So much for the Democrats saying Bidenomics is a good thing

Good day all. The disaster that has come to be known as “Bidenomics” has been going on since the first day of the worst presidential* administration in American History. Bidenomics was a term coined by someone on the Republican side when the economy began tanking on January 22, 2021.

A few months ago, the Biden Maladministration though it would be a good idea to try and take control of the term “Bidenomics” and make it their own. They had seen how the Republicans, especially the Trump Supporters could take all sorts of insults the Progressive Liberal Democrats threw at them, take them and own them as a term to be proud of. (See Deplorables, Ultra MAGA, etc)

Well, it didn’t work. The Democrats and the Biden Maladministration may have thought that they could take back Bidenomics, they forgot one key detail. The economy is currently crap. Now they are starting to drop the use of the term. Here are the details from the Daily Caller:

The White House and Democrats have abandoned its promotion of “Bidenomics,” the branding of President Joe Biden’s economic policies, according to Axios.

The president has not used the term “Bidenomics” since Jan. 25 aside from an address Tuesday in North Carolina, according to Axios. Most prominently, the president snubbed the term during his State of the Union in March.

Congressional Democrats have also decreased their use of the term, using it 483 times across addresses and social media posts in July but now using the term 10 times in March, an Axios analysis showed.

The reason the Democrats have basically given up using the word “Bidenomics” is very simple. Bidenomics is a complete and utter failure, much like Joe Dementia Biden. Of course, Biden doesn’t see it that way.

Leading economists aren’t making much fun of ‘Bidenomics’ anymore,” Biden said Tuesday, touting programs used to help the middle class through public spending. “They’re thinking maybe it works!”

Biden is not capable, even on his best day, of admitting he was wrong. He was blasting out how great his plans were last year. Now? Not so much.

Biden’s relationship with the branding of his economic policies waned towards the end of 2023. The president did not use the term during the month of November even while the White House boasted about the economy, NBC reported. Spanning from June 2023 to Nov. 2023, Biden used the term 101 times, though seemingly stopped using the term after Nov. 1.

By then his handlers had figured out that the American people weren’t buying the snake oil the maladministration was selling. The Republicans have been using Bidenomics almost from day one of this waste of oxygen infestation of the White House.

Congressional Republicans, however, have continued to use the term, according to Axios. The party lawmakers haven’t used the term less than 400 times since July 2023 and at least 474 times in public statements during March 2024, an Axios analysis states.

And the Republicans have not been using the phrase Bidenomics in a positive light. Well, the GOP has been positive that Bidenomics has been an epic disaster for the United States of America. The attempt to take control of Bidenomics was such a failure that Democrats were begging the White House to change their messaging on it.

With all due respect to the president, to the White House, this is not so much about them as it is the people who are benefiting by the policies that they came out and demanded,” Democratic Nevada Rep. Steven Horsford told the outlet. “We have to do a better job framing this not so much for one person — for the office of the presidency — but for the people.”

Nice try Horseface Horsford. No one other then a very few have been helped by Bidenomics. The vast majority have been hurt and hurt badly. You also failed to understand that this isn’t about “The People,” it’s all about Joe Biden.

The president’s inner circle was scrambling to salvage the branding of “Bidenomics” after being shown evidence during a meeting that the term was not landing, Politico reported in November 2023. Following the meetings, the president’s aides reportedly began preparing to tweak the messaging. However, they were still confident that the branding would prevail, according to Politico.

The Biden Maladministration and the Democrats trying to “Salvage” the term Bidenomics is like trying to refloat the Titanic and sailing her into New York. It’s not happening. Today, when people hear the word Bidenomics, they think massive inflation, high gas prices, layoffs and economic failure. With Biden’s latest budget submission, if passed, we are looking at flat out economic collapse. History will record that Bidenomics was a complete and utter failure, just like Joe Hair Sniffer Biden.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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2 Responses to So much for the Democrats saying Bidenomics is a good thing

  1. Jefferson Selvy says:

    Speaking as a Nevada voter, I hope Horsefry loses his next election bid. This, as usual, depends on how much money the California demonrats are willing to throw at the race. It’s how Cortez-Masto got her job


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