Cocaine Mitch Threatens to remain in the Senate

Good day all. The Republican Party has started to turn on Senate Minority Leader Cocaine Mitch “Brain freeze” McConnell. His actions for the last 8 years have not been as good for the country as it should be.

He did manage to keep the Corrupt Merrick Garland off the Supreme Court and most of the Trump judges have shown that they will uphold the Constitution as written. However, his actions in the last few elections have been “Questionable” at best. At worst? He actively sabotaged the elections of several Republican Senate candidates in 2022 who had a good chance of winning.

The reason was selfish. They wouldn’t support his continuation as the GOP leader in the Senate. He also helped sabotage elections in primaries for people who support President Trump, (And remove him). He recently announced that he would be stepping down from the GOP leadership in the Senate. Many thought he would be also resign from the Senate as well, since he is not doing well. He has had several incidents where he literally froze up in public. Instead, Brain Freeze McConnell has said he isn’t leaving. Here are the details from Breibart:

Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY), 82, intends to remain in the U.S. Senate to oppose conservatives who support a truce between Russia and Ukraine, he said Monday.

People are tired of sending our money and weapons to the Ukraine with no actual end game in sight. They don’t want the Ukrainians to be put back under the Russian thumb, but they do want to see a strategy that either leads to a victory or, more likely, forcing the Russians to the negotiation table from a position of strength.

Instead, it’s looking more and more that the Deep State, of which McConnell is a paid up member, are using the Ukraine War as nothing more then a weapons, tactics and strategy testing ground, with the the Ukrainians and the Russians as test subjects.

McConnell announced in February he would step down as Senate minority leader at the end of the cycle following health issues and incidents of freezing up during press conferences. He is the longest-serving party leader in Senate history.

He has been both in leadership and the Senate for far to long and it shows.

In an interview on WHAS, Terry Meiner asked McConnell what his “mindset” is “when your feet hit the floor in the morning?”

I’m not leaving the Senate,” McConnell said. “I’m particularly involved in actually fighting back against the isolationist movement in my own party. …Andd the symbol of that lately is ‘Are we gonna help Ukraine or not?’”

I’ve got this sort of on my mind for the next couple years as something I’m going to focus on,” he said.

McConnell slammed conservatives like Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) who oppose financially supporting the war in Ukraine.

What’s made it more troublesome is, it seems to me, others are heading in that direction, making arguments that are easily refuted. We’re not losing any of our troops; the Ukrainians are the ones doing the fighting,” McConnell said. “If the Russians take Ukraine, some NATO country would be next and then we will be right in the middle of it.”

Frankly, most Americans are tired of Europe and pouring billions of tax dollars into defending them when they won’t spend even to the levels they’ve agreed to. A few are just fine with the Russians invading, if there were a way for them to bypass the “Good Europeans” such as the Poles, Hungarians Chekz, Slovaks and Romanians. They can have the Germans, French and the rest west of the Elba river.

Under McConnell’s leadership, the national debt rose more than $30 trillion, illegal immigration continued, and real wages for American workers remained stagnant. Obamacare was enacted in 2010. Big banks were bailed out in 2008, and social media companies silenced individuals without repercussions.

This was all just fine with Cocaine Mitch. As long as he and his friends were taken care of, screw all those “Little People” in Kentucky and the rest of the country. Brain Freeze McConnell was reelection in 2020 during the Tainted Election. (He has a safe seat since Kentucky is a solid Republican state) The next time he will have to run will be in 2026, unless he does the right thing and retires, or drops dead.

The question now is will that Jurassic Politician try to run for reelection again in 2026? He would be 84 years old, and this time he would have a credible primary opponent. He won’t have any real support from the RNC either, especially if/when President Trump wins in November. Personally, I think he is just that arrogant to try. We shall see of course.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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