all. One of the major issues threatening the security of this country is Dementia Joe and the Democrats throwing the borders open and allowing a flat out invasion of the United States. Besides the obvious criminals crossing the borders, we’re now seeing actual Islamic terrorists coming in.

There have been reports in the past regarding actual terrorists trying to cross into the United States from Mexico. Now we have a report of a Hezbollah bomb maker who was caught trying to cross the border. Here are the details from Fox News:

An illegal migrant caught in Texas near the Mexico border earlier this month claimed he’s a member of the terror network Hezbollah, was bound for New York and intended to make a bomb, sources confirmed to Fox News.

Basel Bassel Ebbadi, a 22-year-old Lebanese migrant, was caught in the El Paso sector on March 9, the Department of Homeland Security/Customs and Border Protection sources said, confirming the authenticity of a memo reported in the New York Post. Fox News is told further investigation will determine if he truly had terror ties and planned to launch an attack in the U.S.; the sources warned that volunteering terror connections would be highly unusual.

It may be that he was told to provide the information, and that he was part of a terror cell. That would start a large, resource intensive investigation that leads no where because he was nothing but an “Agent Provocateur.” On the flip side, the Feds might just decide he’s a fake and do nothing. The problem with that is we know that other known terrorists have made it into the United States.

The migrant claimed his training with the terror network was focused on “jihad” and “killing people that was not Muslim,” he reportedly told investigators.

It’s possible that he is Hezbollah and is bragging. Most of these Islamic terrorists are not noted for their great intelligence. Like most stupid people, they like to brag. (See Joe Biden) The problem is, a braggart he may be, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t a terrorist. I say we take no chances and retroactively abort him.

But, Ebbadi apparently told investigators he had interest in leaving the group because he “didn’t want to kill people,” though he added that “once you’re in, you can never get out.”

Interesting. If this is true, then he will be providing a cornucopia of useful information. Contacts, fellow terrorists, how he came to the border, who is paying for all this. Or he could be lying. On the flip side, back during World War Two, a group of Nazi spies and saboteurs landed in the United States. One of them turned himself in right away and provided a ton of useful intelligence. They executed him anyway.

Nevertheless, Ebbadi was placed into isolation and referred to the Tactical Terrorism Response Team (TTRT) after allegedly making “terroristic threats to personnel.”

“If an individual poses a potential threat to national security or public safety, we deny admission, detain, remove, or refer them to other federal agencies for further vetting, investigation and/or prosecution as appropriate,” a U.S. Customs and Border Patrol spokesperson told Fox News Digital.

I suspect this will be a first for this team. Usually they go after Americans who support President Trump.

Documents obtained by the New York Post showed that he was marked for deportation from the U.S., though it was unknown what country he would be returned to.

Might I suggest Rafah, in the Gaza Strip? Arrival scheduled for about 5 minutes before the IDF blows the city into rubble?

This potential terrorist should be sending up flares to DHS and the maladministration. There is no question that real terrorists are now in the United States and could be preparing for a major 9/11 or October 7th style attack. Such an attack, (October 7th in Israel), depending on the scale and the “targets” would be devastating. As to the results? My mind is moving into full conspiracy theory mode. Depending on when it happens, if it does, everything from a declaration of martial law up to canceling the election. Perhaps that’s what the maladministration is actually hoping for.

I’m sure it’s just my twisted mind dreaming up things. I can’t see even the corrupt Biden Maladministration and the Democrat Party actually allowing a mass casualty terrorist attack to occur just as a way to keep themselves in power. That would be a bit much even for them, especially since most of the “Soft” targets are in Democrat controlled cities and states. (Red States, people would be armed and shoot back) Yep, just my paranoia running rampant.


As I was finishing this up. there has been a massive terrorist attack in Moscow. This is something right out of Kurt Schlichter’s book The Attack. At first, there were people saying this was done by the Ukraine, however, this isn’t their style. Now ISIS has claimed responsibility. As to the Truth? It’s been only about 24 hours since the attack happened and details are still coming out. They’re also being filtered by the Russians, so there is that as well.

What worries me is that we may now see something like that happen here. Considering all the internal security the Russians have in place, and this was still pulled off, how hard will it be for terrorists to pull the same thing off here?


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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