Biden Maladministration quick to tell Iran, “This wasn’t on us!”

Good day all. Recently, Israel hit a nest of Iranian terrorists, taking out another Iranian commander. They also happened to level an Iranian consulate.

Israel basically said “Oops! Sorry about that.” with regards to turning the consulate into a crater. However, the Iranian sycophants in the Maladministration panicked and announced that this was all on Israel and that they had nothing to do with it. Here are the details from Daily Caller:

The Biden administration quickly rushed to tell Iran that it had “no involvement” in an Israeli strike that resulted in the deaths of top Iranian military personnel, according to an Axios report published Tuesday.

I have a video of the maladministration spokesidiot denying any involvement.

Israel launched targeted airstrikes on a compound near the Iranian embassy in Damascus, Syria on Monday, killing two Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corp (IRGC) generals and five officers.

The Biden administration went “directly” to Iran and told them it had “no involvement in the [Israeli] strike and … did not know about it ahead of time,” according to a White House National Security Council (NSC) spokesperson and a U.S. official who spoke to Axios.

I’m about to say something that may be a first. I believe that the Biden Maladministration didn’t know that Israel was going to bomb the crap out of the Iranians in Syria. They have no reason to trust the Maladministration. In fact, they may have fed the maladministration some bogus intel knowing those idiots would hand it to Israel’s enemies. (There are a lot of Intel people who will be looking for new jobs once the Trump Administration takes office)

The Biden administration’s message to Iran on Monday is a rare occurrence, according to Axios. The U.S. and the West have a poor relationship with Iran, as the country is the largest state sponsor of terrorism and it masterminds several terrorist organizations throughout the Middle East, including Hamas.

A rare occurrence? I don’t think so. Biden has been sucking Iranian dick for years, just like Obama.

The strike in question took place shortly before a virtual meeting between the Israeli government and senior Biden administration officials, according to Axios. The meeting aimed to address Israel’s upcoming military operations against Hamas in Rafah —the southernmost region of Gaza — which the Biden administration does not currently support.

The maladministration is looking at the Democrat base, who have gone full Nazi, and are panicking over losing their votes, especially if/when Hamas is wiped out by Israel. The DNC, rather then pushing these antisemitic morons out, has been embracing them. This is one of the reasons that many of the now former Democrats are looking at President Donald Trump. They know he supports Israel and has no problem putting Iran in it’s place.

The airstrike was not discussed during the meeting.

That isn’t surprising. I doubt the Israeli delegation knew that it was on, (Operational Security), and the American delegation probably didn’t have any details on what happened.

Iran has vowed revenge against Israel for the strikes on Monday, accusing the Israeli government of “[breaching] all international conventions,” according to Axios.

The Israeli strikes and Iran’s promise to retaliate underscore the threat of broader conflict opening up in the Middle East. Since Oct. 7 — the day Hamas invaded Israel and killed 1,200 civilians, prompting a massive Israeli counteroffensive — Iranian-backed terror groups have attacked Israeli and Western forces throughout the region.

Hamas is supported by Iran and Iran more then likely helped plan and execute the October 7th attack that butchered 1200+ Israeli Men, Women and Children. There has never been any love lost between Israel and Iran, and Iran has repeatedly stated that when they have nukes, they will use them on both Israel and the United States.

It’s not surprising that the worst administration in American history, fronted by the worst president* in American history is backing the enemies of the United States. One thing you can count on with regards to the Dementia Patient in Chief, he will always, without fail, pick the wrong side.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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